'18 TN OL Tanner Antonutti (UT signee)


You were coming from a place of anger, much like JJ. I've said the same before when angry with the program.

What Tanner did was different.

You just destroyed your own argument while attempting to make your argument. You have zero context to what happened leading up to the video. Congrats.
What in the ever living hell is going on in here. I leave for a couple of weeks and this is the kind of sh** show I come back to!

I wasn't more than a couple of months ago I stood in the middle of a room full of donors, and our former AD, and said Fu** Tennessee and every one of you stupid fu**ers who can't understand what a fu**fest the AD has turned into.

I've loved Tennessee and Tennessee Football as long as I can remember and I said Fu** Tennessee.

Hell, I probably say it at least once a week, in front of friends and family...and other donors...with a crowd of 102,455 sitting in the stands, during football season. At least for the last several years.

You got a problem with it? :finger3:

Missed you. :huggy:
Profound. You enlightened me. Let me try this complex argument strategy.


Whew, I feel like a genius now. I think I won the argument.

Was it a joke?
Was it a dare?
Did he lose a bet?
Was it for money?

Don't care. Doesn't matter.
Yeah I forgot, barnyards are your thing

Kiss my ass.

How's it going man? Hope all is well.

Took some time off from VN. Took my family on a nice vacation over the holidays...got home and promptly sent the wife and kids to her mother's house for the weekend. Soloing it until Monday evening.

I've been better. Just found out my son has a significant ear drum perforation due to a doctor that yanked out his tube without consulting with me first on a follow up visit for a fungal infection. It's been a month since the dr. did that and over 60% is still missing. Alot of stuff going through my head about long term ramifications and lawyering up. He may need a skin graph which is an intense operation for a two year old.

Breaks my heart and has kept me up at night. He's a sweet boy, full of energy, laughter and joy. We will have it figured out I'm sure. The Lord always guides us and it usually works out. God usually puts weight on the shoulders that can handle it but I think I have enough to bear at the moment adding in the support of the in law. lol.
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Glad you didn't pull anything. I was worried when you didn’t respond for a while. Hahaha

Fans booing their team is not hypocritical. Fans getting upset that a prospect and by all accounts, fellow fan, said the same thing you admitted to saying can come off as hypocritical. Maybe it's not but this is all about perception being reality right?
Saturday’s are family time sorry to worry you.

I agree with your last sentence but let me ask you a genuine question...was it before or after tanner signed that that video was made?
I've been better. Just found out my son has a significant ear drum perforation due to a doctor that yanked out his tube without consulting with me first on a follow up visit for a fungal infection. It's been a month since the dr. did that and over 60% is still missing. Alot of stuff going through my head about long term ramifications and lawyering up. He may need a skin graph which is an intense operation for a two year old.

Breaks my heart and has kept me up at night. He's a sweet boy, full of energy, laughter and joy. We will have it figured out I'm sure. The Lord always guides us and it usually works out. God usually puts weight on the shoulders that can handle it but I think I have enough to bear at the moment adding in the support of the in law. lol.

Dam man, I hate to hear that.
Lol ok but to put things in perspective the NFL league minimum is right at $500,000-750,000 for years 1-4...

I’m not saying he has the right to speak disparingly of the university but it was just a parody song with friends not directed to anyone in particular and not meant for public viewing... if it was I can see the uproar but it was an unfortunate use of social media gone wrong.

He’ll be providing a 4 years at a very good rate in comparison to professional sports.

How exactly do we quantify what each player is bringing into the program? Tanner Antonutti jersey sales?
I've been better. Just found out my son has a significant ear drum perforation due to a doctor that yanked out his tube without consulting with me first on a follow up visit for a fungal infection. It's been a month since the dr. did that and over 60% is still missing. Alot of stuff going through my head about long term ramifications and lawyering up. He may need a skin graph which is an intense operation for a two year old.

Breaks my heart and has kept me up at night. He's a sweet boy, full of energy, laughter and joy. We will have it figured out I'm sure. The Lord always guides us and it usually works out. God usually puts weight on the shoulders that can handle it but I think I have enough to bear at the moment adding in the support of the in law. lol.

Very sorry to hear that. Will pray for him.
Well, if you would sing anything, I don't know what to say to you. :glare:

Sure. Couple drinks and I'll get boo'd off the karaoke stage. Hahaha. Sticks and stones will break my bones but song lyrics will cost me a fortune in therapy. As the old saying goes.
Was it a joke?
Was it a dare?
Did he lose a bet?
Was it for money?

Don't care. Doesn't matter.

Apparently it does. If he said it in anger I guess you'd be okay with it. Seems backwards to me but if that's how you feel about it then cool.
speaking of barnyards, who was the guy that claimed to be rich and had a picture out of him during a Halloween party dressed as a farmer humping a sheep?

Tux. Worked with him during the Torrance Gibson thread(s). :)
Saturday’s are family time sorry to worry you.

I agree with your last sentence but let me ask you a genuine question...was it before or after tanner signed that that video was made?

Haha. Not really worried just joking. I couldn't remember the context of the post you replied to before so I had to go find it. Haha. Had a bunch of family time today myself. Just got done grilling some burgers for my dad's bday.

As far as timing of the video I assume it was after but it wouldn't change my opinion of it either way.
I've been better. Just found out my son has a significant ear drum perforation due to a doctor that yanked out his tube without consulting with me first on a follow up visit for a fungal infection. It's been a month since the dr. did that and over 60% is still missing. Alot of stuff going through my head about long term ramifications and lawyering up. He may need a skin graph which is an intense operation for a two year old.

Breaks my heart and has kept me up at night. He's a sweet boy, full of energy, laughter and joy. We will have it figured out I'm sure. The Lord always guides us and it usually works out. God usually puts weight on the shoulders that can handle it but I think I have enough to bear at the moment adding in the support of the in law. lol.

Sorry to hear that. I hope he gets better.

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