2020 Presidential Race

Oh yeah, maybe “states replicate this process for their own certification” has some super secret “engineer” meaning.
Here ya go Albert. Focus on the third party labs and bipartisan panel part at the start of the second paragraph 🤣🤣🤣

All the replicate is the configuration. It is beyond any rational scope to infer that each state stands up their own design house after the result has been validated and configured.

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Here ya go Albert. Focus on the third party labs and bipartisan panel part at the start of the second paragraph 🤣🤣🤣

All the replicate is the configuration. It is beyond any rational scope to infer that each state stands up their own design house after the result has been validated and configured.

View attachment 327123
Nice try, but:
Read the very next sentence.
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Why don’t you and @NorthDallas40 get on the same page. Is he lying or is there some obscure interpretation that makes his words mean something completely different than their plain meaning? I’ll wait while you two hash it out.

There's a distinct difference in putting in sample ballots and seeing if the system gets the count right vs going through the code line by line to see if there is code that's not supposed to be there or code that's been altered. If you build a system where safety or security are issues, then you verify that the hardware is constructed as designed and any computer code is as written and approved. You for sure don't update and change things during operation or even before operation once the configuration is supposedly locked.

This is the kind of thing that got VW burned on the diesel emissions testing. Software that switched emissions controls off for drivability while on the road, but with the necessary reversion to emissions controls on during testing. You don't find that without going through the code to find the hidden switch.
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Now, you may have finally hit on something. I suppose you'd have to find some official body like a court or open legislature willing to listen to be sworn in.
As far as I know, the process is: crime is committed, evidence collected, prosecution organized (if evidence is sufficient), case presented, outcome determined.

It seems that people in this case want the process to be: accusation made, prosecution organized, present accusation, wish for evidence, outcome determined.

Not sure how anybody with any sense could think that is legitimate.
So he’s not carrying Trumps water as you initially claimed?
He took several liberties with his Mueller report synopsis that I have never seen an AG do. Keep in mind I do not believe Trump should have been impeached. That was a bridge too far. Did I go too far? Probably. But to take your point about AG's and the POTUS they serve, this would be the first time he hasn't done Trump any favors and outright called his boss wrong. I would hope reasonable people would take Barr's opinion for what it's worth. It does behoove him to toe the company line.
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There's a distinct difference in putting in sample ballots and seeing if the system gets the count right vs going through the code line by line to see if there is code that's not supposed to be there or code that's been altered. If you build a system where safety or security are issues, then you verify that the hardware is constructed as designed and any computer code is as written and approved. You for sure don't update and change things during operation or even before operation once the configuration is supposedly locked.

This is the kind of thing that got VW burned on the diesel emissions testing. Software that switched emissions controls off for drivability while on the road, but with the necessary reversion to emissions controls on during testing. You don't find that without going through the code to find the hidden switch.
No no no. Our pettifogger has this all figured out based on the CEO statement. The states had their own code creation capability in house but instead they contracted dominion to do it😂
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Trumps legal team should bring them before judges. Of course some of this we can research on our own. Like how Dominion voting machines were not related in any way to Venezuela and Hugo Chavis. Meaning anyone who is being sourced as "news" who propagated that fairy tail can be readily ignored. Or the "sworn affidavit" swearing that irregularities happened in a county in Minnesota (might have been Michigan can't remember for sure) but oops that county doesn't exist in that state. You would think a good legal team would research some of this crap before they file it in a lawsuit. Unless of course they are just seeing how much poop can they throw against the wall.
It’s beyond time for something like that to happen. Again I see all kinds of out of sync stuff on this election that has been shown to not fit the norm. And I also give those statistical analyses a lot of weight that’s straight forward stuff that shows how abnormal this election was. But that by itself is just “where there’s smoke there’s fire” and that isn’t good enough to me. For what’s at stake you have to have proof of the fire.

I absolutely believe hokey pokey stuff happened. But it has to be proven. And that hasn’t happened. That’s all
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There's a distinct difference in putting in sample ballots and seeing if the system gets the count right vs going through the code line by line to see if there is code that's not supposed to be there or code that's been altered. If you build a system where safety or security are issues, then you verify that the hardware is constructed as designed and any computer code is as written and approved. You for sure don't update and change things during operation or even before operation once the configuration is supposedly locked.

This is the kind of thing that got VW burned on the diesel emissions testing. Software that switched emissions controls off for drivability while on the road, but with the necessary reversion to emissions controls on during testing. You don't find that without going through the code to find the hidden switch.
This is a deflection.

Previously, I pointed out several different points in time for my admittedly rudimentary method for a proof of function. One of the points in time was the certification. You two said they needed to review the source code.

The CEO of dominion just said that is in fact done, twice, by federally selected third parties and states during the certification of every tabulation system.

So y’all work out amongst yourselves whether the better argument is semantics about what these guys meant what they plainly said or whether they’re lying liars.

P.S. - Volkswagen got caught.
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No no no. Our pettifogger has this all figured out based on the CEO statement. The states had their own code creation capability in house but instead they contracted dominion to do it😂
Georgia said they partnered with Georgia Tech. Your argument that a state lacks the capability to perform this kind of review is DOA. Try again.
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Georgia said they partnered with Georgia Tech. Your argument that a state lacks the capability to perform this kind of review is DOA. Try again.
Oh ********. Georgia Tech is an also ran in who actually did the damn audit and I’ve pointed it out to you before. They were recommended to bring in Pro V&V whom are the recognized experts and they conducted the “audit”. Hell I’d guess they did the third party source review back when it was done at the DESIGN REVIEW. I know you’re slow so I’ll link it again.

Secretary Raffensperger Announces Completion Of Voting Machine Audit Using Forensic Techniques No Sign Of Foul Play | Elections

Pro V&V, based in Huntsville, Alabama is a U.S. Election Assistance Commission-certified Voting System Test Laboratory (VSTL), meaning the lab is “qualified to test voting systems to Federal standards.” VSTL certification is provided for under the Help America Votes Act of 2002. Pro V&V’s accreditation by the USEAC was also recommended by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the U.S. government’s physical science laboratory dedicated to creating standards and measures that would help America be the leading science innovator in the world. NIST contributes regularly to the development of cybersecurity and elections security standards for the U.S. and the world.

Pro V&V conducted an audit of a random sample of Dominion Voting Systems voting machines throughout the state using forensic techniques, including equipment from Cobb, Douglas, Floyd, Morgan, Paulding, and Spalding Counties. ICP (precinct ballot scanners), ICX (ballot marking devices), and ICC (central absentee ballot scanners) components were all subject to the audit. In conducting the audit, Pro V&V extracted the software or firmware from the components to check that the only software or firmware on the components was certified for use by the Secretary of State’s office. The testing was conducted on a Pro V&V laptop independent of the system.

According to the Pro V&V audit, all of the software and firmware on the sampled machines was verified to be the software and firmware certified for use by the Office of the Secretary of State. Coupled with the risk-limiting audit of all paper ballots relying solely on the printed text of the ballots, these steps confirm the assessment of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency that there are no signs of cyber attacks or election hacking.

Pro V&V conducted the audit. They are the professionals. Your “but Georgia Tech” implication is sheer stupidity
As far as I know, the process is: crime is committed, evidence collected, prosecution organized (if evidence is sufficient), case presented, outcome determined.

It seems that people in this case want the process to be: accusation made, prosecution organized, present accusation, wish for evidence, outcome determined.

Not sure how anybody with any sense could think that is legitimate.

There's that pesky constitutional issue about government being required to listen when people have a grievance. It doesn't spell out the cops - prosecutor - court connection; or that one of them gets to opt out and shut it all down.
This is a deflection.

Previously, I pointed out several different points in time for my admittedly rudimentary method for a proof of function. One of the points in time was the certification. You two said they needed to review the source code.

The CEO of dominion just said that is in fact done, twice, by federally selected third parties and states during the certification of every tabulation system.

So y’all work out amongst yourselves whether the better argument is semantics about what these guys meant what they plainly said or whether they’re lying liars.

P.S. - Volkswagen got caught.
Stick to whatever it is you do and don’t offer professional opinions on software design or validation methods would be both mine and @AM64 ’s recommendation 😂
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He took several liberties with his Mueller report synopsis that I have never seen an AG do. Keep in mind I do not believe Trump should have been impeached. That was a bridge too far. Did I go too far? Probably. But to take your point about AG's and the POTUS they serve, this would be the first time he hasn't done Trump any favors and outright called his boss wrong. I would hope reasonable people would take Barr's opinion for what it's worth. It does behoove him to toe the company line.
Mueller forced action by Barr as far as I’m concerned. He went thru all that crap and at the end made ZERO charges he just shrugged his shoulders and said here let Congress deal with it. Barr was right in his condemnation of Mueller, he vacated the responsibility he was invested with and issued a vague non indictment indictment. Thus... no misconduct move on! It was a total bull **** move by Mueller.
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