You weren't there so don't even know what you are talking about. He was strutting around the store, his entire body language communicating that he was unapproachable, the clerks were leery of serving him, people left the store, some who also left their carts in the middle of the aisle. His goal was to show he was armed and dangerous, and he got his message through quite well. Not true, you know nothing, you weren't there. And just because you act differently with your almighty guns doesn't mean everyone else acts the same. But nevermind, I've encountered your like before. You engage in irrelevant arguments because someone doesn't think the way you do and cite your experiences to claim you're right and everyone who thinks or lives differently than you is wrong. So I'll just leave your spider hole of existence because it's a lost cause to even think about discussing the topic with folks like you. Seen it all before. As I said, even his own wife (or whoever was the woman with him) was VERY uncomfortable, and she knew him better than any of the rest of us did. His discomfort spoke volumes. Proceed to get in a huff, hew, and holler about it, that's what folks like you do without fail every time. BTW, I also don't cotton to the idea of trying to befriend a grizzly bear, by patting it on the head, offering to brush its fur, and tickling its belly. If think otherwise, that's your business, I would seek to dissuade you.