'18 TN OL Tanner Antonutti (UT signee)

Right, the university. Not millionaire athletes or billionaire owners, but a university...a not-for-profit public institution, which uses profits (in large part from donations) to provide educations to many others who could not afford it. Yet the OP called it a racket, and compared it to the NFL. Just no.

Education is very much for profit lol, don’t be oblivious!
Right, the university. Not millionaire athletes or billionaire owners, but a university...a not-for-profit public institution, which uses profits (in large part from donations) to provide educations to many others who could not afford it. Yet the OP called it a racket, and compared it to the NFL. Just no.

Pretty sure the people in charge of these schools are making a lot more than they used to because of how much money football pulls in now. Nothing wrong with it but you are acting like a few people aren't getting rich off of these players.
Pretty sure the people in charge of these schools are making a lot more than they used to because of how much money football pulls in now. Nothing wrong with it but you are acting like a few people aren't getting rich off of these players.

I'm a businessman. I make money on the efforts of others every day. I'm not naive. I just struggle with the characterization of college ball as some slush fund for rich people. The rich people in this equation are the ones donating.

The crime isn't the amount of money donated to the university in support of football, the crime is that the cost of an education is increasing at about 2x inflation. The crime is that while I can access the entire content of a college education from my cell phone, the cost of getting the degree is greatly outpacing economic growth...even while information technology costs plummet.
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I'm a businessman. I make money on the efforts of others every day. I'm not naive. I just struggle with the characterization of college ball as some slush fund for rich people. The rich people in this equation are the ones donating.

The crime isn't the amount of money donated to the university in support of football, the crime is that the cost of an education is increasing at about 2x inflation. The crime is that while I can access the entire content of a college education from my cell phone, the cost of getting the degree is greatly outpacing economic growth...even while information technology costs plummet.
I really hate getting off topic, but this is spot on.
I'm a businessman. I make money on the efforts of others every day. I'm not naive. I just struggle with the characterization of college ball as some slush fund for rich people. The rich people in this equation are the ones donating.

The crime isn't the amount of money donated to the university in support of football, the crime is that the cost of an education is increasing at about 2x inflation. The crime is that while I can access the entire content of a college education from my cell phone, the cost of getting the degree is greatly outpacing economic growth...even while information technology costs plummet.

Well now we're getting into a completely separate debate that probably belongs in another forum. I'm not necessarily arguing with you. Just saying these kids get a disproportionately smaller share for the amount of work blood sweat tears they put in. It's a fair argument to have either way. But that certainly benefits some people a lot more than them.
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Well now we're getting into a completely separate debate that probably belongs in another forum. I'm not necessarily arguing with you. Just saying these kids get a disproportionately smaller share for the amount of work blood sweat tears they put in. It's a fair argument to have either way. But that certainly benefits some people a lot more than them.

No, by all means, let's get back to discussing whether Tanner should be kicked off the team.

Fairness? Supply and demand. As long as there are more players than scholarships it will stay like it is.
"This statement offends me and the person making it needs to publicly apologize to me."

I hear that crap in politics, in media, and in business. The PC nature of it turns my stomach. I find it quite childish. If your feelings are so hurt and your demands for apology are this strident, you probably should not be on the internet. Or in adult company for tnat matter. Yall need to let this go. You look like a bunch of snowflakes.

If he chooses to apologize, accept it or don't. But demanding an apology from someone you don't even know is the stuff of little girls and self absorbed spoiled brats.

The only one looking like a self absorbed spoiled brat is Tanner, you knoiw the one that actually initiated the insult.
No, by all means, let's get back to discussing whether Tanner should be kicked off the team.

Fairness? Supply and demand. As long as there are more players than scholarships it will stay like it is.

Hahaha no this is better. Then maybe football money shouldn't be used for tennis and other sports. I'm not saying I believe that just that yer points are somewhat contradictory. I think the issue with rising tuition is a real problem but one would think the amount of money football makes would help with that. And I don't think giving the players a little more would hurt it. I'm not saying pay them what they deserve but maybe more than just a scholarship.
Hahaha no this is better. Then maybe football money shouldn't be used for tennis and other sports. I'm not saying I believe that just that yer points are somewhat contradictory. I think the issue with rising tuition is a real problem but one would think the amount of money football makes would help with that. And I don't think giving the players a little more would hurt it. I'm not saying pay them what they deserve but maybe more than just a scholarship.

Many contradictions. No easy answers. I don't see football players as exploited victims though. If football scholarships were outlawed, we'd still have a football team. But would we still bring in as much revenue? Would others get scholarships courtesy of the football team? Who knows.

That said, would we need as much money for scholarships if the cost of the education was doing what it should be? Probably not.
Many contradictions. No easy answers. I don't see football players as exploited victims though. If football scholarships were outlawed, we'd still have a football team. But would we still bring in as much revenue? Would others get scholarships courtesy of the football team? Who knows.

That said, would we need as much money for scholarships if the cost of the education was doing what it should be? Probably not.

Yeah I wouldn't call them victims just that they are the ones most responsible for the money and don't get compensation that reflects that.
What in the ever living hell is going on in here. I leave for a couple of weeks and this is the kind of sh** show I come back to!

I wasn't more than a couple of months ago I stood in the middle of a room full of donors, and our former AD, and said Fu** Tennessee and every one of you stupid fu**ers who can't understand what a fu**fest the AD has turned into.

I've loved Tennessee and Tennessee Football as long as I can remember and I said Fu** Tennessee.

Hell, I probably say it at least once a week, in front of friends and family...and other donors...with a crowd of 102,455 sitting in the stands, during football season. At least for the last several years.

You got a problem with it? :finger3:
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