2024 Presidential Race

Truly frightening as she has no clue and is confused. This is who people are going to directly or indirectly vote for this November.

I heard a segment with Bill O'reilly on the radio today. He made an excellent point. He said Harris doesn't do interviews because she doesn't know anything. She can't answer any questions in a cogent manner.
Kamala Harris Hasn't Held A Press Conference In 66 Days.
She is going to make an outstanding president. She is following in her fearless leaders footsteps. China Joe couldn’t hold a press conference because he had dementia. Toes Up or is it Toes Down or is it Headboard Harris (take your pick) does not hold a press conference because she is dumber than a rock. What is sad is, I am not being sarcastic or demeaning when I say that. She really is that dumb. She is going to be the leader of the free world. Question is. Who is dumber? Her or the people who voted for her.
Ah OK. Then please enlighten us with some of Kamalala's fantastic policy proposals. Or just one. If you can.
Haven’t seen any fantastic policy proposals. Trump being ****** doesn’t make Kamala fantastic. Kamala being bad doesn’t make Trump any better either. Not sure why that’s a difficult concept.
You can disperse with all the adjectives to make a point.
You can call me a Democrat of which I am not to but it really is a weak argument to do so.
You can call others across the US but I am sure they are like thinkers and will not disagree with you.
You can pull polls from whatever news or media service you need to make an argument for your candidate or the other.
With all your wisdom, you can't deny the fact that a substantial base of the Republican has publicly endorsed KH.
That Republican base has money and power and as much as they disagree with KH they hate Trump more. Look at the numbers.
This is not about policies because Trump has turned it into a circus. Clowns don't win.
What you failed to notice that Trump is pulling out of his bag of tricks anything he can to win.
The more he is told he is losing, the more he becomes desperate and the more he makes promises on things he cannot deliver.
Trump has no platform. He talks too much and uses hate and stupid thoughts to rile the crowd.
Women are objects to him.
Sorry but Trump is not a world leader.

Sorry but you called the wrong people or people that will tell you what you want to hear. Feel good about it?
Pleeeeeease give me a reason to vote for Kamala. Tell me what she proposes that will make life here in America better. With her proposals of raising taxes on just about everything I just can't find it remotely palatable. She offers nothing on border security. SHE has been in charge of the border for 4 years and it is a disaster. (or do you not acknowledge that?)

And pleeeeease tell me what Trump's "bag of tricks" is. Is it his proposal to cut corporate taxes to 15% versus Kamala's proposal to raise them to 28%? Is that a 'trick'? If it is, please tell me how so since he has already done that when he was president. It resulted in job growth and increased tax receipts to the .gov. Kamala wants to let the Trump tax cuts expire which will raise taxes on YOU. Those corporations that will see those increases WILL leave for places where their revenue is better treated. Ireland's corporate tax rate is 12.5%. Say goodbye to jobs along with those departures. And you are good with that? What exactly is the 'circus' Trump has turned this in to? This IS about policy. Kamala has none, and has proposed none other than tax tax tax. Trump's policies want to let you keep more of that money you earned.

And on the world stage, a 'leader' that got where she is by dropping to her knees will not be viewed favorably by male dominated governments. They are afraid of Trump because the MSM has painted him as a psychopath. That's probably the only favor they have done him and our country.
Most in this forum see the world through binary lens. No nuance, no detail. You either are one side or the other. Most also see it as a universal support of all positions everyone takes on their side. I suppose I should do better and not think that is dumb AF. People can't help it. It's the wiring to always travel down a hallway with little elbow room
Maybe you can give me a reason to see ANYTHING.... that Kamala brings that is better than what Trump offers.


I am BEGGING you guys to give me something. Nuance or not.
Why would her voters give a rat's ass who her "leadership team" endorses when she herself clearly endorsed Trump? Since when do leadership teams endorse anyone? Voters can't even put a face on a "leadership team". This is a nothingburger
Well with the MSM arm of the DNC spinning it, it is not exactly a nothingburger. In reality it is, but the spin machine is making it into something.
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Haven’t seen any fantastic policy proposals. Trump being ****** doesn’t make Kamala fantastic. Kamala being bad doesn’t make Trump any better either. Not sure why that’s a difficult concept.
So you can't give me anything other than you hate Trump. I get it. Now tell me why she is a better choice. Please.
So you can't give me anything other than you hate Trump. I get it. Now tell me why she is a better choice. Please.
If we’re making a pros and cons list, the fact that she has never attempted to use the vice president’s authority to essentially overturn the election by returning or literally rejecting votes would be at or near the top.
Trump's policies want to let you keep more of that money you earned.
You have said this before and it's still not true. Inflation robs you of your money and he had a big hand in it.

You claim he increased tax receipts but was still running trillion dollar deficits. Is it because he had to prop up a very shaky economy with massive govt spending? Spending he claimed he would cut then admitted he didn't really care about budgets.

Even after the massive covid spending he signed off on there were promises of increasing the spend over what even the dems promised. How was that fiscally responsible? How was that going to limit inflation?

Dog or cat, you're still munching down on a turd
If we’re making a pros and cons list, the fact that she has never attempted to use the vice president’s authority to essentially overturn the election by returning or literally rejecting votes would be at or near the top.
Good grief. I actually thought you were smarter than this.
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