2024 Presidential Race

Quite the contrary…..I want a smaller government that stays out of our way and let the market figure out solutions. The government IS NOT the answer. Never has been and never will be as long as they are spending $5K for a toilet.

Voting for “middle of the road solutions” is what provides the “clown show” you speak of. Be Bold, vote for someone (and a party) that will Make America Great Again!! The tent is big and getting bigger. Long time democratic strongholds ( African Americans / Latinos / Jews / Youth) are all figuring it out and making the switch.

Get Trump in and Let Elon go to make the swamp more efficient.

I don’t care what party someone is, if they have a good and clear plan on making this country better, I’m all for it.

I’ll be the first to say I’m not a fan of either Trump or Harris. It sucks that I have to vote for the person that’s “less sucky” but I do think Trump can turn the country around unlike Harris….at least just a little and hopefully whoever comes next can build off that.

So I agree, vote for whoever will make the country great again.
Trump and many Republicans, are now sounding like Democrats on Abortion.

“Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes,” she writes in the book, which is slated to be released on October 8 – less than a month before Election Day.

The former first lady, The Guardian reports, says that “restricting a woman’s right to choose whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is the same as denying her control over her own body” and notes that she has believed this “throughout my entire adult life.”

“It is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government,” she writes, according to The Guardian.

She's not running for office but maybe this kind of split with the MAGA philosophy may in some part explain her absence from the campaign trail. Personally, regardless of the issue, I'm glad that a spouse feels free to disagree with the candidate, or in this case his supporters.

She's not running for office but maybe this kind of split with the MAGA philosophy may in some part explain her absence from the campaign trail. Personally, regardless of the issue, I'm glad that a spouse feels free to disagree with the candidate, or in this case his supporters.
pretty sure you prefer the option where the candidate is replaced by the spouse in doing their job.
Trump and many Republicans, are now sounding like Democrats on Abortion.
Arguably Barry Goldwater was the original "conservative". He was considered a far right conservative in 1964 and of course he was a Republican. He also was quite pro choice. He did not feel that gov't should be able to tell a woman what to do with her body. That is consistent with the small gov't principle of conservatism. Ronald Reagan kinda switched that, with the help of the religious right, in the late 70s early 80s. Personally I describe myself as a Goldwater conservative which nowadays makes me one of the more liberal Republicans, although I don't agree with characterizing pro choice with liberalism. Barry Goldwater said once in the 1990s that he's now considered a liberal in his party
Which is interesting really since at this point, IMO, the fact it's Trump leading the ticket might even be helping the Dems. Trump whipping that base up and then being gone would take the wind out of the "Orange man bad" plot device and put more of the onus on selling their candidates. Not sure that's an easy sell.
Which base is Trump whipping up?
The ones already voting for him. If he (Trump) was then gone I see little if any drop off from them to back Vance and with no more "anybody but Trump" to sell to any undecideds that could at the very least quell some Kamala/Waltz voting and potentially increase the Republican vote outright.
Its too close to call IMO. I am not sure what the Republican base is anymore...if it is MAGA then, the base (non MAGA)will have support as well...Trump cannot win on MAGA vote alone. Old schooled Republicans move further away from him every day.
Its too close to call IMO. I am not sure what the Republican base is anymore...if it is MAGA then, the base (non MAGA)will have support as well...Trump cannot win on MAGA vote alone. Old schooled Republicans move further away from him every day.
I guess what I was trying to get across was that I think ALL MAGA would still back Vance plus almost all those non-MAGA you reference would be much happier voting him.

The problem with the kind of "base" I think you're referencing is the divide is so sharp with so many. You know, basically "Never Trump" and "Never Kamala". What the hell is a "base" when so many are so savagely opposed to the other side it's more about who you aren't voting for than who you are?
Why does the racial make up of the particular area or photo matter? Isn't there enough misery there to go around without heaping onto it your disdain to her appealing to minorities ?

I just don't get the value of making an issue of this, other than to exploit the racial divide which exists in your view of the world.
I see that the propaganda wing of the DNC has rallied around Kamalala's comments about who should get aid. LOL
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Trump-Hater Liz Cheney to Campaign with Kamala Harris at Birthplace of Republican Party​


Former Congresswoman Liz Cheney will campaign with Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday in Ripon, Wisconsin, the birthplace of the Republican Party, a senior campaign official told Axios.

Cheney’s willingness to work with Harris, whom Cheney previously described as a “radical liberal,” does not come as a surprise. Cheney endorsed Harris in September because of the “danger” that Trump allegedly poses. “I have thought deeply about this, and because of the danger that Donald Trump poses, not only am I not voting for Donald Trump, but I will be voting for Kamala Harris,” she claimed:


She's not running for office but maybe this kind of split with the MAGA philosophy may in some part explain her absence from the campaign trail. Personally, regardless of the issue, I'm glad that a spouse feels free to disagree with the candidate, or in this case his supporters.
Why are you so obsessed with her. She's not running for office...Emhoff is a women abuser I don't see you questioning him
I guess what I was trying to get across was that I think ALL MAGA would still back Vance plus almost all those non-MAGA you reference would be much happier voting him.

The problem with the kind of "base" I think you're referencing is the divide is so sharp with so many. You know, basically "Never Trump" and "Never Kamala". What the hell is a "base" when so many are so savagely opposed to the other side it's more about who you aren't voting for than who you are?
IMO For Republicans, it is basically three groups now. 1) MAGA 2) Those that could be classified as "guilty by association" or those that could be caught up it the issues, and 3) Not going to Vote for him and may vote for KH.

IMO For the Democrats it is basically all a Heinz 57 vote. Some Republicans

It is a mess. 2016 total votes --- 128.7M Clinton - 65.8M Trump - 62.9M
2020 total votes --- 155.4M Biden - 81.2M Trump - 74.2M

Swing states for the Electoral College Votes are critical as you know. Whoever has the best ground game will win. Is it possible to add another 27 million new voters to the list or will the total decrease.

A lot of intangibles so too close to call. So don't believe any polls you see.

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