2020 U.S. Senate Races

Judging by the accent, east tennessee?
I could very well be wrong, but that sounds like a West Tennessee accent to me. Way too much of a drawl for an East Tennessee accent.

Source: am from West Tennessee, dude sounds just like every dude I've ever known from here
Final GA polls. Warnock and Ossoff both with slight leads.
Latest Polls Of The Georgia Senate Runoff Elections
Glad we are at the end of it honestly. I know folks that live in Georgia need a break, hell I need a break frankly. In a conference call tonight I was told we've made 6 million calls into Georgia for Jon since November. That doesn't count texts either. Those are just insane numbers.
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Glad we are at the end of it honestly. I know folks that live in Georgia need a break, hell I need a break frankly. In a conference call tonight I was told we've made 6 million calls into Georgia since November. That doesn't count texts either. Those are just insane numbers.

Hope the Dems got those China Dominion machines ready to go with the proper algorithms
Glad we are at the end of it honestly. I know folks that live in Georgia need a break, hell I need a break frankly. In a conference call tonight I was told we've made 6 million calls into Georgia for Jon since November. That doesn't count texts either. Those are just insane numbers.

It’s a shame you have to badger people to do something they should find important on their own.
It’s a shame you have to badger people to do something they should find important on their own.
Lord Red Hat and friends have done the exact same as me. I don't get it either, I vote in every election and don't need a reminder about it. But it works, for both Red Hats and the rest of us.
Final GA polls. Warnock and Ossoff both with slight leads.
Latest Polls Of The Georgia Senate Runoff Elections

Heh. I trust polls about as far as I can throw them these days.

But, I'm hoping my boy Donnie came through for the Democrats. He's done an absolutely fantastic job convincing potential Republican voters in Georgia that voting actually serves no purpose since everything is "rigged".

Jim Bob, Cooter, Cletus and May Belle will hopefully just stay home today in their double-wides, knock back a couple six-packs of PBR and then shoot up some sh*t down by the pond instead.

Yep. Marsha Blackburn has officially reserved a spot at the kids' table for Tennessee.

Democratic Republic? Pfffft. How quaint. Besides, the "Constitution" is really more of a bunch of guidelines than "rules" really... and most of it has do with antiquated wig-powdering recipes and what-not.

Vote for our representatives? Why do this when it's so much easier when Marsha and her buddies pick them for us. Honestly, I hate voting anyway.

Thanks, Marsha.
Yep. Marsha Blackburn has officially reserved a spot at the kids' table for Tennessee.

Democratic Republic? Pfffft. How quaint. Besides, the "Constitution" is really more of a bunch of guidelines than "rules" really... and most of it has do with antiquated wig-powdering recipes and what-not.

Vote for our representatives? Why do this when it's so much easier when Marsha and her buddies pick them for us. Honestly, I hate voting anyway.

Thanks, Marsha.
She is a ****, and has been a **** since she tried to amend the Constitution before she said she couldn't multiple times. Now she is playing with the coup. She is a worthless ****, and I do not care if a rock runs against her in 2022 I will do everything I can to **** up her reelection.
Glad we are at the end of it honestly. I know folks that live in Georgia need a break, hell I need a break frankly. In a conference call tonight I was told we've made 6 million calls into Georgia for Jon since November. That doesn't count texts either. Those are just insane numbers.
Amen. The ads are sickening and relentless.
They are just a constant reminder of how insanely gullible the right has allowed itself to become.
She is a ****, and has been a **** since she tried to amend the Constitution before she said she couldn't multiple times. Now she is playing with the coup. She is a worthless ****, and I do not care if a rock runs against her in 2022 I will do everything I can to **** up her reelection.
You will be wasting your time. She will win in a landslide next time.
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She is a ****, and has been a **** since she tried to amend the Constitution before she said she couldn't multiple times. Now she is playing with the coup. She is a worthless ****, and I do not care if a rock runs against her in 2022 I will do everything I can to **** up her reelection.
LOL keep dreaming, she will beat whatever loon you radicals put up by 20 points
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Betting markets trending GOP...I'm kinda pulling for a Dem sweep...think it's better for GOP long run to have Dems own next 2 years


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Hopefully when the communists fake a water leak tonight the poll watchers from the Rs don't leave this time.

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