2024 Elections Will Be Rigged

As to Bush, once the court rulings came down there was no systemic attack on Bush, Dems moved on. And in fact after his leadership on 9/11 you never heard it much at all. To this day, Trump will not admit that Biden is the legitimately elected President. His ego is so fragile he just cannot utter the words.

Trump's victory over HRC was pretty narrow and you didn't see Dem operatives floating fabricated stories of illegal votes or absurd schemes involving voting machines being run out of China or Venezuela. It was accepted and people moved on, accepting we would have chaos as President (and they weren't disappointed).
I also don’t recognize or call biden president. I guess he’s legal but certainly not legitimate

Last part is a joke, you people spent 4 years telling us the Russians got him elected
I also don’t recognize or call biden president. I guess he’s legal but certainly not legitimate

Last part is a joke, you people spent 4 years telling us the Russians got him elected

Not with fake votes. By poisoning the minds of the dim witted, yes.
Neither has Trump but you brought up his civil trial which was about as useless as OJ’s civil trial conviction.
I brought up Trump's civil trial because Biden was baselessly called a "pedo."

With Trump ... there is at least one verdict, which holds him responsible for a sexual assault (albeit against an adult and from a civil lawsuit).
You misspelled he had a D beside his name. Quit pretending candidate quality has anything to do with 99.9% of voter’s including yourself. Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, W, Clinton, and several other failed candidates wouldn’t have sniffed the ballot for President much less win 50 years ago. That is just the reality of our nation. Partisan political party allegiances are more important than candidate quality and it keeps getting worse. The fact that you continue to pretend it isn’t the case is comical. You and virtually every other person in this nation couldn’t care less about candidate quality and ideas. It’s just a convenient excuse when people like Fetterman, Biden, Cortez, McConnell, Romney, and Obama are elected. “You should have nominated better candidates”. The fact is if Thomas Jefferson or Kennedy rose from the grave and had an R beside their name you would stand in line and vote for Fetterman or Biden the lecture the right about “candidate quality”
Pretty much every word of that post was absolute nonsense.

I have said repeatedly it is about the primaries....that's where the quality of candidate is chosen without regards to party affiliation.
And a bunch of people have been failing miserably (especially in 2016 and 2020).
Yea we were all set to vote for the most qualified person to ever run then a FB video changed my mind

And as I have said now countless times before, the REAL issue here is not whether the Russian effort changed any votes.

The real issue is WHY? Why did they try to weigh in to help Trump? What advantages did they see to him over Clinton and why did they have that perception. 🤔
And as I have said now countless times before, the REAL issue here is not whether the Russian effort changed any votes.

The real issue is WHY? Why did they try to weigh in to help Trump? What advantages did they see to him over Clinton and why did they have that perception. 🤔
Perhaps he would have more flexibility after the election? The 1980s called and want their foreign policy back

Putin wanted chaos, congrats on being a puppet for Putin.
Certain officials do have the explicit authority to make changes to dates and times of election periods and forms of balloting ... You are just wrong, but can't admit it ... and want to argue.

Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas changed the length of the early voting period, which he had every right to do - without additional legislation.

Argue? - no, I"m asking a spectacularly intelligent person to point out the certain officials exclusion in that part of the constitution which provisions sole, "explicit authority" to state legislatures.

There's a reason Abbott was sued by TX legislators...
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Pretty much every word of that post was absolute nonsense.

I have said repeatedly it is about the primaries....that's where the quality of candidate is chosen without regards to party affiliation.
And a bunch of people have been failing miserably (especially in 2016 and 2020).

Sure thing chief, your vote for Biden suggests otherwise. You had no obligation to vote if said candidate wasn’t qualified and you will vote for him again
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Sure thing chief, your vote for Biden suggests otherwise. You had no obligation to vote if said candidate wasn’t qualified and you will vote for him again
Good grief man, surely you can process this.....I never supported Biden, I 100% voted against Trump. I (and millions of others) made it crystal clear that I would vote for a rock before I would vote for Trump. Same is true for 2024.....I can only hope that repubs (the non-Trumpers with a clue) put up a better candidate.
Good grief man, surely you can process this.....I never supported Biden, I 100% voted against Trump. I (and millions of others) made it crystal clear that I would vote for a rock before I would vote for Trump. Same is true for 2024.....I can only hope that repubs (the non-Trumpers with a clue) put up a better candidate.
Well mission accomplished you definitely voted for a rock
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