2024 Presidential Race

"Positioning herself for the GOP endorsement, Haley said Trump "was the right president at the right time," but stressed, "the world is on fire and chaos follows him, and we can't have a country in chaos for four more years, so we won't survive it."

Good Lord. She is disqualifying herself with this the " Sky is going to fall" sh!t.

The media wants him just like 2016. They had more clicks and viewers due to him. Don't fool yourself the media wants Trump more than anyone.
She was invited to a Dem fundraiser. You have now been corrected twice on the same topic. How worried was your mom when you touched the same hot stove twice? From the article I posted earlier.

“It all followed some jokes she told about George W. Bush at a fundraiser for John Kerry (the Democratic Party’s ’04 nominee).”

@turbovol hello?

Nikki Haley urges Republican voters to IGNORE how she feels about Trump and to Focus On Her Policies as she continues effort to bridge huge gap to front runner with 30 Days until Iowa​

When Nikki Haley was governor of South Carolina she condemned Donald Trump's plan to ban Muslims from travelling to the United States.

Then she took a job in his administration.

Now she finds the former president and his huge poll lead standing between her and the Republican 2024 nomination, and she has reverted to her critical stance. Up to a point.

'Let me just say this, you know, anti-Trumpers, don't think I hate Trump enough,' she told CNN's Dana Bash last week.

'Pro-Trumpers, don't think I love Trump enough. What you see is what you get. I just call it like I see it and wouldn’t it be nice if you weren’t gauged on whether you love or hate somebody, and instead where you think the country should go?'

Her comments reflect the dilemma facing her and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as they campaign to unseat Trump as the likely 2024 Republican nominee: How do you score points against the former president without alienating his huge base of support?

Haley has been on the move in recent weeks. The former United Nations ambassador has seen her poll numbers improve on the back of impressive debate performances.

And a string of key endorsements — last week it was the popular governor of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu — has given her a momentum boost as the clock ticks towards the Iowa caucuses in 30 days time, and the first chance for Republicans to pick their preferred candidate.

Yet it is her stance on Trump that frequently dominates headlines, much to her apparent irritation.

Gas prices are plummeting because the economy is slowing, are the daily layoffs being reported due to production increasing, unemployment is down simply because the participation rate is crap and good grief man, get the Russians out of your mind.

We see participation down by just walking into any department store and literally playing a game of scavenger hunt to find employees ask a question, clean up the aisles, or to check out. All I hear is we're understaffed.
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Eleven percent of American workers are unionized--and of course the number/percentage fell dramatically over the last 40 years. If Dems
were controlling, the opposite would be the case. So nice try. The only controlling people are the employers who threaten, intimidate and sack workers who want to unionize, because they don't want to pay them better, fairer wages. The outsourcing of American's manufacturing sector and lousy wages for 35 years are the chief reasons for the shrinkage of the American middle class.
You are the polar opposite of Dave Ramsey. He goes too far to one extreme and you seem to go too far on the other.
Nikki Haley is gaining on Trump in New Hampshire. According to CBS, She is polling at 29% to Trump's 44%. She has the momentum. This country must be led by the South, if it can't be Tennessee, South Carolina works.

You are the polar opposite of Dave Ramsey. He goes too far to one extreme and you seem to go too far on the other.

So Ramsey, whom I'd not heard of, seems mostly a crackpot financial advisor based on what I've read.

Your original comment was that Democrats "control" workers. That of course is an absurd comment.
Nikki Haley is gaining on Trump in New Hampshire. According to CBS, She is polling at 29% to Trump's 44%. She has the momentum. This country must be led by the South, if it can't be Tennessee, South Carolina works.

Looking at South Carolina's roster of current Fed politicians, I don't want to go anywhere near where they would lead us. Actually, we've been there already and they almost destroyed the GOP. It's the Bush neocon wing of the Party.

The Era of Big Taxes Is Upon Us​

With debt more expensive, rich countries are turning to voters and businesses to pay for growing spending needs​

Reap what you sow libs.

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