2024 Presidential Race

He's had plenty of time to have concrete policies that he's going to enact. If Trump were serious he's resurrect the "Contract with America" approach Newt and the Rs used in 1992 to win congress. Lay out a hard agenda already agreed to by R congressional/senate candidates and sell that plan. He'd and the Rs would win in a landslide.
Self proclaimed genius and you are right but not a landslide. A win but he has burned a lot of bridges with the people he needs votes from to win. His trustworthiness is questionable, and he has a hit list that is not just Democrats.
I would have to believe too, that after being elected, facing the actual complexity of it might take a certain skill most don't have, even highly intelligent people

It's got to be a heavy lift given how these agency's have grown in scope and complexity. Remember the discussion he was ill-equipped to deal with all the leaks from his administration. No one has seriously accomplished this. Also, remember the demonization during Covid from the left trying to tie the US response to the Trump Administration making reductions to the CDC I believe it was.
We were all better off under Trump. I am not for uncontrolled spending but I am for secure borders, supporting police, lower prices on everyday items, lower fuel prices, lower insurance prices, lower taxes, I am not for unrealized gains taxes.

If you want larger government, higher cost, funding wars all over the world, higher fuel costs and higher taxes, Kamala is for you.
We were better off only if you view the first 3yrs in a partisan vacuum. His policies actually led to the higher prices, bigger govt, continued wars/bombing, etc you claim to not want. His deferral to Fauci cost us bigly as well. His short list sec treas choice says taxes will need to go up with no cuts in spending if we're going to get out of this. Your head is truly in the sand
We were better off only if you view the first 3yrs in a partisan vacuum. His policies actually led to the higher prices, bigger govt, continued wars/bombing, etc you claim to not want. His deferral to Fauci cost us bigly as well. His short list sec treas choice says taxes will need to go up with no cuts in spending if we're going to get out of this. Your head is truly in the sand
Dare I say, there's a "Looming" problem brewing in Trump's campaign?

This may have been discussed but I’m wondering what ole JD thinks about the constant presence of Laura LOONer considering her comment about Indians in the White House and the smell of curry. You know since his wife is INDIAN, I’m sure he enjoyed that. Or does he even care about hanging out with racist scum who denigrated his wife’s heritage? Maybe not. I don’t even have to wonder why Trump keeps her around. Birds of a feather…..

Personally I think Melania might want to ask her husband the question about her constant presence but maybe she could care less too. Keeps Donald’s attention occupied elsewhere which she is probably thankful for.
It's got to be a heavy lift given how these agency's have grown in scope and complexity. Remember the discussion he was ill-equipped to deal with all the leaks from his administration. No one has seriously accomplished this. Also, remember the demonization during Covid from the left trying to tie the US response to the Trump Administration making reductions to the CDC I believe it was.
The Federal Government is incredibly out of control BUT saying you'll cut this or cut that as President is mostly BS.

Cuts are fine until that Congressman in KS starts to get calls that his farmers are going to lose their USDA subsidies, when that Big Pharma or AMA donor to a Senator calls upset with cuts to NIH grant funding for drug research, etc.

There's zero doubt we're on the road to ruin with this bloated Federal power but getting elected is so expensive and so lucrative, it's virtually impossible to get Congress to cut off its own gravy train.
The Democrats doing what they do the best .... lie up a storm to win elections ....

Not only did they not “back” her economic plan, all they actually said was GDP would be slightly higher.

GDP is obviously affected by government spending. So basically they said “we think she will outspend Trump by giving 25k to everyone”
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A moderate, one party rule might be a good thing for this country right now, for a few years, only considering the fringes' opinions like a grain of salt. Both parties have been hijacked by the fringes since the advent of social media
Since neither side can agree on a definition of "moderate" at this point that's not happening.

Moreover, moderates would just appease each other with "I'll get mine and you'll get yours." The issue is money; it's always money.

Politicians at all levels are buyable or willing to make decisions that line their pockets and/or their friend's pocket. From city government to President.

The size and scope of the money being tossed around, even in less wealthy communities, corrupts the system. Tax forgiveness for this development or that golf course or less than transparent contracts signed by city commissions, simply all kinds of corruption that goes straight back to money.

The best solution is to get the humans out of the equation......uh..... yeah. There's no solution.
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Us Credit Card Debit: Under Trump it went up 5% / Under Biden it went up 48%
Under Biden, Food has gone up 21.8%, Shelter up 22.7%, Auto Insurance 55.6%
Average Credit Card rates today 27.8%

Are we better off under Trump or under Biden/Harris?
A moderate, one party rule might be a good thing for this country right now, for a few years, only considering the fringes' opinions like a grain of salt. Both parties have been hijacked by the fringes since the advent of social media
While we are dreaming, the entirety of UGA's football team is in prison
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Appreciate the reasonable responses. I think that could sometimes be relevant, but it’s a pretty rare set of circumstances, IMO.

If the cause of death was inflicted during a lawful abortion, I’m not sure how often that is relevant to post-birth care decisions or lawfulness.

The percentage of abortions at 21+ weeks is 1%, 24+ weeks is less than 1%. Partly because it’s less safe, partly because it’s legal in fewer places, and partly because of the morals of terminating a viable fetus that doesn’t pose an abnormally high risk of harm.
(The 21-24 week range is relevant because as @NashVol11 pointed put, dragging out the death of a body that can’t sustain life is actually inhumane and there’s no government interest in mandating resuscitation efforts).

Failed abortions resulting in a live birth are also a rarity. So the situations that are relevant to the discussion are a minority fraction of 1% of all abortions.*

That small number is because it’s essentially reserved for unexpected issues: sudden onset, life-threatening maternal conditions like pre-eclampsia and newly detected deformities of the fetus that are incompatible with sustaining life, etc.

In that way, it’s little different than the end-of-life decision of a surviving parent or spouse of a cancer patient or victim of an unexpected stroke who can no longer breath on their own or who is brain dead.

Count me out on punishing people who just had to make those decisions, or adding the fear of punishment to their calculus just to address, at most, a handful of cases that already meet the definition of homicide in all 50 states. Count me in on being a condescending prick to those who go straight to making those people and their providers out to be murderers even though they themselves don’t care enough to learn what the issues are.

* - I haven’t seen a credible number but have OBGYN and family medicine provider contacts and they’ve only seen it in books.
I do not think the vast majority of pro-lifers have any problem with allowing a child who is born with a terminal condition that will cause death in a relatively short period of time from having palliative care, or allowing the parents to hold those children in those tender moments before the child passes.

If a baby born is born with a terminal condition that will cause that child's death in a relatively short period of time, I think most people would agree that the parent's should be able to forego life prolonging measures and live and love on their infant as long as they are able, in whatever way they choose.

I do think pro-lifers have a valid point if the condition that caused the terminal condition was inflicted on the child by a botched late-term abortion procedure. I understand (and agree) with those who don't distinguish between that death and some SOB punching his pregnant ex-girlfriend in the belly when she is 8 1/2 months pregnant. (Or, for that matter, those who call for accountability for mother of a drug addicted child who dies as a result of toxicity soon after birth.) I know this is a point upon which we will disagree, but I am also understand where our difference of opinion here lies so that I don't need to call you names, ;).

However, w someone is terminating a pregnancy of an otherwise healthy late-term child, I doubt sincerely that the mother or the health care provider gives a rat's arse about the comfort of that baby born by "accident" due to the failed procedure. The notion that the same provider who was just trying to vacuum out that baby's brains is now going to provide highest level comfort and palliative care to that dying infant? Nah, I don't see it. I sure don't see that mother cradling that infant in her arms as the baby dies. No, that baby likely died a hard, painful death on a cold table, outside the touch of loving hands here on earth.

Further complicating the decision to provide life sustaining care in the "live birth after failed abortion" scenario are the stories of "abortion survivors." I have absolutely no doubt these are exceedingly rare. However, for me, the number doesn't need to be any higher than "1" for it to be meaningful and relevant in my decision making.
There is a story about Springfield, Ohio was a population of 60,000 in 2020. The Biden-Harris-Majorakas Administration has flooded the city with 20,000 Haitians. It is now about 25%-33% Haitian population according to reports with many who can't speak English.

In 2021, many in the Biden Administration repeated that lie over and over that the border patrol on horseback were whipping migrants attempting to evoke racism and times of slavery. It was a despicable lie.

They then bragged about a policy to allow unvetted Haitians into the country. These were not only low educated migrants but many grew up living in crime which should make you careful about allowing 10's of thousands of unvetted Haitians into America.

Please. Biden and Harris love this country and the people in it. They would never jeopardize the safety of Americans. Now Trump he is an evil criminal, a dictator. a threat to Democracy. He must be stopped at all costs including slander, jail time and if necessary assasination. Only then can the world be made safe for Dems, Rinos and never Trumpers.

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