2024 Presidential Race

“Even Vladimir Putin … says that Biden’s, and this is a quote, politically motivated persecution of his political rival is very good for Russia because it shows the rottenness of the American political system, which cannot pretend to teach others about democracy,”

Well can’t say Putin is wrong on this.
Seriously. Bulltits would be more useful than Joe Biden. We lived through 8 straight years of Obamas BS....I didn't think it was possible for a US president to ever get as little respect in the world, or to inflict more damage on our country than Barry. Boy was I wrong.

This clown has embarrassed this country at every turn, from executive orders to Afghanistan...allowed us to be steadily invaded by at least 10MM illegal immigrants in 3 years while causing record inflation not seen since Carter and destroying the economy.

A Manchurian Candidate destroying our country within, all while enforcing corruption of our youth and schools with sexual innuendo and dysfunction that should never be around our youth and stoking stupid racial tensions the people do not want.

A man intent and Hellbent on wrecking this country and rotting it from within could not have done a better job than Ole Crooked Joe has done in the last 3 years. It has been a shameful circus of incompetence and corruption. 4 more years of this and our country would never recover in my opinion.
Well can’t say Putin is wrong on this.

You clods are listening to Putin? Damn, the longtime anti-communist crowd now echoing a war criminal. You're damn sure not Americans anymore--but then we realized that when you tried to pretend a redneck attack on the U.S. Capitol was no big deal. Rednecks gonna redneck? You might want to check out properties for sale in Siberia....

This alone should disqualify the gangster from public office--this and his incompetence and his grotesque, almost laughable dishonesty and of course his deep-rooted corruption.

Looking at South Carolina's roster of current Fed politicians, I don't want to go anywhere near where they would lead us. Actually, we've been there already and they almost destroyed the GOP. It's the Bush neocon wing of the Party.
What are you afraid of? A woman with more stones than Biden and Trump combined? How about someone who will wreck Iran and Russia, while stemming the red tide from Asia? Or someone who will hold China accountable for COVID? Yes, and someone in favor of limited government? She reminds me of Margaret Thatcher.
Time was dems could just tell people they were doing great and people believed it. That's not working well right now, and demonizing the republicans doesn't seem to be working that well either.
Look for a move to the center. Temporary mind you and will be chocked full of promises they have no intention of filling.

"According to a study by HealthView Services, a leading provider in health care cost planning, the IRA is driving up Medicare Part D drug costs by as much as 57% in some states, compared to 2023, based on the largest Medicare providers in Florida, California, Texas, New York and Pennsylvania."

This will be a hot topic in a debate.
So Ramsey, whom I'd not heard of, seems mostly a crackpot financial advisor based on what I've read.

Your original comment was that Democrats "control" workers. That of course is an absurd comment.
Well this just proves you head is in your ass, haven't heard of Dave Ramsey. Thought Kroger could not possibly be union because of those "poor looking" workers, and thinking Warren Buffet is a tweeter warrior.
What are you afraid of? A woman with more stones than Biden and Trump combined? How about someone who will wreck Iran and Russia, while stemming the red tide from Asia? Or someone who will hold China accountable for COVID? Yes, and someone in favor of limited government? She reminds me of Margaret Thatcher.

She couldn’t hold Thatchers girdle. Niki is a bought and paid for politician.
She couldn’t hold Thatchers girdle. Niki is a bought and paid for politician.

Haley will tell you exactly what she plans to do, to anyone that will listen. If Trump strokes out before November and she somehow got elected she fully admits to wanting war with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, half of Africa, most of Central America, and anyone else she thinks we can bomb into oblivion so she and the MIC can get even richer. It is insane how much she has changed since being SC governor, or even since Trump gave her a job.

There is no male politician in this country that wants war like her. No male that talks about war as much as her. No male that dreams at night about war as much as she does....dreaming of the millions more that the MIC will put in her coffers and her purse for dragging this country into war. She is a damn disgrace these days...and it will backfire and keep her from being Trumps VP pick. Trump is not dumb enough to put her in a position where the CIA/MIC can have him killed and get whatever riches their hearts desire by putting Haley in the Oval Office. He is way smarter than that. Thank God.
Haley will tell you exactly what she plans to do, to anyone that will listen. If Trump strokes out before November and she somehow got elected she fully admits to wanting war with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, half of Africa, most of Central America, and anyone else she thinks we can bomb into oblivion so she and the MIC can get even richer. It is insane how much she has changed since being SC governor, or even since Trump gave her a job.

There is no male politician in this country that wants war like her. No male that talks about war as much as her. No male that dreams at night about war as much as she does....dreaming of the millions more that the MIC will put in her coffers and her purse for dragging this country into war. She is a damn disgrace these days...and it will backfire and keep her from being Trumps VP pick. Trump is not dumb enough to put her in a position where the CIA/MIC can have him killed and get whatever riches their hearts desire by putting Haley in the Oval Office. He is way smarter than that. Thank God.

Haley is the female version of Bolton. Imagine that guy sitting in the oval office.

Tough day for orange man

It’s a horrible day for America. This isn’t something to celebrate when one state can affect the entire nation’s election.
It’s a horrible day for America. This isn’t something to celebrate when one state can affect the entire nation’s election.

Each state decides how it’s elections are ran. They’ll probably be overturned by a federal court and that won’t be right.

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