2024 Presidential Race

Each state decides how it’s elections are ran. They’ll probably be overturned by a federal court and that won’t be right.

You probably wont like having me in your camp on this issue, but I agree 100%.

If a State wants to exclude someone from their ballot, that is up for that State and it's voters to decide. It is no business of the Feds.

That being said, it is an idiotic ruling but for the people of CO to figure out.
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What are you afraid of? A woman with more stones than Biden and Trump combined? How about someone who will wreck Iran and Russia, while stemming the red tide from Asia? Or someone who will hold China accountable for COVID? Yes, and someone in favor of limited government? She reminds me of Margaret Thatcher.
You bought in hook, line, and sinker, didn’t you?
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Good! Will only make MAGA even stronger!

You don't believe in the rule of law when it comes to gangsters and rednecks?

But you do when it comes to others, eh? Imagine how the rubes would have reacted if Clinton had incited an insurrection and
lefties had attack the Capitol and people, including police officers, died as a result..... Owned.

The stink of hypocrisy....
Good! Will only make MAGA even stronger!

Not in Colorado they aren't.

But for you - I mean, are you going to vote for him with more fervor than you already were? Pull that lever with more gusto?

Why don't you MAGA loon's cut your losses with that loser and get on board with Haley, she'd thrash Biden.
Not in Colorado they aren't.

But for you - I mean, are you going to vote for him with more fervor than you already were? Pull that lever with more gusto?

Why don't you MAGA loon's cut your losses with that loser and get on board with Haley, she'd thrash Biden.

why not just let people vote for who they want to? crazy idea, I know
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why not just let people vote for who they want to? crazy idea, I know

That's what got us Biden and Trump.

The American electorate is too stupid and shouldn't be left unsupervised without law, it's why we're a republic and not a democracy.
That's what got us Biden and Trump.

The American electorate is too stupid and shouldn't be left unsupervised without law, it's why we're a republic and not a democracy.

you know that a Republic uses individual votes to determine representatives right?

btw I was referring to you telling someone else who they should vote for
I do find it pretty hilarious that the folks bellyaching about the dem Colorado justices being activists are also the same ones that are hoping against hope that the trump appointed SCOTUS justices bail him out.
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