2024 Presidential Race

I don't know. I didn't watch the debate.

Now go back and read what you just responded to.
I’ll help, it’s the guy that’s been getting clowned ever since for “THEY’RE EATING THE DOGS!!”

And yet people still keep trying to argue to me that it’s true, mercifully you aren’t dumb enough to do that
I’ll help, it’s the guy that’s been getting clowned ever since for “THEY’RE EATING THE DOGS!!”

And yet people still keep trying to argue to me that it’s true, mercifully you aren’t dumb enough to do that
That's great that you responded with something that has absolutely nothing to do with what I posted.

Here is some of that attention you want, I guess?
That's great that you responded with something that has absolutely nothing to do with what I posted.

Here is some of that attention you want, I guess?
Didn’t think I needed to walk you through this, but hey.
It's why they talk about the pets thing non-stop.
“The pets thing” was raised by the right, echoed by Trump and Vance and a bunch of others on the right, and hilariously cited in a debate by the right. We are talking about it here because other people on the right keep trying to argue to me that this patently false thing is somehow true. You have the wrong “they”
Didn’t think I needed to walk you through this, but hey.

“The pets thing” was raised by the right, echoed by Trump and Vance and a bunch of others on the right, and hilariously cited in a debate by the right. We are talking about it here because other people on the right keep trying to argue to me that this hilariously false thing is somehow true. You have the wrong “they”
You are the "They" I accurately talked about. You keep bringing it up because you have nothing positive to talk about the cackling c***.
You are the "They" I accurately talked about. You keep bringing it up because you have nothing positive to talk about the cackling c***.
This is a weird thing to say and it has nothing to do with Kamala, people saying weirdo racist things about Haitians is stupid. Doesn’t seem like you think it’s true either, so you’re arguing with the wrong person
You are proving my point, smart guy. Wasn’t Springfield, wasn’t Haitian, wasn’t snatching a goose out of a park. Wasn’t even in the last month. All BS

Except the Governor stating it was deemed “hunting” out of season. Might want to back away from posing Alex Cole and saying no proof when a news segment just backed you down. Don’t be a simpleton.
Except the Governor stating it was deemed “hunting” out of season. Might want to back away from posing Alex Cole and saying no proof when a news segment just backed you down.
You should watch your own segment, lmao. The governor clearly didn’t know details and was speculating that it “would be” hunting out of season, based on the date, IF it were hunting. Didn’t “deem” a single thing. So funny that you thought you made a point
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This is a weird thing to say and it has nothing to do with Kamala, people saying weirdo racist things about Haitians is stupid. Doesn’t seem like you think it’s true either, so you’re arguing with the wrong person
*Insert awkward cackling here* None of you guys want to talk about the CC. You know she's horrible. That's why you keep bringing up the pets thing which is really meh.

What racist things have been said?
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You should watch your own segment, lmao. The governor clearly didn’t know details and was speculating that it “would be” hunting out of season, based on the date, IF it were hunting. Didn’t “deem” a single thing. So funny that you thought you made a point
You sure about that. Wasn’t it you stating there was no evidence earlier and then parlayed it into aliens as a deflect. As I said, you got backed down. Your saving grace was it was in a Columbus to help your argument of not being Springfield. Which, I stated for you when it was posted. Don’t be a simpleton…as you look up what’s a simpleton.
You sure about that. Wasn’t it you stating there was no evidence earlier and then parlayed it into aliens as a deflect. As I said, you got backed down. Your saving grace was it was in a Columbus to help your argument of not being Springfield. Which, I stated for you when it was posted. Don’t be a simpleton…as you look up what’s a simpleton.
Damn I didn’t realize you could barely speak English, my fault. Yeah the governor saying that it would be out of hunting season isn’t “evidence” of anything, especially when he wasn’t hunting. This isn’t even complicated lol
Damn I didn’t realize you could barely speak English, my fault. Yeah the governor saying that it would be out of hunting season isn’t “evidence” of anything, especially when he wasn’t hunting. This isn’t even complicated lol
Guess I’m correct again. Insults are a sign of weakness. I’ll allow you the final word to correct that spin and the timing of all of this.
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Guess I’m correct again. Insults are a sign of weakness. I’ll allow you the final word to correct that spin and the timing of all of this.
Whoops, foiled by your own words again
Don’t be a simpleton…as you look up what’s a simpleton.
Probably a good thing that you’ll stop wasting people’s time not knowing what evidence means. He wasn’t hunting out of season, wasn’t Haitian and that also has nothing to do with “eating pets”; couldn’t be more wrong if you tried
TAFF: At the debate the other night you talked about creating an “opportunity economy” — what if we can drill down on that a little bit. When you talk about bringing down prices and making life more affordable for people, what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that?

HARRIS: Well I’ll start with this. I grew up a middle-class kid. My mother raised my sister and me, she worked very hard. Um, she was able to finally save up enough money to buy our first house when I was a teenager. I grew up in a community of hardworking people, construction workers, and nurses and teachers, and I try to explain to some people who may not have had the same experience, you know, if, but, a lot of people will relate to this, you know I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn. [smiles and nods with hands upheld] You know? And, um, and I was raised to believe and to know that all people deserve dignity. And that we as Americans have a beautiful character. You know, we have ambitions and aspirations and dreams. But not everyone necessarily has access to the resources that can help them fuel those dreams and ambitions. So when I talk about building an opportunity economy, it is very much with the mind of investing in the ambitions and aspirations and the incredible work ethic of the American people, and creating opportunity for people, for example, to start a small business. Um, my mother, you know, worked long hours, and our neighbor helped raise us. We used to call her, it was, I still call her, our “second mother.” She was a small business owner. I love our small business owners, I learned who they are through my childhood, and she was a community leader, she hired locally, she mentored, our small businesses are so much a part of the fabric of our communities, not to mention, really, I think the backbone of America’s economy.
Whoops, foiled by your own words again

Probably a good thing that you’ll stop wasting people’s time not knowing what evidence means. He wasn’t hunting out of season, wasn’t Haitian and that also has nothing to do with “eating pets”; couldn’t be more wrong if you tried
That was advice, not name calling. Don’t be a simpleton.
You are proving my point, smart guy. Wasn’t Springfield, wasn’t Haitian, wasn’t snatching a goose out of a park. Wasn’t even in the last month. All BS

That tweet may have elements of truth to it, but when I search for “The Ohio Wildlife Organization,” I get no results with that name.

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