2024 Presidential Race

Never. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever.
What you don't understand, when you give millions upon millions to illegals the citizens no matter black, brown, white, pink, green, yellow, etc. are going to start speaking up. Going to be hard to call these Chicago citizens KKK racists like the dem playbook you like to play.

And they'll keep voting for the same liberal politicians. Odds say the ho wins Illinois. So they don't have anybody to blame but themselves
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Well, he acted cool and collected with Biden and didn’t let him get to him, but Biden was kind of a vegetable so I guess it doesn’t count
He was dumbfounded by Biden's dementia. Not knowing what to say isn't cool and collected. Trump has NEVER been able to explain details about his general grievance policies
He was dumbfounded by Biden's dementia. Not knowing what to say isn't cool and collected. Trump has NEVER been able to explain details about his general grievance policies
Trump had the job for four years. We know what we are getting. No surprises, no mysteries, nothing to explain.
I for one kind of enjoyed this peaceful and prosperous four years. So why is everyone on the left trying to scare me with affordable groceries and gas, low interest rates, peace in the Middle East, and energy independence????
Trump had the job for four years. We know what we are getting. No surprises, no mysteries, nothing to explain.
I for one kind of enjoyed this peaceful and prosperous four years. So why is everyone on the left trying to scare me with affordable groceries and gas, low interest rates, peace in the Middle East, and energy independence????
I don't know. If you're looking for short term gratification, yeah he impresses the uninformed and weak minded. You would garner much more cred if you said he was the lesser of two evils. Ignorantly claiming he was good for this country isn't a good look anywhere outside of a dumbed downed, right wing echo chamber. Praising him is remarkably stupid
I don't know. If you're looking for short term gratification, yeah he impresses the uninformed and weak minded. You would garner much more cred if you said he was the lesser of two evils. Ignorantly claiming he was good for this country isn't a good look anywhere outside of a dumbed downed, right wing echo chamber. Praising him is remarkably stupid
What you call “short term gratification” I call survival. You make it sound like inflation and the real threat of a World War Are Just mere inconveniences. Inflation is sucking the life out of every middle class family in our nation. Savings are being wiped out, first time homebuyers are out of luck, and retirees on fixed incomes are literally having to chose between food and medicine.
Meanwhile Harris/Biden continue to play with fire in terms of world peace by literally poking the bear that is Russia. The Middle East is in flames. and China is licking their chops over Taiwan.
So if that is “short term gratification” then sign me up for some.
I don't know. If you're looking for short term gratification, yeah he impresses the uninformed and weak minded. You would garner much more cred if you said he was the lesser of two evils. Ignorantly claiming he was good for this country isn't a good look anywhere outside of a dumbed downed, right wing echo chamber. Praising him is remarkably stupid
Can you articulate one policy that Kamala will attempt to pass? Anything at all.
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That’s freaking insane.
How so? I think it's awesome. It levels the playing field for American workers. There is no doubt that it is inflationary, but it isn't insane to try to keep American products being manufactured in America.

Or maybe we should just rip the band aid off and sell everything to China.
And you see what we have now (under Biden/Harris) being good for the country and the world??
For the life of me I don't understand what these leftists think Trump is going to do to the country. I challenge them to name ONE policy that the Cackling Communist has proposed that will benefit Americans. Just. One.
Can you articulate one policy that Kamala will attempt to pass? Anything at all.
I can and they're bad

1) Federal law legalizing abortion
2) term limits for SC justices
3) tax wealth, unrealized gains
4) tax increases for everyone by letting the Trump tax cuts expire and passing her own tax legislation
I don't know. If you're looking for short term gratification, yeah he impresses the uninformed and weak minded. You would garner much more cred if you said he was the lesser of two evils. Ignorantly claiming he was good for this country isn't a good look anywhere outside of a dumbed downed, right wing echo chamber. Praising him is remarkably stupid
But but Harris is a better choice? Come on man.

If Harris was going to fix anything she had almost 4 years to do it, she's not doing **** and will be a worse President than Biden.
How so? I think it's awesome. It levels the playing field for American workers. There is no doubt that it is inflationary, but it isn't insane to try to keep American products being manufactured in America.

Or maybe we should just rip the band aid off and sell everything to China.

A 200% tariff is insane, JD will still cut it workforce to maintain profit levels so neither side of the border will benefit.

I would rather see a pledge from Trump that he would focus on cutting regulations as an effort to even the playing field.

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