2020 U.S. Senate Races

Personally speaking, I am beyond disgusted at having been besieged by junk mail, robocalls, text messages, emails, and radio / TV ads over the past two months regarding the Georgia Senate runoff races. If they were trying to aggravate me to the point where I would not bother to stand in line to cast my vote (again), they succeeded. The entire system is corrupted anyway, so congratulations. You’ve managed to lose the confidence, and silence the vote of, yet another conservative voter.

Seriously, I’m fed up with it all.
Personally speaking, I am beyond disgusted at having been besieged by junk mail, robocalls, text messages, emails, and radio / TV ads over the past two months regarding the Georgia Senate runoff races. If they were trying to aggravate me to the point where I would not bother to stand in line to cast my vote (again), they succeeded. The entire system is corrupted anyway, so congratulations. You’ve managed to lose the confidence, and silence the vote of, yet another conservative voter.

Seriously, I’m fed up with it all.

junk mail is just free fire starter material.
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Personally speaking, I am beyond disgusted at having been besieged by junk mail, robocalls, text messages, emails, and radio / TV ads over the past two months regarding the Georgia Senate runoff races. If they were trying to aggravate me to the point where I would not bother to stand in line to cast my vote (again), they succeeded. The entire system is corrupted anyway, so congratulations. You’ve managed to lose the confidence, and silence the vote of, yet another conservative voter.

Seriously, I’m fed up with it all.

THIS....Moved from Atlanta in 2013. Kept my 404 number. The last 2 months I have received countless texts/calls on the daily (6-10 over last 2 weeks per day)---95% exhorting me to vote Perdue/Loeffler Received a recorded call from Sonny yesterday. STOP does not work. I have contemplated wasting an hour some low level staffer /drone's time speaking about hollow earth/flat earth/5G/etc.

I do not understand this strategy of vote by harassment.
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Also gave you a like for sharing. If I lived in Georgia, Ossoff would get my vote no question, and that would probably be it. I really dislike the other three candidates.
So tell us in a short paragraph why Ossoff would get your vote?
So tell us in a short paragraph why Ossoff would get your vote?
Some stuff off the top of my head he supports that I like: public health option (no abolishing private insurance/M4A); ban on cash bail, mandatory minimums, private prisons, legalize weed, abolish death penalty; ensuring minority/LGBTQ+ rights; infrastructure plan; rejoining Paris Climate Accords.
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THIS....Moved from Atlanta in 2013. Kept my 404 number. The last 2 months I have received countless texts/calls on the daily (6-10 over last 2 weeks per day)---95% exhorting me to vote Perdue/Loeffler Received a recorded call from Sonny yesterday. STOP does not work. I have contemplated wasting an hour some low level staffer /drone's time speaking about hollow earth/flat earth/5G/etc.

I do not understand this strategy of vote by harassment.
It's not as bad as the 2018 election. You would have thought the world was ending. They spent more in Georgia that year than they did in 2016.
Lol I’m pretty sure I just heard Trump say he’s gonna be back in a year and a half campaigning AGAINST Kemp in Ga 😂

He’s been solid in support of Perdue and Loeffler though it from what I’ve heard I’ve got it on in the background. Damn I already miss MNF 😥
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