'18 TN OL Tanner Antonutti (UT signee)

It's not.. apparently he has not seen what UT'S tuition is not to mention all other cost factors.

Besides should he get drafted by an NFL team, then before joining team get caught saying same thing about that team how you think that goes? Plus shows lack of respect to that team.

I see what yer saying but my point isn't about the league minimum but about the difference between what he receives and how much money the school will make from football while he is there.
Not really relevant imo. He still contributes to the overall product. A lot of players don't see the field. They still help make the school a ton of money. Should we go to 26 scholarships instead of 85? Yes I realize that is a stretch so no need to jump on that. If you are saying this guy should be punished because you don't think he's good enough to play it undercuts the point of him doing something wrong. What if he was a star player? I am not saying that's yer point, just that it keeps getting brought up.

I'll make it easier: to compare the compensation of an NFL player to a college recruit that isn't on campus yet is kinda dumb. To say he is or is not worth a scholarship is another question, but since players are cut all of the time for not performing, the question about being worth it has been answered.
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Like I said even if want to use that analogy, how would it go if a player was drafted by NFL team, and before joining team, got caught saying what he said about that team?

Yer asking the wrong person because as I've said before I don't think he did anything wrong. But to yer point, nfl players say stupid things all the time and most of the time it's not a big deal.
Yer asking the wrong person because as I've said before I don't think he did anything wrong. But to yer point, nfl players say stupid things all the time and most of the time it's not a big deal.

You don't think Tanner did anything wrong singing "F Tennessee" on video?
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I'll make it easier: to compare the compensation of an NFL player to a college recruit that isn't on campus yet is kinda dumb. To say he is or is not worth a scholarship is another question, but since players are cut all of the time for not performing, the question about being worth it has been answered.

I was just clarifying someone else's post not arguing. Thanks for making it easier though. You are my hero. Maybe a little more condescending next time and you'll convince me I'm wrong. Still nobody has answered my question of if this was say alantae Taylor would you still be saying to cut him loose?
I was just clarifying someone else's post not arguing. Thanks for making it easier though. You are my hero. Maybe a little more condescending next time and you'll convince me I'm wrong. Still nobody has answered my question of if this was say alantae Taylor would you still be saying to cut him loose?

No condescension intended. I was trying to reduce the range of the discussion.
You don't think Tanner did anything wrong singing "F Tennessee" on video?

It has no affect on me. Jennings did way worse and some who want tanner out want Jennings back. It's hypocritical. If his teammates want an apology or punishment for him that is up to them. I do not take him singing a song as a personal attack on me, my home, or anything other than him singing a song. He owes me nothing. Seems like a good kid with no prior history of doing anything wrong.
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I was just clarifying someone else's post not arguing. Thanks for making it easier though. You are my hero. Maybe a little more condescending next time and you'll convince me I'm wrong. Still nobody has answered my question of if this was say alantae Taylor would you still be saying to cut him loose?

You have been constructive in your posts, and I appreciate that, but how is saying F Tn not doing anything wrong?

Also if it was Taylor, I would say same thing which is he should make public apology and to team. The reason I say public, it because it became public and so to me that insults Tn fans not just team imo. Honestly though, I would not have problem letting either go btw.
It has no affect on me. Jennings did way worse and some who want tanner out want Jennings back. It's hypocritical. If his teammates want an apology or punishment for him that is up to them. I do not take him singing a song as a personal attack on me, my home, or anything other than him singing a song. He owes me nothing. Seems like a good kid with no prior history of doing anything wrong.

So when someone says F Tn what does that mean?
You are comparing the 2% of college players that actually make it to the NFL, to a low 3* that hasn't been to his first practice. Right.

College football is a racket! How much does the university take in from donors, ticket sales, concessions, merchandising contracts, endorsements, tv money and a number of other revenues... as much and in most cases more than the typical NFL franchise. The biggest difference is the overhead colleges dont have to pay.

We are buying next years football season now based on the recruits and current roster, don’t kid yourself this is a business just like the NFL. We just don’t pay the athletes, as much at least...
So when someone says F Tn what does that mean?

To me it was lyrics to a song he was singing along with. Those kids have probably been friends a while and will probably continue to be friends, except when they play each other. I doubt he meant it as anything other than singing with his buddies. If you feel he should apologize that's fine. I don't think he does unless his teammates want one. I am mostly just debating with the kick him out part. I believe that is a little severe.
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College football is a racket! How much does the university take in from donors, ticket sales, concessions, merchandising contracts, endorsements, tv money and a number of other revenues... as much and in most cases more than the typical NFL franchise. The biggest difference is the overhead colleges dont have to pay.

We are buying next years football season now based on the recruits and current roster, don’t kid yourself this is a business just like the NFL. We just don’t pay the athletes, as much at least...

So who benefits from the money made in this racket?
So who benefits from the money made in this racket?

The university which is great but a ridiculously unfair amount of money is allotted toward college athletes, who buy all accounts is majorily responsible for the successful proceeds.

Anyhow my point was Tanner is an asset we won’t just drop him cause he had a lapse in judgement.
To me it was lyrics to a song he was singing along with. Those kids have probably been friends a while and will probably continue to be friends, except when they play each other. I doubt he meant it as anything other than singing with his buddies. If you feel he should apologize that's fine. I don't think he does unless his teammates want one. I am mostly just debating with the kick him out part. I believe that is a little severe.

I don't buy that he's just some innocent kid in all of this.
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Serious question.. CAN the school/AD declare his LOI null and void over this?

I, for one, do not think they should, but from what little I've read there's just a handful of reasons for doing this and I don't think offending a segment of the fanbase qualifies.

As long as meets admissions and eligibility requirements, the NLI will be honored. But he's only guaranteed financial aid for a year, not the right to play or participate in team activities. If his presence isn't welcome, they can find a reason to dismiss him for an undisclosed violation of team rules once he reports. One way or another, it'll be handled within the team.
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The university which is great but a ridiculously unfair amount of money is allotted toward college athletes, who buy all accounts is majorily responsible for the successful proceeds.

Anyhow my point was Tanner is an asset we won’t just drop him cause he had a lapse in judgement.

Right, the university...meaning scholarships for all of the other sports that aren't revenue positive. In contrast to the NFL, which makes money for billionaires. No comparison.

If college football players have a beef, it is with the other sports. But it's moot, because I'm not donating major $$ every year to watch tennis.
I don't buy that he's just some innocent kid in all of this.

Why? Has he given any indication that he doesn't like tennessee? Do you think every other thing he's said about tennessee, all positive things from what I've seen, has been fake and he secretly hates his state and his school and you personally? Okay that's not fair, we know he hates you. Haha. I just don't see it having any meaning other than singing along with his buddies. But hey, people say things all the time that may unintentionally offend others and have to apologize for it. So if he feels he needs to make a public apology then good for him. Other than that his teammates can decide if they need retribution and I don't need to know about it.
Right, the university...meaning scholarships for all of the other sports that aren't revenue positive. In contrast to the NFL, which makes money for billionaires. No comparison.

If college football players have a beef, it is with the other sports. But it's moot, because I'm not donating major $$ every year to watch tennis.

I think the coaches have benefited quite a bit as well but yes it helps a lot of people.

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