2024 Presidential Race

you know that a Republic uses individual votes to determine representatives right?

btw I was referring to you telling someone else who they should vote for

Yeah, and? We're still a nation of laws.
only one matters - if it goes for Trump I assume you won't object at all.

It won't matter if I object or not. People can vote for whoever they want, obviously - I just find it bizarre that anyone would CHOOSE him over an adult, when the adult would curb stomp biden. Which should be the goal.
I'm hoping that a correct ruling is made.

There is no 'correct' ruling. A lot of constitutional language is vague and subject to interpretation by courts/judges. The same with more modern laws. There is legal precedent, in many cases (but not this one, I don't believe), which should lead to judicial consistency--but we've seen the conservatives on the Supreme Court lately ignore precedent.
Not in Colorado they aren't.

But for you - I mean, are you going to vote for him with more fervor than you already were? Pull that lever with more gusto?

Why don't you MAGA loon's cut your losses with that loser and get on board with Haley, she'd thrash Biden.

Sorry, I’ve exhausted all of my allotted votes for spineless RINO, Republicuck losers.
he has not been charged with insurrection; further, if he HAD been charged with it one would think due process would require a conviction before determining guilt.

He's been charged with the following crimes, which are all of a piece with the insurrection and his attempts to subvert the election,
if not specifically about the attack on the Capitol.

---Conspiracy to defraud the United States

The charge against Mr. Trump details the various methods he and co-conspirators used to try to overturn the results of the 2020 election.
2 counts

---Related to efforts to obstruct the vote certification proceedings

Mr. Trump faces two charges involving the vote certification proceedings at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021: one of obstructing that process and one of conspiring to do so.
1 count

---Conspiracy to violate civil rights

Related to Mr. Trump’s attempts to reverse election results in states with close elections in 2020.
He's been charged with the following crimes, which are all of a piece with the insurrection and his attempts to subvert the election,
if not specifically about the attack on the Capitol.

---Conspiracy to defraud the United States

The charge against Mr. Trump details the various methods he and co-conspirators used to try to overturn the results of the 2020 election.
2 counts

---Related to efforts to obstruct the vote certification proceedings

Mr. Trump faces two charges involving the vote certification proceedings at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021: one of obstructing that process and one of conspiring to do so.
1 count

---Conspiracy to violate civil rights

Related to Mr. Trump’s attempts to reverse election results in states with close elections in 2020.

these are not charges of insurrection which the 14th specifically and ONLY mentions. likewise he has not been found guilty of any of the charges you listed above.
If he is ruled disqualified from office under the 14th amendment, write in votes won’t count.

(I do think it’s highly likely SCOTUS throws this ruling out.)

Ha: Clarence Thomas would have to recuse himself since his crazy wife took an active role in trying to subvert the election. But Thomas is deeply corrupt--like the gangster--and would probably want to vote on the case, if it comes to that in SCOTUS. 'Ole Clarence ("you got a free trip for me?") Thomas isn't much for integrity. Neither is Scalia.
Sorry, I’ve exhausted all of my allotted votes for spineless RINO, Republicuck losers.


Since you've exhausted your allotment of votes for republicuck losers, now's your chance to vote for Haley. Mix things up. Don't take another L.
these are not charges of insurrection which the 14th specifically and ONLY mentions. likewise he has not been found guilty of any of the charges you listed above.

He will be found guilty.....What an embarrassment trump has been for this country--followed by the embarrassment that is MAGA. That he is even running again is a gargantuan indictment of low IQ, unAmerican rubes who still want to support the friggin' mobster.
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He will be found guilty.....What an embarrassment trump has been for this country--followed by the embarrassment that is MAGA. That he is even running again is a gargantuan indictment of low IQ, unAmerican rubes who still want to support the friggin' mobster.

What’s Warren Buffet’s Twitter saying about all this?
You don't believe in the rule of law when it comes to gangsters and rednecks?

But you do when it comes to others, eh? Imagine how the rubes would have reacted if Clinton had incited an insurrection and
lefties had attack the Capitol and people, including police officers, died as a result..... Owned.

The stink of hypocrisy....
How many more tweets has Buffet sent
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The words of a completely sane man.

“But I think if you had a real election and Jesus came down and God came down and said, ‘I’m going to be the scorekeeper here,’ I think we’d win there [in California], I think we’d win in Illinois, and I think we’d win in New York.

Not at all delusional.
Trump will be on the ballot. The ruling is a facade.

Someone tell Turbo and Sepdic to hold off on celebrating in the Senate conference room.

I love that you're pinning your hopes on the SCOTUS bailing him out. Maybe they will...

The hilarity that he needs to be bailed out from this and the other 91 criminal indictments isn't lost.

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