2024 Presidential Race

What I think is hilarious and sad is the complete 180 that the Biden administration has made on this issue. Initially, they completely denied it was even an issue because Trump. I remember seeing several Democrats calling the border crisis a "right wing" conspiracy. Now, of course, with the election coming up, they now acknowledge the border crisis and have flipped on the issue. Right on cue. Typical politician BS.

Republicans really need to focus the messaging on connecting Kamala to the crap-show of the past 4 years. She was there the whole time.

Trump needs to focus on messaging. He's not the candidate we want but he's the one we got. We have to defeat these Marxists.
Republicans can do it, but Trump not capable of doing it because he has to use facts. Something he tends to be lacking. Then, of course he drifts into storytime. Other World leaders are not to impressed and it will reflect on world standing. KH can't anymore than Trump but for the reason that she is not capable. Really no choice.

Trump willing to put a fork in Ukraine and give Russia a new border expansion is just dumb at this point. I guess it is like saying you can bomb his house kill a few maids and let the new tenants move in and occupy a wing of your house. I am sure some agree with this, but have no foresight as to the ramifications in the future.

Giving Russia a win is something a POTUS should never do.
So you're fear mongering with what a peace agreement looks like. Something the Biden-Harris Administration should've been all for leading up to conflict but as we know they were pretty much egging it on.
Are you really this stu..... Nevermind. You are.

No order, never happened.
You are always so angry, I can't imagine being so miserable all the time but then I remember that your heroes - Trump, Tucker, Jesse - constantly fear monger and that fear and grievance manifests itself in your posts. Get outside, enjoy life. It's not Biden's fault your life sucks, it's your fault.
No order, never happened.
You are always so angry, I can't imagine being so miserable all the time but then I remember that your heroes - Trump, Tucker, Jesse - constantly fear monger and that fear and grievance manifests itself in your posts. Get outside, enjoy life. It's not Biden's fault your life sucks, it's your fault.
The D.C. police are looking for you.
So you're fear mongering with what a peace agreement looks like. Something the Biden-Harris Administration should've been all for leading up to conflict but as we know they were pretty much egging it on.
Not my fear mongering when you quote Trump on how he stated he would handle it. You seem to think it is ok for a country to completely devastate a country and the claim it as there own property. Trump seems to be ok with Russia doing it. I guess you are as well. I am not, call it fear mongering, but really not It is just the quote of an old man being himself.

This isn't about Biden and Harris so why bring them up. Egging it on No, protecting it from being an annual event, yes. NATO is doing this. Again you pout all you want but you need to accept reality and facts. Your thoughts don't matter on this one.
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