2020 Presidential Race

You continually reference some payment. It may be time to back that up.
I can see a right wing conspiracy forming right before my very eyes.

You guys are all worked up because they are changing the rules to let a viable candidate into a debate.
Rules that were put in place before any candidate had ever run without seeking or needing contributions.

It's looking more and more like the right is scared of Bloomberg.

Wrong......as usual. You wouldn't know your azz from a hole in the ground Loother.
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You continually reference some payment. It may be time to back that up.
I can see a right wing conspiracy forming right before my very eyes.

You guys are all worked up because they are changing the rules to let a viable candidate into a debate.
Rules that were put in place before any candidate had ever run without seeking or needing contributions.

It's looking more and more like the right is scared of Bloomberg.

Last time I checked , Bernie doesn’t caucus with the Rs ...

Sanders blasts DNC rules that could allow Bloomberg to debate

#TomPerezResign trends as 2020 Democrats accuse DNC chair of changing rules for Mike Bloomberg's benefit

DNC changes debate qualification rules after Bloomberg donation - Insider

You know what was NOT in that article?
Not one single mention of any type of payment to the DNC. Something you have falsley accused at least 3 times now
Right wing conspiracy forming right before my very eyes.

You didn’t read the last article did you ? Lol
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Your feelings are all upset huh? That's good.....lash out you'll feel better.
Feelings hurt? You're the one making fun of someone who actually served while supporting someone who did all within his power to avoid service, and then raised 2 boys who would never consider military service.
Did any of the others give anything ?
None of the others gave more than 700 million to charities last year. None of the others are wealthy enough to fund their own campaign.
Remember what we're talking about. Letting a viable candidate participate in the 3rd presidential debate.
Rules blocking the participation of a viable candidate would be the ones that concerned me.

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