2016 Election Thread Part Deux

You do remember we have proof they are corrupt and are openly doing whatever they can to get Hillary elected right?

There can be little doubt but that the majority of people who go into journalism as a profession tend to be college educated and, therefore, statistically more likely to be moderate or liberal.

That doesn't make them wrong.

And in the case of Trump v. Clinton, my impression is that the news coverage has been tilted markedly against Trump. But that's because its entirely warranted.
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There can be little doubt but that the majority of people who go into journalism as a profession tend to be college educated and, therefore, statistically more likely to be moderate or liberal.

That doesn't make them wrong.

And in the case of Trump v. Clinton, my impression is that the news coverage has been tilted markedly against Trump. But that's because its entirely warranted.

So, you support your party rigging the system and media to not only help Hillary beat Trump, but also so she can beat another member of your party to the nomination?

Am I understanding that correctly, or am I missing something?
I can agree with this. All HRC has to do to win the election is just to stay quiet.

That's obviously her strategy. She's letting Trump and the right wingers punch themselves out.

Its 81 days to the election and the Trump campaign and the right are just tirelessly going on and on about emails. And Benghazi. And the same old tired crap that gets the base all up in arms, but is getting them nowhere with anyone else, especially the middle.

Even moderate Republicans haves imply had enough of the same old same old on this.

And so what does Trump do, to counter his falling numbers? He goes out and doubles down and hires Breitbart folks to try to turn things around!

Whether you like Clinton or not -- and I don't -- any Republican who refuses to see that the Trump campaign is in complete denial is also in denial.
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That's obviously her strategy. She's letting Trump and the right wingers punch themselves out.

Its 81 days to the election and the Trump campaign and the right are just tirelessly going on and on about emails. And Benghazi. And the same old tired crap that gets the base all up in arms, but is getting them nowhere with anyone else, especially the middle.

Even moderate Republicans haves imply had enough of the same old same old on this.

And so what does Trump do, to counter his falling numbers? He goes out and doubles down and hires Breitbart folks to try to turn things around!

Whether you like Clinton or not -- and I don't -- any Republican who refuses to see that the Trump campaign is in complete denial is also in denial.

The race between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton continues to tighten as it moves further from the conventions, but both candidates are still struggling to close the deal.

According to the Rasmussen polls it's a 2-point race...

Also, sorry we have an issue that the Democratic nominee is proven to be corrupt and she let innocent Americans die in Benghazi while doing nothing. How dare we.
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Sorry, would you rather me post one from CNN or NBC? Assuming the DNC sent them the latest numbers via email.

What can I tell you -- when faced with overwhelming evidence from a half a dozen polls or so that the Trump double down strategy is simply not working, your response is to cite a widely discredited polling service. A polling service proven to have an institutional bias, and proven repeatedly to be wrong.

When it is pointed out to the right wing that their numbers are dwindling, that the demographic wave is overwhelming them, and that they cannot go on with the strategies of the last 30 years and expect to win, they just stomp their feet and whine that the system is rigged.

That it cannot possibly be the case that the GOP is now in a position where it must fundamentally reorganize its message and its direction, if it wants to survive.

If you want to go on believing that its all a conspiracy, have at it. It will just get worse.

Right now, folks like you =

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What can I tell you -- when faced with overwhelming evidence from a half a dozen polls or so that the Trump double down strategy is simply not working, your response is to cite a widely discredited polling service. A polling service proven to have an institutional bias, and proven repeatedly to be wrong.

When it is pointed out to the right wing that their numbers are dwindling, that the demographic wave is overwhelming them, and that they cannot go on with the strategies of the last 30 years and expect to win, they just stomp their feet and whine that the system is rigged.

That it cannot possibly be the case that the GOP is now in a position where it must fundamentally reorganize its message and its direction, if it wants to survive.

If you want to go on believing that its all a conspiracy, have at it. It will just get worse.

Right now, folks like you =


Will you admit that with overwhelming evidence your party is corrupt and has rigged the system for Hillary?
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Parker Street, an American Patriot and admirer of President Andrew Jackson and General Douglas MacArthur, says it is an Outrage that Crooked Hillary has not held a Press Conference since December 4, 2015.
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So, you support your party rigging the system and media to not only help Hillary beat Trump, but also so she can beat another member of your party to the nomination?

Am I understanding that correctly, or am I missing something?

Just who did they rig against? Bernie? Since when has he been a member of the party?
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Parker Street, an American Patriot and admirer of President Andrew Jackson and General Douglas MacArthur, says it is an Outrage that Crooked Hillary has not held a Press Conference since December 4, 2015.

She would be foolish to hold one, Trump continues to botch this election every day, best thing she can do is stay quiet
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Lol, there's a ****load of "college educated" whites who will vote for Trump.I guess he didn't figure that into the equation..😂😂

Actually this is the first election since 1984 that the Republican Presidential candidate winning the majority of educated white voter demographic. Clinton has an 8 point lead among white voters with a college degree.
Actually this is the first election since 1984 that the Republican Presidential candidate winning the majority of educated white voter demographic. Clinton has an 8 point lead among white voters with a college degree.

Based on what? Faux polls?

Those are polls presented by the media to try and sway voters.
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