2020 Presidential Race

It is sad that in a single day Trump yet again sides with Putin and does his bidding, and at the same time criticizes a former President and a couple of European leaders, and there is no disgust at him. We've all become so desensitized to his being a Russian stooge that we've just come to accept it.
Have you ever heard the quote : "elections have consequences" & Trump won so let's move on now.
I remember a smart ass arrogant self-loving half-black President once not too long ago saying elections have consequences & we had to live w/those terrible horrible liberal policies for 8 long years.
You post that often, yet you keep hanging out in a thread about the 2020 election..

No ONE Cares about Castro.......better? He sucks at everything he does....NO one cares about Castro.

I love this tread......it gives me the chance to show that the 2020 Democratic candidates are worthless pos.
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It is sad that in a single day Trump yet again sides with Putin and does his bidding, and at the same time criticizes a former President and a couple of European leaders, and there is no disgust at him. We've all become so desensitized to his being a Russian stooge that we've just come to accept it.

The “ HOT MIC” says what ?
People underestimate the importance that Millennials place on environmental protection, conservation, climate change, and green industry/tech. Add to this criminal justice reform and social issues regarding racial/ethnic/gender/LGBTQ equality. Republicans, especially Trump, have nothing to offer on those issues.

I see a more traditional, slightly even divide on economic issues, gun control, and abortion. Maybe a bit center left, but not bloodthirsty raving commies like some posters believe.

Basically, Millennials are overwhelmingly socially progressive and environmentally conscious. Republicans will continue to have issues reaching us until they progress on some of their thinking.

Source: Am Millennial. Also, I know it is just anecdotal, but that is my experience with my peers.

Yeah, that's because millennials are still young and stupid ... and mostly because they think the government is going to bail them out by taxing everybody else, and those who do pay taxes won't mind at all.
It is sad that in a single day Trump yet again sides with Putin and does his bidding, and at the same time criticizes a former President and a couple of European leaders, and there is no disgust at him. We've all become so desensitized to his being a Russian stooge that we've just come to accept it.
When he wins a second term and sells America to the Russians you will probably be one of the first sent to the Gulag.
Top Three Democratic Candidates Have Combined Age Of 223


The 2020 Democratic agenda is about as old it gets. Socialism fails everywhere it has been tried, and despite the candidate's new spin on their collectivist, big government ideas -- they really haven't innovated their economic solutions all that much since the days of Karl Marx. But not only are their ideas old, the contenders themselves are pretty elderly as well. For all their claim that they're the party of the future with new ideas promoted by young energized people to propel America into the 21st century, the top three candidates have a combined age of 223.

Top Three Democratic Candidates Have Combined Age Of 223
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Well for healthcare...
From most progressive to least...

Bernie: Medicare for All
Warren: Medicare for All
Tulsi: Medicare for All
Harris: Flip Flops
Pete: Public Option
Beto: Public Option
Klobuchar: Public Option
Booker: Public Option
Biden: Expand Obamacare
And you think that will help your profession.

Institutionalized discrimination is still very much a problem. In theory there is equality, but not in practice. There is still much work to be done.
Then there are these regressive, discriminatory immigration policies based on race and religion coupled with police/ICE brutality and private, for-profit prisons and cash bail. Things like racial profiling, stop and frisk tactics are still a glaring issue.

This doesn't even address our cultural mores about othering based on race, religion, and sexuality. That will likely take a multi-generational change in attitudes .

This doesn't mean everyone is racist or sexist. It just means we need to keep progressing on these issues with good policy to root out institutionalized bias.

You look at issues just not the root causes. Oh well I guess it’s in your dna to be offended by everything and oblivious to any truth.
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At first it was kind of funny, but it's starting to make me wonder if he has dementia or something.
He’s been doing this his entire career. In September 2008 when Lehman went under he tried making a comparison between President Bush and the political leadership of 1929, “When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed.” Of corse there’s just a couple of things wrong about that statement. He’s a certified dumbass.
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A lot of people said that but not nearly as many as are saying it today.
Most people who voted for Hillary were voting for Hillary and not voting against Trump.
In 2020, millions will be voting against Trump - regardless of the candidate.

The illegal votes won't help the Socialist Liberal Party in 2020. And if you don't think the illegals that get driver's licenses aren't voting then you are probably a reincarnated corpse.
Trump signs executive order cancelling student loan debt for disabled veterans

President Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday that forgives all student loan debt for any permanently disabled U.S. military veterans.

The order, which Trump signed following a speech at the American Veterans National Convention in Louisville, Ky., also clears those eligible veterans from having to pay any federal income tax on the loans. Trump added that he is pressuring individual states to follow suit.

“The debt of these disabled veterans will be completely erased,” Trump said. “That’s hundreds of millions of dollars of student loans debt for our disabled veterans that will be completely erased.”

The memo Trump signed directs the government to develop an "expedited" process so veterans can have their federal student loan debt discharged "with minimal burdens." Currently, just half of the roughly 50,000 disabled veterans who are qualified to have their federal student loan debt forgiven have received the benefit because of a burdensome application process.

Under the current process, disabled veterans can have their debt forgiven under a loan forgiveness program, called Total and Permanent Disability Discharge, or TPD, as long as they have a VA service-connected disability rating of 100 percent. As of July, however, only about 20 percent of the eligible pool of veterans had taken advantage of the program due to the complicated nature of the application and other factors.


Trump signs executive order cancelling student loan debt for disabled veterans

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