2024 Presidential Race

This is pathetic….can you imagine her talking with the leader of any other country or proxy?? Could she ever hold a picture up to a proxy leader and tell them to not touch one of our service member???

Her idea is strength…..

”Don’t”! “Don’t”

is this truly the leadership you want in this country??
I do not think the vast majority of pro-lifers have any problem with allowing a child who is born with a terminal condition that will cause death in a relatively short period of time from having palliative care, or allowing the parents to hold those children in those tender moments before the child passes.

If a baby born is born with a terminal condition that will cause that child's death in a relatively short period of time, I think most people would agree that the parent's should be able to forego life prolonging measures and live and love on their infant as long as they are able, in whatever way they choose.

I do think pro-lifers have a valid point if the condition that caused the terminal condition was inflicted on the child by a botched late-term abortion procedure. I understand (and agree) with those who don't distinguish between that death and some SOB punching his pregnant ex-girlfriend in the belly when she is 8 1/2 months pregnant. (Or, for that matter, those who call for accountability for mother of a drug addicted child who dies as a result of toxicity soon after birth.) I know this is a point upon which we will disagree, but I am also understand where our difference of opinion here lies so that I don't need to call you names, ;).

However, w someone is terminating a pregnancy of an otherwise healthy late-term child, I doubt sincerely that the mother or the health care provider gives a rat's arse about the comfort of that baby born by "accident" due to the failed procedure. The notion that the same provider who was just trying to vacuum out that baby's brains is now going to provide highest level comfort and palliative care to that dying infant? Nah, I don't see it. I sure don't see that mother cradling that infant in her arms as the baby dies. No, that baby likely died a hard, painful death on a cold table, outside the touch of loving hands here on earth.

Further complicating the decision to provide life sustaining care in the "live birth after failed abortion" scenario are the stories of "abortion survivors." I have absolutely no doubt these are exceedingly rare. However, for me, the number doesn't need to be any higher than "1" for it to be meaningful and relevant in my decision making.
I would agree that a rational person who thinks it through almost always comes to that conclusion, but that’s exactly what Ralph Northam (the former governor Trump was trying to reference) was talking about and yet here we are.

I have a pretty good idea of why that is usually the case, but it is inflammatory and doesn’t seem to apply to you, so I’ll leave it out.

There are problems with prosecuting someone for botching an otherwise lawful abortion that results in the birth of a mortally injured child, I’m not sure why a state whose voters sanctioned such an abortion would have an interest in prosecuting one that goes awry for reasons that aren’t covered by existing medical malpractice civil liability. It seems only intended to discourage a set of procedures that are so rare that it seems they are mostly being used in cases of perceived medical necessity.

The rest of the post seems to ignore that actively killing (and likely neglect resulting in the death of) a living child is homicide, which punishable in all 50 states. Did I already mention the PA doctor who got three consecutive life sentences for this?
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Yes, but she was injected with the Marxist ideology.

Let’s stop this crap!
Lots of people have listened to it and faced it in academia. Many haven't too! I get you have no real perspective as to details and culture. Fear mongering and grievance seeking info are your primary sources for support of your position
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This is pathetic….can you imagine her talking with the leader of any other country or proxy?? Could she ever hold a picture up to a proxy leader and tell them to not touch one of our service member???

Her idea is strength…..

”Don’t”! “Don’t”

is this truly the leadership you want in this country??
She'd definitely let Putin know that she grew up in a middle class neighborhood.

Trump: Kamala Harris Is the ‘Godmother of Sanctuary Cities’​

Former President Donald Trump called Vice President Kamala Harris the “Godmother of sanctuary cities” on Friday in California as he highlighted her record of lenience toward violent criminals as San Francisco district attorney.

As usual you are wrong. Try 33% are active duty military, there are more civilians that work for the department of defense than active military.
The federal government employs about 2¼ million military personnel (of whom about 1 million are reservists) and about 2¼ million civilian personnel (of whom nearly 60 percent work for the Departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs, and Homeland Security).

That's actually only about 80% military and/or defense related
As usual you are wrong. Try 33% are active duty military, there are more civilians that work for the department of defense than active military.
As of September 2023, the US military has 2,079,142 military personnel and 778,539 civilians, for a total of 2.86 million troops. This includes:
  • Active duty: Nearly 1.29 million active duty troops
  • National guard and reserves: 767,238 national guard and reserve members
  • Coast Guard: 38,825 members of the Coast Guard, which is operated by the Department of Homeland Security

As usual you are wrong. Try 33% are active duty military, there are more civilians that work for the department of defense than active military.
Civilian employees at the Department of Defense agencies alone account for about 36% of the civilian federal workforce.
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