2024 Presidential Race

So I'm still not 100% sure on requirements for such things but a few friends and I were talking and thought if we were Democrat strategists and wanted to do a quick reset with the least amount of damage we'd get rid of Biden, like yesterday. If you can shut him down on his own great but if you have to 25th him then do it. Install Kamala ASAP and get her out in front of as many people as possible and make it rough on her. Imagine the MSM going at her like she was a right wing Republican right up to the convention. If she somehow exceeds all expectations and steps up to the point she's looking like a genuinely viable candidate and polling well against Trump then so be it. Run with her. Given that seems exceedingly unlikely and she tanks you don't have to play the "We just straight decided to go around the female POC for POTUS." card. The best case scenario there is she's polling, well, pretty much like she is now and steps down. Even if she doesn't it can be clearly presented that she isn't really a viable nominee. Then at the convention you have whomever (Newsome?) on deck and go from there.

It's pretty late in the game, convention starts 8/19, but the above looked like the only way to clear the slate with the least collateral damage. (or at least the best we noodled up under the influence of holiday party drinking)

Id think the last thing in the world the right would want is for Biden to linger and have KH installed at the last minute, before the nation gets to see her true colors.
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Id think the last thing in the world the right would want is for Biden to linger and have KH installed at the last minute, before the nation gets to see her true colors.
Anyone who hasn't seen her true colors is either asleep, dead or hates Trump so much they don't care. Her record is open for all to see if they just open their eyes.
Anyone who hasn't seen her true colors is either asleep, dead or hates Trump so much they don't care. Her record is open for all to see if they just open their eyes.

American's have short memories. The fact that either of these two clowns are options proves that.

The fact that we have an octogenarian dementia patient, and a megalomaniacal criminal speaks volumes about the electorate. Nobody to blame but us.
Id think the last thing in the world the right would want is for Biden to linger and have KH installed at the last minute, before the nation gets to see her true colors.
First she's already not thought well of at all. Her "colors" haven't been hidden that well. Then it was integral to the plan to

"get her out in front of as many people as possible and make it rough on her"

for the express purpose of putting her in a crucible scenario for Democrat voters. (Remember, we're playing Democrat strategists here) If she performs/polls badly (absolutely the expectation) then you don't have to make it look like just more white men screwing over a woman POC when you go around her come convention time when really you're just getting rid of somebody you don't want running on your ticket in the first place, which I'm assuming is position of Democrat higher ups and has been for awhile.
First she's already not thought well of at all. Her "colors" haven't been hidden that well. Then it was integral to the plan to

"get her out in front of as many people as possible and make it rough on her"

for the express purpose of putting her in a crucible scenario for Democrat voters. (Remember, we're playing Democrat strategists here) If she performs/polls badly (absolutely the expectation) then you don't have to make it look like just more white men screwing over a woman POC when you go around her come convention time when really you're just getting rid of somebody you don't want running on your ticket in the first place, which I'm assuming is position of Democrat higher ups and has been for awhile.

She's polling within the MOE on RCP right now. Would you risk that holding steady going into the election or would you want Trump to have a few months to punch down on her and her policy/record?

Somebody has been saying for months that Biden wouldn't be the candidate and I scoffed. I was wrong and whoever has been saying that was right.

If the left allows weekend at Bernie's to remain at the top of the ticket, Trump cake walks into the white house and left will implode.
She's polling within the MOE on RCP right now. Would you risk that holding steady going into the election or would you want Trump to have a few months to punch down on her and her policy/record?

Somebody has been saying for months that Biden wouldn't be the candidate and I scoffed. I was wrong and whoever has been saying that was right.

If the left allows weekend at Bernie's to remain at the top of the ticket, Trump cake walks into the white house and left will implode.
To the first part everything is a risk for the Dems at this point. If you KNEW you didn't want Kamala you're really lean on options to get around her without it being pretty ugly.

To the last I think you're correct.
To the first part everything is a risk for the Dems at this point. If you KNEW you didn't want Kamala you're really lean on options to get around her without it being pretty ugly.

To the last I think you're correct.
If they 25th biden, then she comes to the top and they can't "select" the candidate without a nasty race related discussion.

If they don't 25th him, then he either has to step down on his own or they ride into November with him as their candidate.
If they 25th biden, then she comes to the top and they can't "select" the candidate without a nasty race related discussion.

If they don't 25th him, then he either has to step down on his own or they ride into November with him as their candidate.
The idea is if you get her out in full view of the public for a couple months before the convention and she's the same cackling/word salad idjit she's been then it'll be a lot easier to sell the idea of "We need to do better to beat Trump." and take someone else.
Yet, last week, Axios wrote about three high-ranking staffers who appear to be de facto governing the country, much like how this article implied that White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients was running the country. The cocoon, or coup-coon, being placed around Biden has reportedly robbed the president of all independence.

The committee of the merciful rest includes Deputy Chief of Staff Annie Tomasini, the first lady's top adviser Anthony Bernal, and longtime aide Ashley Williams, who joined the deputy chief of staff's office.

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Hunter Biden’s the Real Point Person in Joe’s White House — Don’t Underestimate the First Son​

With the Biden family digging in behind Joe staying put, any staffers or party grandees deputized to strong-arm Joe Biden out of being their candidate in November had better not underestimate the first son.

If they 25th biden, then she comes to the top and they can't "select" the candidate without a nasty race related discussion.

If they don't 25th him, then he either has to step down on his own or they ride into November with him as their candidate.

Harris is the only legitimate alternative no matter the method by which Biden is replaced. He has a gigantic war chest, and she's the only candidate who'd be able to spend it by right of being on the ticket.

Hunter Biden’s the Real Point Person in Joe’s White House — Don’t Underestimate the First Son​

With the Biden family digging in behind Joe staying put, any staffers or party grandees deputized to strong-arm Joe Biden out of being their candidate in November had better not underestimate the first son.

Hunter Biden’s the real point person in Joe’s White House — don’t underestimate the first son

No one believes this. It is the newest right wing echo chamber nonsense.

"Some people are saying...." level of facts. But that is Trump's game, isn't it? Hunter is at the WH, turns into Hunter is in top level meetings without security clearance, turns into he's calling the shots.

Standard right wing echo chamber, stacking insinuation on top of speculation, and repeating it until it becomes fact in a MAGA world devoid of the ability to reason for oneself.
Harris is the only legitimate alternative no matter the method by which Biden is replaced. He has a gigantic war chest, and she's the only candidate who'd be able to spend it by right of being on the ticket.
Not if you can get her to agree to run as veep again. Don't see that happening but...

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