2024 Presidential Race

5 times. You blame it on the Dems, but it is DJT. Read Article below. You have been tricked again. Sad that you use this as an excuse. I guess you can explain the other problems he had with the Wall completion and Mexico paying for it. Explain why what was newly built was so breachable. Smoke and Mirrors. He claims 500 miles ok. Read the article below. Some of that was upgrades to existing boarder walls.

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Title 42 is what was smart policy by the Trump admin
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Title 42 is what was smart policy by the Trump admin
I agree and you don't have to visit the wall to implement. The Border Control bill was smart policy not as good as 42, but it was a move in the right direction. Politics got in the way.
Border visits tally crap is a kid's game for numbers and appearance only.
I agree and you don't have to visit the wall to implement. The Border Control bill was smart policy not as good as 42, but it was a move in the right direction. Politics got in the way.
Border visits tally crap is a kid's game for numbers and appearance only.
Was that the policy that was 80% international funding???
What about the secure the border bill that passed the house and died on Schumer desk???
5 times. You blame it on the Dems, but it is DJT. Read Article below. You have been tricked again. Sad that you use this as an excuse. I guess you can explain the other problems he had with the Wall completion and Mexico paying for it. Explain why what was newly built was so breachable. Smoke and Mirrors. He claims 500 miles ok. Read the article below. Some of that was upgrades to existing boarder walls.

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You are focusing too much on the wall and its rhetoric during an election. Don't fall for that. The dems were not a supportive group for any of his policies including securing the border. Title 42 was implemented and he turned away 2.8M illegals in the most efficient way possible - at the border. Add these numbers to his removals from inside the country and he has removed/deported more illegals than any President.
I agree and you don't have to visit the wall to implement. The Border Control bill was smart policy not as good as 42, but it was a move in the right direction. Politics got in the way.
Border visits tally crap is a kid's game for numbers and appearance only.
How is the border control bill considered good policy?
Trump has got to be running a more moronic campaign than I can remember seeing in a long time. Just saw another Trump commercial which was stupidly about funding sex change operations for federal prisoners. I cannot remember the last time I saw a Trump commercial attacking the economy.

“It’s the economy, stupid” - Jim Carville who got slick Willy elected.
I see your point; but frankly, anyone who hasn’t noticed how bad the economy is is probably too stupid to vote.
I mean I don’t need the weatherman to tell me it’s flooding as I watch my car float away
I see your point; but frankly, anyone who hasn’t noticed how bad the economy is is probably too stupid to vote.
I mean I don’t need the weatherman to tell me it’s flooding as I watch my car float away
People care about their pocket books. Next to nobody cares about federal prisoners getting their tally whackers cut off. Point to what matters.
I see a lot of libs on X defending the restaurant saying they shouldn’t allow in „racists“ like Vance. I am literally scratching my head figuring out ANYTHING Vance (who is married to a lady from an Indian Family) has said or done that could even be REMOTELY considered racist? 🤷‍♂️
He registered as a a Republican.
CBS announced that it won’t be doing fact-checking during the VP debate, and Harris supporters are freaking out on Twitter. Since when in the hell is it the responsibility of moderators to fact-check during a debate? Before ABC did it during the first presidential debate this year, I had never seen fact-checking done during a debate—unless you consider Candy Crowley making a fool of herself in 2012 as fact-checking.
How is the border control bill considered good policy?
By the fact that it would have put more technology and agents on the border. Wasn't going to fix totally fix it but was a move to get more control so better policies (misspoke) could be implemented. Better than let's do nothing and complaining about nothing being done. Do you want the Border Controlled or not. Doing nothing for a political argument is just what it is. Political Football. Determent and implementation of control is better than what we have now. Technically it was policy vs the Catch and release strategy used at present.

Addresses some of the key problems with current border and asylum policy, and to address the federal government’s failure to manage migration with policy changes. Edit: you can read it and answer your own question.

Nothing like 42 but it laid out a compromise for Bipartisan Politics and must have been worth something that DJT felt the need to put a halt to it.
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I love that EL and the rest still throw around The term „Republican“ like it means something.
A lot of us figured out long ago that it is no longer dimocrat vs Republican; it is „the Club“ vs everyone else. The dimocrat party is 100% owned by the Club and the Republicans are about 70% owned by the Club. Trump is NOT in the Club which is why dimocrats and some „Republicans“ hate him so vehemently
I regret that I can only give one like to this post. This can't be stated enough...
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By the fact that it would have put more technology and agents on the border. Wasn't going to fix totally fix it but was a move to get more control so better policies (misspoke) could be implemented. Better than let's do nothing and complaining about nothing being done. Do you want the Border Controlled or not. Doing nothing for a political argument is just what it is. Political Football. Determent and implementation of control is better than what we have now. Technically it was policy vs the Catch and release strategy used at present.

Addresses some of the key problems with current border and asylum policy, and to address the federal government’s failure to manage migration with policy changes. Edit: you can read it and answer your own question.

Nothing like 42 but it laid out a compromise for Bipartisan Politics and must have been worth something that DJT felt the need to put a halt to it.
HR 2 passed the house and was killed by Schumer and the Dems... How come you never speak about that?
Trump has got to be running a more moronic campaign than I can remember seeing in a long time. Just saw another Trump commercial which was stupidly about funding sex change operations for federal prisoners. I cannot remember the last time I saw a Trump commercial attacking the economy.

“It’s the economy, stupid” - Jim Carville who got slick Willy elected.
I mean, that wouldn't be good for the economy.
5 times. You blame it on the Dems, but it is DJT. Read Article below. You have been tricked again. Sad that you use this as an excuse. I guess you can explain the other problems he had with the Wall completion and Mexico paying for it. Explain why what was newly built was so breachable. Smoke and Mirrors. He claims 500 miles ok. Read the article below. Some of that was upgrades to existing boarder walls.

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Those upgrades were to basically barbed wire fences you could step over. The only thing that stopped him was the 2018 midterms when the dems won the House back.

Remember them moaning about spending 8B on the wall was too much money? Now they're spending 120B plus on the illegals in the country now.

Also, remember AOC going to the border for her photo op when 500 kids were missing from the border? In the last 3 1/2 years over 320,000 kids are missing. She hasn't went to the border to cry over this amount.
CBS announced that it won’t be doing fact-checking during the VP debate, and Harris supporters are freaking out on Twitter. Since when in the hell is it the responsibility of moderators to fact-check during a debate? Before ABC did it during the first presidential debate this year, I had never seen fact-checking done during a debate—unless you consider Candy Crowley making a fool of herself in 2012 as fact-checking.
Vance would shred them if they did.
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