2020 Presidential Race

So are Pubs trying to move people in as well? It would be stupid for them not to if the left is actively encouraging it.

Those pesky things called jobs and responsibility get in the way of temporarily moving republican types to GA. Now the devil went down to GA because his place of work was more flexible ... besides with the great Atlanta blue shift, GA is the new southern hellhole.
Those pesky things called jobs and responsibility get in the way of temporarily moving republican types to GA. Now the devil went down to GA because his place of work was more flexible he was looking to make a deal... He was way behind
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State officials warning people not to move to Georgia just to vote in Senate races

Well apparently you have to show ID at least to vote in GA and each new registered voter has to give a SSN at registration too which can be crossed to the other states to see if they voted. I really hope anybody registered after Nov 3 from out of state gets serous scrutiny. But anybody who was a resident prior to Nov 3 it’s fair game frankly.

Edit: nope, only valid proof of citizenship if not using a GA DL or state ID
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What process? Vote counting is elementary. 333+1=334. There are no negative votes; there are no percentages. Simple first grade arithmetic. If you make it more difficult than that, you are screwing with the process. Now if it's about registration, ID, etc, why would that have anything to do with what goes on once the votes are cast? There actually should be one additional feature in the software - to detect multiple entries and invalid ballots, but that requires front end work - uniquely coded ballots - paper ballots. We've continued to use real old fashioned paper ballots here where I am in TN for so long, that I sometimes forget other places are "more advanced" and less sophisticated.
I've continued to say that she has made some bold claims. Either she has got some real heat or she is a bigger troll than QAnon.

We will see. The proof will be if and when these states start certifying elections, from what it looks like.
Seems like a big risk to make some claims just for some air time. I’ve been firmly in the camp of I’ll believe it when I see it. I agree there are things that seem suspicious but without proof it means nothing. If I were betting I’d say nothing comes of it but we shall see.
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Yep, and remember Clinton told Joe to not concede “under any circumstances.” There’s a reason for that - it’s called the 12th Amendment. And we have precedent for this scenario. See the election of 1800. There’s a real and valid reason Trump will not concede. I think I’ll love how this all ends. Liberals won’t.

I don't believe DC can allow the results to be changed, but I do believe Trump would be a fool not to force the process to continue and challenge the process every step of the way. Finding and admitting election fraud on a grand scale goes way to far in exposing the fallacy that government officials actually know what they are doing. It's why we need to keep electing outsiders; they are the only hope of exposing official corruption and/or base incompetence.
Seems like a big risk to make some claims just for some air time. I’ve been firmly in the camp of I’ll believe it when I see it. I agree there are things that seem suspicious but without proof it means nothing. If I were betting I’d say nothing comes of it but we shall see.
I can't imagine a lawyer at her age playing around with duece/seven offsuit talking the amount of trash she's talked in the past couple of days.
I'll throw those denials in with weapons of mass destruction and osamas burial at sea claims.
Do you have any proof that voter fraud took place in this contest? Or are you just taking the word of the bitter loser with the fragile ego - Donald Trump? The burden of proof lies with the people making the claims of wrongdoing. Trump and his legal team are just blowing smoke because they lost... and because you wanted them to win, you are eager to believe them, with zero evidence.
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He didn’t. In fact towards the end it was emphasized all claims of fraud would be investigated
The Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in the United States Department of Homeland Security, Christopher C. Krebs, has thoroughly debunked the claims of voter fraud on a website run by the CISA dubbed "Rumor Control" which was established to discredit any and all claims of voter fraud, attempting to undermine the results of the presidential election.

Do yourself a favor and take a look at the Krebs' site: CISA.gov - and the click on "Rumor Control". It covers every false allegation. It is the reason that the White House will probably fire Krebs. He has debunked all of their lies and nonsense, in one place.
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No I think the Comey letter less than two weeks before the election was the tipping point. Combined with HRC just being a controversial candidate already there were plenty of people that didn’t like either that decided to give the so-called business man a chance.

That doesn’t mean I think Russians or any foreign power should be allowed to meddle in our elections. Much less to do it with the intent of helping one candidate.

Instead of consistently calling it a hoax and denying there was any interference at all, Trump could have done himself a lot of favors by acknowledging what the Intelligence community was telling him and the GOP Senate confirmed and then denounce it, as he likes to say, “very strongly”.
But to hear Dems now, we just had the most secure election ever so Trump must’ve done something about it then, right?
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