2020 Presidential Race

The only way he can though is with a contested convention is that correct ?
I'm not sure about that. He's active in all states from Super Tuesday on and is buying airtime everywhere so that none is available for the other candidates or is now much more expensive.

The Democrat Convention has new rules. If, after the first ballot no one wins, the super delegates come into play and that would favor someone like Bloomberg. It will be an interesting mess. Super Tuesday will tell a lot about where this is all heading.
Oh the hypocrisy and double standards never stop . Old , rich , white , multibillion , buying his way onto the ticket and the DNC changing the rules just for him , while their leading candidates talk about how bad billionaires are and how the lack of diversity is bad .
Not seeing the hypocrisy that you see. The last 3 democratic nominations have gone to a woman once and an African American twice. Are you insinuating that the democratic party can never nominate a white male again. Now that would be hypocrisy at its finest.
And as for the billionaire, Bloomberg gave away more money last year than has Trump over his lifetime. Take Gates as your example of a democratic billionaire.
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I'm not sure about that. He's active in all states from Super Tuesday on and is buying airtime everywhere so that none is available for the other candidates or is now much more expensive.

The Democrat Convention has new rules. If, after the first ballot no one wins, the super delegates come into play and that would favor someone like Bloomberg. It will be an interesting mess. Super Tuesday will tell a lot about where this is all heading.

Whatever city the Convention is in , better have the riot police out in full force . If they elect Bloomberg , the Bernie Bro’s will burn the city down . Lol
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Not seeing the hypocrisy that you see. The last 3 democratic nominations have gone to a woman once and an African American twice. Are you insinuating that the democratic can never nominate a white male again. Now that would be hypocrisy at its finest.
And as for the billionaire, Bloomberg gave away more money last year than has Trump over his lifetime. Take Gates as your example of a democratic billionaire.

Did the DNC change the rules so Bloomberg could run for POTUS after they said they would not because they were fair for everyone ?
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Did the DNC change the rules so Bloomberg could run for POTUS after they said they would not because they were fair for everyone ?
I have no idea. If so, is that bad? Do they have the constitutional right to change the rules? Did the republican state parties have the right to cancel their primaries insuring that Trump would be saved the embarrassment of opposition? I guess they did. But it certainly stinks to high heaven.
I have no idea. If so, is that bad? Do they have the constitutional right to change the rules? Did the republican state parties have the right to cancel their primaries insuring that Trump would be saved the embarrassment of opposition? I guess they did. But it certainly stinks to high heaven.

You should have an idea if you bother reading links provided in here . I know you are super selective though , that way you can maintain that head in the sand act of “ I don’t know , I haven’t seen , I haven’t heard “ . I posted a link from the leader of the DNC saying “ he would not change the rules for anyone because the way they are now is fair for everyone “ . Daddy warbucks writes a fat azz check and bam .. rule change . That’s not changing your mind , that’s selling out .
Not seeing the hypocrisy that you see. The last 3 democratic nominations have gone to a woman once and an African American twice. Are you insinuating that the democratic can never nominate a white male again. Now that would be hypocrisy at its finest.
And as for the billionaire, Bloomberg gave away more money last year than has Trump over his lifetime. Take Gates as your example of a democratic billionaire.
It's at least ironic. The party of diversity, and there's no person of color in their top 4 or 5 candidates.
Well, info on Trump's budget is out.

Trump budget would cut $4.4T in spending, boosting defense while slashing safety nets, foreign aid

The White House on Sunday unveiled a $4.8 trillion budget proposal that would slash spending dramatically on foreign aid and social safety nets, while including $2 billion for a southern border wall and substantially boosting funding to NASA, the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Homeland Security.

Fox News has confirmed the details of the budget, which The Wall Street Journal first reported. The package, set to be formally announced on Monday, as-is stood little chance of passage in the House of Representatives, which the Democrats have controlled. Still, it served as a signal of the president's priorities as Republicans have aimed to retake the chamber in the 2020 elections.

The plan aims to eliminate the federal deficit -- or the difference between spending and revenue that is slated to exceed $1 trillion this year -- by 2035. In all, the White House is seeking to cut $4.4 trillion in federal spending over the next 10 years, including reductions in spending on food stamps and federal disability benefits through more stringent work and eligibility requirements.
You should have an idea if you bother reading links provided in here . I know you are super selective though , that way you can maintain that head in the sand act of “ I don’t know , I haven’t seen , I haven’t heard “ . I posted a link from the leader of the DNC saying “ he would not change the rules for anyone because the way they are now is fair for everyone “ . Daddy warbucks writes a fat azz check and bam .. rule change . That’s not changing your mind , that’s selling out .
Bloomberg gave money to the DNC to have them change the rule? I'm not able to find that anywhere.
Bloomberg was not allowed to participate in the first Democratic debates because he is self-funding his campaign and did not meet the DNC's requirement that candidates raise money from a certain number of contributors.

Under the rules rolled out last week, Democrats can meet either a delegates threshold or polling threshold to qualify for the Feb. 19 debate in Las Vegas. That could open the possibility for Bloomberg, who has risen in recent national polls, to appear in the event.

From the way it looks to me, it's a pretty good change. Bloomberg is the first to fund his own campaign. Should he be kept out of debates because he is not fundraising? Seems silly. I've heard complaints about political fundraising for decades.

I would rather see rules changed that open up the process than close off the process......which was the repub. strategy.
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