'18 TN OL Tanner Antonutti (UT signee)

My decision making in my life is irrelevant to Tanner and the standard doesn't revolve around my decision making. Terrible argument

Had social media been around when you were that age you'd have been f'ed.....if it truly is him then Pruitt can address it as he sees fit, but kicking him off the team is dumb as hell IMO. Play it in front of the team at a team meeting and embarrass the hell out of him
He has a scholarship. If you actually think Pruitt and Fulmer are going to cut him loose and bring more circus to this Barnum & Bailey offseason then you’ve been casting lures in bath salts again.

A lot of the lunatic fringe would. Many Tennessee fans have become a freaking embarrassment
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Exactly. Just like you.

But all things equal, they have more access to info.


I have consistently said that there is not enough information to condemn him and we should let Tanner and the coaches deal with this if they even consider it worth dealing with. If it were me, I'd tell him to stop drinking whatever made him sing that song and hit the buffet and the weight room.
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Had social media been around when you were that age you'd have been f'ed.....if it truly is him then Pruitt can address it as he sees fit, but kicking him off the team is dumb as hell IMO. Play it in front of the team at a team meeting and embarrass the hell out of him

That's quite an absolute statement for someone who doesn't even know me. Perhaps a year into college but that was 2006/2007 and social media sorta existed already.
Guys stop taking up for him . He made his bed let him lay in it.

I don't know that anyone has defended him. Some of just think kicking him off the team is overkill since we don't have all the facts.
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I thought we moved on to how fat he was. Guess not. All this whining over a song is making me a huge tanner fan. I'm gonna have to buy his jersey and album now. Hopefully I get a discount for buying both.
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This has been the hot topic and I want to participate. Unfortunately, I don't give a rat's azz if we keep him or if his teammates pimp smack him.
Anyone want to bribe my vote?
I do accept bit coin.
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