We don’t need to beat it into the ground. It is also depends on the sport, too.
If football was playing for the national title (actually better argument is semifinals), would more fans go to the Rose Bowl, Cotton Bowl, or Ford Field (obviously hypothetical)? The closer you get to your fan base, the greater a chance you can get more there (with ticket limitations not part of it). I understand the variable with maximum capacity, but at some point, it’s also fan experience. The closer you get to the state, the greater the chance a person/family decides to drive instead of spending money on flights. Dallas is actually somewhat convenient for a great number of UT fans/alums, and they don’t have to fly.
I would venture to guess that fans drive to more of these type events than fly (aside from out west where you won’t get as many). It’s just the way traveling works.
Nonetheless, a lot can happen in the weekend before the Regional Finals.