'18 TN OL Tanner Antonutti (UT signee)

Even as a non-college athlete, I recognize that there are team dynamics in play here. This will be addressed not ignored by said team. But there are no hard and fast set rules demanding physical violence. Haze him a little and give him some grief under the watchful purview of our new HC, and this’ll be a healthy teaching incident. Some of the other proposed solutions advocated by our posters either border or outright splat on thuggery.

Thugs win championships. 😎
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Where did I say that the perfect poster had liberties? Basically said most of the rest of us have made bad decisions and didn’t have an online mob demanding blood from them. :hmm:

Hahaha there would have been some scary online mobs for me if that was a thing when I was growing up.
Where did I say that the perfect poster had liberties? Basically said most of the rest of us have made bad decisions and didn’t have an online mob demanding blood from them. :hmm:

How is wanting a sincere apology and explanation "Wanting blood"?

If this kid walked out on Shields-Watkins and took a dump on the T..would that piss you off? To me this isn't a lot different.
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How is wanting a sincere apology and explanation "Wanting blood"?

If this kid walked out on Shields-Watkins and took a dump on the T..would that piss you off? To me this isn't a lot different.

So you had a quarrel with me going figurative with blood and upped the ante to a TURD? :lol: I might not want to win this one.
How is wanting a sincere apology and explanation "Wanting blood"?

If this kid walked out on Shields-Watkins and took a dump on the T..would that piss you off? To me this isn't a lot different.

I mean that would probably be an actual crime that would involve the police so a little different. But I would argue the whole team took a dump on the field this year so maybe we should kick them all out. Haha
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Been plenty teams that won national championships, that had plenty of thugs, that didn't vacate. Bama comes to mind. FSU comes to mind.

Never heard accounts of detailed violence against their teammates...just opponents. :)

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