2020 Presidential Race

He doesn't know his own name, he doesn't know what office he's running for, I could go on and on so I have no doubt he can't remember the name of the virus which is odd because he is the leader of the party that's been hoping it crushes the economy and kills over 240K people
Oh, I get to post the VolNation standby now.

Oh I’m sure all of you are just fine physical specimens lol
Funny how name calling is a trigger event for the Right now. They've been doing it for over a decade; someone calls their sacred cow a fat ass more or less, and now they are triggered about fat shaming and racism against poor white billionaires. They were cool with trashing folks until it hit too close to boot-licking home. Now they are just as triggered and not different at all than Bernie Bros.
Funny how name calling is a trigger event for the Right now. They've been doing it for over a decade; someone calls their sacred cow a fat ass more or less, and now they are triggered about fat shaming and racism against poor white billionaires. They were cool with trashing folks until it hit too close to boot-licking home. Now they are just as triggered and not different at all than Bernie Bros.

You can make fun of Michelle Obama all you want but leave my poor Trump alone!!!!!
Well, I like long-haired dude more now. I never listen to him and his insane conspiratorial ranting, but at least he has cats. Pretty calico girl in the pic.
CLEAR SIGN OF DEMENTIA. I saw it on a meme, must be true. It is true, anything less than agreement means you are an American hating commie.

Why must Trump lie at every turn? I mean simple, demonstrably-false lies. He just can't seem to help himself.

Tell me Trumpsters, is that he doesn't know he's lying, does he have some sort of mental condition, or does he simply relish lying to you in the hopes you'll believe him?

# # #

"President Donald Trump on Wednesday threatened federal funding to Michigan and Nevada, as those two Democratic-led states pursue mail-in voting.

Trump falsely claimed on Twitter that Michigan is sending ballots, and not ballot applications, to its voters. On Tuesday, Michigan’s secretary of state said her office would send absentee ballot applications to voters for elections in August and November. Nevada is planning an all-mail election for its June 9 primary."

Donald J. Trump



Breaking: Michigan sends absentee ballots to 7.7 million people ahead of Primaries and the General Election. This was done illegally and without authorization by a rogue Secretary of State. I will ask to hold up funding to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path!..


7:51 AM - May 20, 2020

Jocelyn Benson



I also have a name, it’s Jocelyn Benson. And we sent applications, not ballots. Just like my GOP colleagues in Iowa, Georgia, Nebraska and West Virginia. https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1263074783673102337 …
Why must Trump lie at every turn? I mean simple, demonstrably-false lies. He just can't seem to help himself.

Tell me Trumpsters, is that he doesn't know he's lying, does he have some sort of mental condition, or does he simply relish lying to you in the hopes you'll believe him?

# # #

"President Donald Trump on Wednesday threatened federal funding to Michigan and Nevada, as those two Democratic-led states pursue mail-in voting.

Trump falsely claimed on Twitter that Michigan is sending ballots, and not ballot applications, to its voters. On Tuesday, Michigan’s secretary of state said her office would send absentee ballot applications to voters for elections in August and November. Nevada is planning an all-mail election for its June 9 primary."

Donald J. Trump

Breaking: Michigan sends absentee ballots to 7.7 million people ahead of Primaries and the General Election. This was done illegally and without authorization by a rogue Secretary of State. I will ask to hold up funding to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path!..
7:51 AM - May 20, 2020

Jocelyn Benson

I also have a name, it’s Jocelyn Benson. And we sent applications, not ballots. Just like my GOP colleagues in Iowa, Georgia, Nebraska and West Virginia. https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1263074783673102337 …
Trump has dementia. Didn't you see the posts above proving it?
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Trump has dementia. I saw it on a meme and now a gif! Spread the word!
You don’t need a meme to realize that Biden clearly has issues forming complete thoughts.
But, because he’s not Trump, and with few exceptions, the democrats are falling in line behind him just like the republicans did with Trump.
If Biden wins, it’ll be interesting to see if the DNC can control it's own “anybody but Biden” faction better than the RNC has controlled the never Trumpers.
You don’t need a meme to realize that Biden clearly has issues forming complete thoughts.
But, because he’s not Trump, and with few exceptions, the democrats are falling in line behind him just like the republicans did with Trump.
If Biden wins, it’ll be interesting to see if the DNC can control it's own “anybody but Biden” faction better than the RNC has controlled the never Trumpers.
Trump has dementia! The proof is all over this thread, some just don't want to see it! Cover-up underway for Trump and his rampant dementia.
Trump has dementia. I saw it on a meme and now a gif! Spread the word!

I don't think he has dementia. In fact, in terms of speed of thought process I'd say he's pretty impressive given his age. He is certainly oddly energetic.

Trump's problem is not the speed with which he thinks. Its the lack of knowledge, the desire to affirmatively avoid knowledge, and the willingness to deny objective fact because his ego cannot take it and he has no perspective other than selfish that is alarming. Its not the speed -- its the content.
I don't think he has dementia. In fact, in terms of speed of thought process I'd say he's pretty impressive given his age. He is certainly oddly energetic.

Trump's problem is not the speed with which he thinks. Its the lack of knowledge, the desire to affirmatively avoid knowledge, and the willingness to deny objective fact because his ego cannot take it and he has no perspective other than selfish that is alarming. Its not the speed -- its the content.
Guess I should have marked all those posts with /s...

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