'18 TN OL Tanner Antonutti (UT signee)

Hope Smith, McKenzie, and Warrior meet him at the door and don’t let him in.

How do we know he won’t be calling his BFF and telling him about our practices leading up to game week?

Fred White and Swain don’t want him on the team. That’s all I need to know

No offense to Swain and Fred White, but they have as much info as us. So their opinion is just as emotionally based as ours. I still say there is something fishy going on but please continue with your lynching.
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Are you serious? Percy harvin knocked out several teammates, missed most practices and punched Billy Gonzales their WR coach. They had a teammate steal the identity of a dead teammate and charge up credit cards.

These were individuals doing crimes. No organized blanket parties. Doesn’t meet my definition.
Sorry guys he needs to go. I'm a 41 year old man and this has pissed off. If he doesn't respect is team more then that he needs to go. They will give him hell in Knoxville .
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No offense to Swain and Fred White, but they have as much info as us. So their opinion is just as emotionally based as ours. I still say there is something fishy going on but please continue with your lynching.

Former players opinion carries more weight than any of ours. I’ll ride with them on this one
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I chalk it up to a kid being stupid and under the influence (probably) of alcohol and (certainly) a friend who is being a d*ck and has an axe to grind.

I imagine he’ll have some questions to answer, some minds to change, and loyalty to prove once he gets in the locker room (ie, he’s made his own road a little tougher by being a jack*ss) ... but I think he gets a shot to do it. Players have done/said much worse and have overcome it.
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No offense to Swain and Fred White, but they have as much info as us. So their opinion is just as emotionally based as ours. I still say there is something fishy going on but please continue with your lynching.

Lol Glitch. You really think Swain & Fred aren't privy to more info than us?
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Were they in the car next to them? What information is there to be “privy” to?

I was speaking in general.

But in this case, if there had been any discussions within the AD with regards to this incident, they would be more likely to have access to that info than we would.
I was speaking in general.

But in this case, if there had been any discussions within the AD with regards to this incident, they would be more likely to have access to that info than we would.

It’s pretty straightforward. He sang this. Now what?
That he shouldn’t be on the team. They wouldn’t trust him as teammate. If this were when they were playing they would take care of it. Fred White wants to call him on the phone and meet him in the Tennessee drill. They want him to go play for Ga or someone else were going to play so our guys can play against him. Fred White was hot over it.

I will take VFL's opinions over some message board intellectuals. 😁
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Because they actually suited up for the Vols and know what it is to rely on teammates and the importance of team. They bled for the program. If they think this guy shouldn’t be on the team then that means more than what dudes like us think
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Because they actually suited up for the Vols and know what it is to rely on teammates and the importance of team. They bled for the program. If they think this guy shouldn’t be on the team then that means more than what dudes like us think

I don't know what it is to rely on a teammate or the importance of team? I've not put my body and blood on the line? Do I get to choose who gets to be Americans then?

Hyperbole? Maybe but your argument is not holding water.
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Because they actually suited up for the Vols and know what it is to rely on teammates and the importance of team. They bled for the program. If they think this guy shouldn’t be on the team then that means more than what dudes like us think

He has a scholarship. If you actually think Pruitt and Fulmer are going to cut him loose and bring more circus to this Barnum & Bailey offseason then you’ve been casting lures in bath salts again.
Hilarious. Guess I should know that individual acts of thuggery don’t classify as acts of thuggery against their own teammates.

Goodnight man.

I thought we were discussing some form of waterboarding for the unfortunate recording artist. Wouldn’t that be somewhat ORGANIZED? Night...make sure you pee pee if you drank water. :)

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