I am holding your feet to the fire on this one. You actually have to go through several links to get to the full affidavit, but this is what he says:
1) He is a trained poll challenger.
2) He saw that they pulled SOME mail in ballots out of the sleeves to see if they were problem ballots that had to be reviewed by hand.
3) He also saw an undescribed number of ballots that were checked against the voter rolls and on some also undescribed number of occassions they used a supplemental list of voters to match the ballot to a registered voter.
4) He had to watch some of this process at two tables, but they were eight feet apart, so if you wanted to watch both tables at once, you had to be within four feet of one of them and one of the pollworkers made him stand at least 6 feet back so he had to be further away than he wanted to.
5) There was a period of confusion because some Republican watchers had went to lunch and they thought they could come back in as a certain number were allowed in, but as they had not signed out there was some double counting so there was some period they weren't allowed back in.
Here is the problem with all of that:
1) He does not say, and offers no evidence, that a vote for Trump was not counted, or an illegal vote for Biden was counted. NOT ONE!
2) He gives no idea of the number of times this happened. It appears in context its a handful. In fact, at one point, he says he saw "several" ballots placed into the problem ballots group because they were now out of their secrecy sleeves.
3) He gives no indication, nor can he, that this caused a vote for Trump to go into the problem ballots group.
4) On the list of matched voters, he admits the list was "relatively small." He does not even remotely say that this happened in any significant number.
In short, the affidavit is filled with speculation about some tiny number of possible instances of a a quesiton he would raise in processing. And that's it. To repeat, he does not say a single vote was counted incorrectly. NOT ONE.