2020 Presidential Race

Yes Biden would have beaten Trump. Jim Webb would have won in a landslide. Hell Martin O’Malley would have likely beaten him. Democrats have a good chance of winning next November if they don’t go bat**** crazy left. Problem is they’re going bat**** crazy left.
If they hadn't spent so much time and energy trying to impeach Trump, I'd probably agree, but I think they've shot themselves in the foot. If they end up with a far left candidate, it's going to be tough for them to win IMO.
Not sure I agree with this. Trump didn't win the popular vote, he won the Electoral College.
He won by a thin margin in several crucial states and almost a quarter of Bernie primary voters did not vote for Hillary.
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Not sure I agree with this. Trump didn't win the popular vote, he won the Electoral College.
He won by a thin margin in several crucial states and a full quarter of Bernie supporters did not vote for Hillary.
You mean like those southerners in Ohio, Michigan, PA and Wisconsin?
Butch’s cons worked in Michigan and Ohio as well.
Hillary could have been President if her own ego didn't lead her to believe she could skip campaigning in certain states. I think that's the biggest reason she lost. Not Bernie, not Russia, not even backlash against the system. Hillary was so sure she would win she didn't put in the effort, and it cost her. But the left couldn't admit to that so they had to place blame elsewhere.
Hillary could have been President if her own ego didn't lead her to believe she could skip campaigning in certain states. I think that's the biggest reason she lost. Not Bernie, not Russia, not even backlash against the system. Hillary was so sure she would win she didn't put in the effort, and it cost her. But the left couldn't admit to that so they had to place blame elsewhere.
Oh, this is 100 percent correct as well. She ****ed up a sure thing.
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If the Democrats insist on giving free healthcare to illegal immigrants, decriminalizing border crossings, Medicare for all, raising taxes, and student loan debt relief then trump is going to be re-elected.
This. The left is crazy if they think this is what Americans want. I have a very hard time seeing a far left candidate having enough appeal to beat Trump with this kind of platform. I think most Americans would just prefer to keep the douche bag as President and keep the status quo. The left is trying to rock the boat too far and too fast. But Trump rage is keeping them from seeing this.
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Seriously Clark? You need a link?


You are saying that the reason Moscow Mitch blocked the bills to improve election security was because there were pork riders on them. I maintain he blocked them because it makes Trump mad whenever anybody points out that there was Russian interference in the election he "won."

So put up or shut up. Show me the pork attachments to those bills and proof that is why they were blocked.

I didn't think so.
Oh, that’s part of it, but a unified base wins that election. I believe that would be the case this time as well.
If they do the same thing and trot Biden out there it will be even worse. Trump will also win the popular vote. The democratic party is now split up in two fractions. There's the "moderates" and the "progressives". The moderates will vote for whomever ends up as the democratic nominee. The progressives will not vote for the centrist candidate that is in deep with the corporations, big banks, and big pharma, and that's a neolib that wants us in constant war and regime changes. It's exactly why they stayed home because they refused to vote for Hilary. Hilary was corrupt, and her foreign policy was atrocious. She will still not own up to her failure of intervening and toppling Qaddafi in Libya. It is 2019 and there is literally open slave trading going on in that country and it's Obama, Hilary, and his administrations fault!

These corrupt neolibs/cons are foaming at the mouth of doing the same thing in Venezuela and Syria. We have to stop intervening in other countries and leave them alone! One of the few things that I liked about Trump is that he ran on getting us out of regime changes, but he surrounded himself with people who are determined to stick their noses in places they don't belong, (Bolton, Pompeo, Haley, etc.) are all wanting war and I don't know how much longer he can hold those war-hawks off.
I do not oppose many of those initiatives, however as far as the criminal justice system goes he could ONLY change aspects of the federal system.
For sure. Not a panacea, just a start.

I hope it would have a domino effect with marijuana. I think marijuana legalization would lead to massive savings. Be interesting to talk to a prosecutor, defense attorney, or police officer from Washington, Colorado, or one of the other states that has legalized, to see if my expectations are correct.
For sure. Not a panacea, just a start.

I hope it would have a domino effect with marijuana. I think marijuana legalization would lead to massive savings. Be interesting to talk to a prosecutor, defense attorney, or police officer from Washington, Colorado, or one of the other states that has legalized, to see if my expectations are correct.

I support legalizing all drugs and regulating them much like alcohol but I know that's not happening anytime soon or ever.
If they do the same thing and trot Biden out there it will be even worse. Trump will also win the popular vote. The democratic party is now split up in two fractions. There's the "moderates" and the "progressives". The moderates will vote for whomever ends up as the democratic nominee. The progressives will not vote for the centrist candidate that is in deep with the corporations, big banks, and big pharma, and that's a neolib that wants us in constant war and regime changes. It's exactly why they stayed home because they refused to vote for Hilary. Hilary was corrupt, and her foreign policy was atrocious. She will still not own up to her failure of intervening and toppling Qaddafi in Libya. It is 2019 and there are literally open slave trading going on in that country and it's Obama, Hilary, and his administrations fault!

These corrupt neolibs/cons are foaming at the mouth of doing the same thing in Venezuela and Syria. We have to stop intervening in other countries and leave them alone! One of the few things that I liked about Trump is that he ran on getting us out of regime changes, but he surrounded himself with people who are determined to stick their noses in places they don't belong, (Bolton, Pompeo, Haley, etc.) are all wanting war and I don't know how much longer he can hold those war-hawks off.

I don’t think the first part is correct.

MI, WI, PA, aren’t really progressive states and moderate democrats did well there against Trump proxies in 2018.

Progressives may run up a big margins of victory in California, but those states aren’t going for Trump any more than Tennessee and Mississippi will go blue.

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