2024 Presidential Race

Don’t make the poor guy articulate such a policy when the candidate HERSELF is unable to do so
It goes to the heart of the insane derangement that has taken over these people's lives. They will vote for her because they hate him, and they can't even tell you why anymore.
I can and they're bad

1) Federal law legalizing abortion
2) term limits for SC justices
3) tax wealth, unrealized gains
4) tax increases for everyone by letting the Trump tax cuts expire and passing her own tax legislation

Term limits on federal judges is a good thing.
I don't know. If you're looking for short term gratification, yeah he impresses the uninformed and weak minded. You would garner much more cred if you said he was the lesser of two evils. Ignorantly claiming he was good for this country isn't a good look anywhere outside of a dumbed downed, right wing echo chamber. Praising him is remarkably stupid
Uninformed and weak minded? How has the view on streets named after MLK in any metropolitan city changed in the last 30 years? That’s a long term question not short term gratification.
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A 200% tariff is insane, JD will still cut it workforce to maintain profit levels so neither side of the border will benefit.

I would rather see a pledge from Trump that he would focus on cutting regulations as an effort to even the playing field.
He cut regulations in his last term. (from a liberal assed california university no less) I would venture to guess he will do so again. You are correct that corporations will do whatever is necessary to survive, but they need to know that this plan to cut American jobs and replace them with Mexican jobs is not going to go unnoticed. I am ALL FOR tariffs on China and your Apple products. Make them move to Vietnam of the Philippines. Enough of this is enough.
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He cut regulations in his last term. (from a liberal assed california university no less) I would venture to guess he will do so again. You are correct that corporations will do whatever is necessary to survive, but they need to know that this plan to cut American jobs and replace them with Mexican jobs is not going to go unnoticed. I am ALL FOR tariffs on China and your Apple products. Make them move to Vietnam of the Philippines. Enough of this is enough.

I'm a big proponent of tariffs and fees, that is how the founders set up the funding for the federal government so if we were eliminating all income taxes and replacing the revenue with tariffs I'd be all for it.
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Only if it comes concurrent with term limits on Congress.

Why? For the life of me I cannot understand why anyone wants the federal government to further limit their choices for representation? Federal judges do not represent the people, and none should have guaranteed lifetime power and employment.
I'm a big proponent of tariffs and fees, that is how the founders set up the funding for the federal government so if we were eliminating all income taxes and replacing the revenue with tariffs I'd be all for it.
Yeah well that's like offering an alcoholic a case of Blanton's if he'll stop drinking when he has a lifetime supply of Old Homicide guaranteed him by the distiller.

The .gov will NEVER, EVER get rid of income taxes. It's just too easy to take it from a compliant society when they don't even realize it is theft.
Why? For the life of me I cannot understand why anyone wants the federal government to further limit their choices for representation? Federal judges do not represent the people, and none should have guaranteed lifetime power and employment.
I've had enough of career incompetence. Your contention that we have a choice of representation sounds good, but in fact we don't. MY guy is great. YOUR guy is ****ed up and you should replace him. So until you do, I will keep electing MY guy. Lather rinse repeat

How many 'representatives' have left office before either dying or becoming too old to change their own diaper in the halls of congress in the last 50 years? AOC is the one for you young guys to watch She is going to get fabulously wealthy, and will never leave. (because she brought all those great jobs to her constituents, right)
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What a surprise, just days after saying it's OK to lie to get the media's attention, Vance gets caught in a bold-faced lie. It's complete incompetence. Is he a double agent? He can't find proof of inflation that he does't have to lie about? So embarrasssing

Yeah well that's like offering an alcoholic a case of Blanton's if he'll stop drinking when he has a lifetime supply of Old Homicide guaranteed him by the distiller.

The .gov will NEVER, EVER get rid of income taxes. It's just too easy to take it from a compliant society when they don't even realize it is theft.

Income taxes are a means to control behavior. The reality is the federal government just creates the money it needs.
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What a surprise, just days after saying it's OK to lie to get the media's attention, Vance gets caught in a bold-faced lie. It's complete incompetence. Is he a double agent? He can't find proof of inflation that he does't have to lie about? So embarrasssing


Why? For the life of me I cannot understand why anyone wants the federal government to further limit their choices for representation? Federal judges do not represent the people, and none should have guaranteed lifetime power and employment.
The problem is the system is broken. Once entrenched these leeches are like kudsu, you can't get them out. They are bought and paid for. I used to think like you and the people can throw them out, but they become so powerful with their backers it becomes ridiculously hard to remove them.
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I can and they're bad

1) Federal law legalizing abortion
2) term limits for SC justices
3) tax wealth, unrealized gains
4) tax increases for everyone by letting the Trump tax cuts expire and passing her own tax legislation
1)Mandatory gun buyback
2)Continuation of open borders
3)Continuation of free smartphones, housing, healthcare, cash, groceries for illegals
4)25,000 for housing down payments
5)Continuation of Ukraine money
6)Continuation of Iran money
7)1A will be in jeopardy
8)2A will be in jeopardy

Everyone needs to realize today's democrats aren't the democrats of even 20 years ago. They are puppets pushing the agenda of the WHO, WEF, and UN. If everyone wants these globalist like Klaus Schwab telling them how US citizens and their families are going to live go ahead and vote for her.
The problem is the system is broken. Once entrenched these leeches are like kudsu, you can't get them out. They are bought and paid for. I used to think like you and the people can throw them out, but they become so powerful with their backers it becomes ridiculously hard to remove them.

Here's the thing with term limits. The same people backing xyz Representative/Senator will back their replacement when they're term limited so nothing but the suit changes. In short term limits will do nothing to subvert federal corruption, the only way to accomplish that is to limit their power to spend.
What you call “short term gratification” I call survival. You make it sound like inflation and the real threat of a World War Are Just mere inconveniences. Inflation is sucking the life out of every middle class family in our nation. Savings are being wiped out, first time homebuyers are out of luck, and retirees on fixed incomes are literally having to chose between food and medicine.
Meanwhile Harris/Biden continue to play with fire in terms of world peace by literally poking the bear that is Russia. The Middle East is in flames. and China is licking their chops over Taiwan.
So if that is “short term gratification” then sign me up for some.

But but Harris is a better choice? Come on man.

If Harris was going to fix anything she had almost 4 years to do it, she's not doing **** and will be a worse President than Biden.
No, she's not a better choice
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Punitive tarrifs. Govt shouldnt be in business of determining where products are made

I agree that 200% is a punitive tariff but I believe he was saying that it would apply to any company moving jobs out of the country.

Some products should be limited to domestic production, meds, most military tech and hardware for example.
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Here's the thing with term limits. The same people backing xyz Representative/Senator will back their replacement when they're term limited so nothing but the suit changes. In short term limits will do nothing to subvert federal corruption, the only way to accomplish that is to limit their power to spend.
If these people have to start at ground zero every 8 years, it would curtail it somewhat, imo. When this country was founded, to go to Washington was to serve. It wasn't meant to be a lifetime career and a means to become super wealthy. Congress is pretty much organized crime at this point. It should be a crime to accept money from any outside entity.

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