2024 Presidential Race

HR 2 passed the house and was killed by Schumer and the Dems... How come you never speak about that?
It is political football simply put. There I spoke about it. Satisfied. LOL.
No doubt both parties will have to work together to fix this nation.
Do you think that Schumer used it to get elected? No
Do you think that Trump used it to keep his candidacy or platform alive? No doubt.
Just another tactic to keep things stirred up... Blame the Democrats, Whataboutism.
So your position essentially is that Ukraine should be a bigger priority for the federal government than helping its own citizens who have been severely impacted by a natural disaster? Correct? If so, care to elaborate on why you believe that?

Ukraine is the most pressing issue our country is dealing with. Everything else is secondary.
It is political football simply put. There I spoke about it. Satisfied. LOL.
No doubt both parties will have to work together to fix this nation.
Do you think that Schumer used it to get elected? No
Do you think that Trump used it to keep his candidacy or platform alive? No doubt.
Just another tactic to keep things stirred up... Blame the Democrats, Whataboutism.
It was literally as bill passed on 2023 by the house focused solely on the border the Dems killed for political gains....the same as Trump supposedly did with the Ukraine funding bill...your supposed be a centrists but yet you repeatedly show you leftist ideology only criticism for Trump or the right...at least be honest and admit you dont carr about anything other then but Trump.
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If that is funded by taxpayers you still feel the same?
Is what is funded by tax payers? Are you trying to justify that stupid ass federal prison sex change commercial? It’s background noise. Its inconsequential. Stick to the major points that the voting public have been polled and said they give the nod to Trump on. The economy and border security. For Trump’s campaign to waste money and effort on such an inconsequential item this late in the game is gross campaign management incompetence
Is what is funded by tax payers? Are you trying to justify that stupid ass federal prison sex change commercial? It’s background noise. Its inconsequential. Stick to the major points that the voting public have been polled and said they give the nod to Trump on. The economy and border security. For Trump’s campaign to waste money and effort on such an inconsequential item this late in the game is gross campaign management incompetence
Straight from the horses mouth. And let's be honest, funding these surgeries by the taxpayers would bankrupt the country. If insurance companies are made to pay for them, everyone's insurance will skyrocket. These surgeries are very expensive on their own but anyone getting them has more surgeries, and more medications the rest of their life from their complications from the original surgery.

Straight from the horses mouth. And let's be honest, funding these surgeries by the taxpayers would bankrupt the country. If insurance companies are made to pay for them, everyone's insurance will skyrocket. These surgeries are very expensive on their own but anyone getting them has more surgeries, and more medications the rest of their life from their complications.

I don’t care! With the time that’s left Trump should be laser focused on his strengths as polled by voters.

You tell me. Who is the target audience that is going to see those idiotic minutia point commercials and say “yeah… that did it for me. Sex change operations for prisoners is a step too far.” Who exactly is undecided right now whom is going to be swayed by a stupid commercial like that?

It’s the economy stupid. And border security. As determined by polling data of voters. Time is getting short and the Trump campaign should be focused on the high % plays at this point. Both campaigns should be.
Straight from the horses mouth. And let's be honest, funding these surgeries by the taxpayers would bankrupt the country. If insurance companies are made to pay for them, everyone's insurance will skyrocket. These surgeries are very expensive on their own but anyone getting them has more surgeries, and more medications the rest of their life from their complications from the original surgery.

Can you point to the item on this list that sex change operations for prisoners falls under? And no it isn’t healthcare

I don’t care! With the time that’s left Trump should be laser focused on his strengths as polled by voters.

You tell me. Who is the target audience that is going to see those idiotic minutia point commercials and say “yeah… that did it for me. Sex change operations for prisoners is a step too far.” Who exactly is undecided right now whom is going to be swayed by a stupid commercial like that?

It’s the economy stupid. And border security. As determined by polling data of voters. Time is getting short and the Trump campaign should be focused on the high % plays at this point. Both campaigns should be.
Funding surgeries that cost 100K alone, not to mention the complication surgeries the rest of their life does pertain to the economy. 🤷
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Funding surgeries that cost 100K alone, not to mention the complication surgeries the rest of their life does pertain to the economy. 🤷
It does not. At best it falls under government spending. Which on that list above is at 4%. Which is sad but that’s an entirely different discussion. Their job right now is to convince voters. They have the nod on three of the top four items and are probably tied on the fourth one and those four comprise 56% of voter concerns. Again stick to the high percentage plays.
FACT = Cutting taxes while increasing spending is an inflationary fiscal policy.

That is exactly what Trump did.
Sorry, but the facts show that inflation was under control during the Trump administration. Many, many, Americans are wishing that was the case with the current communist/democrat group. I have included the data again for your assistance.

Straight from the horses mouth. And let's be honest, funding these surgeries by the taxpayers would bankrupt the country. If insurance companies are made to pay for them, everyone's insurance will skyrocket. These surgeries are very expensive on their own but anyone getting them has more surgeries, and more medications the rest of their life from their complications from the original surgery.

I cannot give this a “Like” . This is insane. There is one person in prison for life, that strangled his 11 month old baby, and wants this surgery. Kamala is for it.

I understand this surgery is upwards $100K. This while we have law abiding citizens who have family members that lost their lives or their lives have been devastated by this storm and this administration chooses to spend our tax money HERE??????????????????
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