2024 Presidential Race

Us Credit Card Debit: Under Trump it went up 5% / Under Biden it went up 48%
Under Biden, Food has gone up 21.8%, Shelter up 22.7%, Auto Insurance 55.6%
Average Credit Card rates today 27.8%

Are we better off under Trump or under Biden/Harris?
That first number is skewed because of pre-Covid conditions. Prices escalated because of a cash heavy market and dwindling supply due to lack production of goods. Prices are always much slower to come down than go up because of those specific market conditions. Consumers have purchased more at the higher prices than they did at lower prices. Why would a company be triggered to lower prices as drastically as they raised them when people are buying more? Biden f'd up not curtailing the auto handouts when he took office. Ever thought about the PPP handouts that came from Trump during COVID. Millions upon millions that were never paid back. Biden facked completely up by not drastically lowering COVID handouts. Make no mistake, Trump's economy set a grande table for inflation
Please. Biden and Harris love this country and the people in it. They would never jeopardize the safety of Americans. Now Trump he is an evil criminal, a dictator. a threat to Democracy. He must be stopped at all costs including slander, jail time and if necessary assasination. Only then can the world be made safe for Dems, Rinos and never Trumpers.
Seriously?? Calling for assasination?? Biden and Harris love this country so much they have done everything in their power to destroy it. If you were to develop a plan to take us down, this is it.

Come on….your better than this.
Seriously?? Calling for assasination?? Biden and Harris love this country so much they have done everything in their power to destroy it. If you were to develop a plan to take us down, this is it.

Come on….your better than this.
Take us down? Who are being taken down?

Your whole value system has been developed from listening to far right clowns
.002 of 1% difference is what she boasted from JP Morgan
Give me a dart I am up next….

Come on, letting >13M immigrants in, paying their entire expenses, $25K per new house??? Expect us to believe that is a plan ?

37 press conferences and she has yet to have 1 solo.

If she is so behind Israel, why isn‘t “The Squad” hammering her?? Because they know it’s all for show to get elected. Just like everything else she is proposing! Bernie says hello.

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