2024 Presidential Race

Opinions change.
I don't believe for a minute that Vance's truly did. He snuggled up to Trump only for the purpose it served in the way of political opportunism.

Do you really go from wondering if someone is "America's Hitler" into swearing by their every move, and agreeing with everything that they say? This was a seismic shift. I don't buy it. It was too extreme. Only a gullible person would buy it. In other words, Trump voters.
You can't truthfully say that JD Vance changed his mind about Donald Trump because of how impressed he was with Trump's first term in office. At the time those messages were sent, Trump had already been President for slightly more than 3 years. Vance has previously claimed to have had a change of heart early in Trump's time in office. That was a lie.

2020 proves my point just fine.

JD Vance's support of Donald Trump is disingenuous. It's not based out of respect for Trump's leadership, Trump's character, or for Trump's performance as President, which he has denigrated.

JD Vance changed his tune on Trump completely out of opportunism, political expediency, and what best served his chances for career advancement.

Vance is a fraud and a sell-out. He doesn't honestly like Trump at all. There is nothing principled or honorable about any of that.
Well, you better make peace with your feelings about Vance, because he is going to be in the VP mansion for 4 years, and then in the Whote House until 2036.
No threads about the Afghan national allowed into the country illegally by the Biden admin who was planning a terrorist attack on Election Day?
Maybe they were expecting you to start it .... or it might have to wait until the thread about how Biden is funneling FEMA relief money to illegal immigrants from Haiti has run it's course.
I don't believe for a minute that Vance's truly did. He snuggled up to Trump only for the purpose it served in the way of political opportunism.

Do you really go from wondering if someone is "America's Hitler" into swearing by their every move, and agreeing with everything that they say? This was a seismic shift. I don't buy it. It was too extreme. Only a gullible person would buy it. In other words, Trump voters.
FWIW, I also totally despised Trump in 2016 and through a lot of his term. But when I saw the results he got and saw that he did none of the things the left had breathlessly predicted, I slowly came around. I have no reason to disbelieve that Vance didn’t undergo a similar change in outlook.
I love how inferences of people’s true beliefs are made in only one direction. If one side says “the sky is blue,” the other says, “no. They’re a science denier. We all know they think the sky is green.”
When someone is wondering if a person is "America's Hitler," and then they become that same person's staunchest ally, once it benefits them (politically, professionally, financially or socially) to do so? There will doubts regarding their sincerity. JD Vance's shift in tone on Donald Trump is what has been to the extreme in the opposite direction.
FWIW, I also totally despised Trump in 2016 and through a lot of his term. But when I saw the results he got and saw that he did none of the things the left had breathlessly predicted, I slowly came around. I have no reason to disbelieve that Vance didn’t undergo a similar change in outlook.
When it is a communist democrat they simply evolve. With others they are liars.
FWIW, I also totally despised Trump in 2016 and through a lot of his term. But when I saw the results he got and saw that he did none of the things the left had breathlessly predicted, I slowly came around. I have no reason to disbelieve that Vance didn’t undergo a similar change in outlook.
Apples to oranges. The primary reason to doubt Vance's sincerity, is that it strongly benefited him professionally and politically to make the dramatic shift that he did. It gives the appearance of opportunism.
Apples to oranges. The primary reason to doubt Vance's sincerity, is that it strongly benefited him professionally and politically to make the dramatic shift that he did. It gives the appearance of opportunism.
Then feel free to not vote for him. You can always vote for the truly authentic Kamala Harris who has NEVER changed an opinion for political expediency

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