2024 Presidential Race

Actually, no. There never has been an official charge of "insurrection" to the intent of the law.

The CO justices are ruling there was an insurrection when it's never been formally charged against anyone.

Where is it written that there has to be a "charge" for the supreme court to weigh in on the legality or constitutionality of an issue?

Since there hasn't been a "charge" does that meant that SCOTUS can't have an opinion on this?
And so it begins...

If the (R)'s can make the case and convince the SC of the respective states to declare him ineligible due to insurrection, why TF wouldn't they? They'd be stupid not to. In fact, they'd have an absolute duty to do just that.

I mean, did Joe engage in a violent uprising against the government? If so - ring his ass up, for all our sakes.
Where is it written that there has to be a "charge" for the supreme court to weigh in on the legality or constitutionality of an issue?

Since there hasn't been a "charge" does that meant that SCOTUS can't have an opinion on this?

Go read the Twitter thread I posted. Open your eyes
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If the (R)'s can make the case and convince the SC of the respective states to declare him ineligible due to insurrection, why TF wouldn't they? They'd be stupid not to. In fact, they'd have an absolute duty to do just that.

I mean, did Joe engage in a violent uprising against the government? If so - ring his ass up, for all our sakes.
This is tit for tat. This forces SCOTUS to act even quicker and issue a broad ruling to stop all this foolishness in all states across the US, and not just rule on a single state case. It's smart strategy by the republicans.
The idea that Biden is principally responsible for this weighs heavily on Democrats. In El Paso, I met for lunch one day with the local congresswoman, Veronica Escobar, who told me that “fundamentally, all people are frustrated with politicians” and that, “unfortunately Democrats are getting the brunt of that right now, and people have brainwashed themselves into thinking that somehow Donald Trump solves this.”

Brainwashed? look in the mirror..lmao..
If the (R)'s can make the case and convince the SC of the respective states to declare him ineligible due to insurrection, why TF wouldn't they? They'd be stupid not to. In fact, they'd have an absolute duty to do just that.

I mean, did Joe engage in a violent uprising against the government? If so - ring his ass up, for all our sakes.
I suppose you have the proof that Trump did.
The idea that Biden is principally responsible for this weighs heavily on Democrats. In El Paso, I met for lunch one day with the local congresswoman, Veronica Escobar, who told me that “fundamentally, all people are frustrated with politicians” and that, “unfortunately Democrats are getting the brunt of that right now, and people have brainwashed themselves into thinking that somehow Donald Trump solves this.”

Brainwashed? look in the mirror..lmao..
Well she isn't wrong. He didn't solve anything. Not that these are easy issues
Well she isn't wrong. He didn't solve anything. Not that these are easy issues
I am not naive enough to not realize (double negative?) that business need hefty fines for employment of illegals, and with such most would just go home if welfare assistance ends as well. And I say that knowing this nation needs a bunch of immigrants. They certainly generally harbor better work ethics than your typical citizen. But to clamp the horde, Remain in Mexico was very effective as a short term solution.
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I am not naive enough to not realize (double negative?) that business need hefty fines for employment of illegals, and with such most would just go home if welfare assistance ends as well. And I say that knowing this nation needs a bunch of immigrants. They certainly generally harbor better work ethics than your typical citizen. But to clamp the horde, Remain in Mexico was very effective as a short term solution.
So like you said he didn't solve anything.
Gonna be funny to see the "this is the rule of law" crowd reacts to SCOTUS invalidating this ruling.

The irony being that there actually is "no rule of law" when courts make law based on the ideology of judges. Judges aren't elected; they aren't legislators; and they have no business making or interpreting law. Another big failing is that legislators refuse (or are simply too incompetent) to write concise law consistent with Constitutional dictates - often because they overstep their bounds.
G'head. Aside from feckless leadership, what's stopping you guys?

Lot's of folks would love to see Bided get put out to pasture.

I will use the analogy of the way this sounds. When a madman does a mass suicide then is staring at the end of the barrel of a police gun and is begging to be shot. The madman knows the damage is already done and can't be reversed but continues to laugh incessantly screaming do it. There is little solice in taking out the idiot on the other side after they've destroyed so much.

Tough day for orange man

If Trump gets removed from the ballot and the Dimwits steal 2 elections in a row I hope blood runs in the streets. Hope the conservatives will finally actually do something for a change instead of just getting walked all over. Trump is so far ahead of Biden and everyone else that there is no way in Hell he loses this election done legally. None. Even the super liberal polls that ALL had Hillary in a snoozer now have Trump either ALL the swing states or at worst 6/7 of them. Thats an electoral college landslide of almost Reagan/Goldwater proportions. I am a "states rights" guy...but not when it comes to illegally REMOVING candidates/choice from individual voters.

This BS is the greatest threat to democracy in my lifetime. Supreme Court better strike this BS down immediately
I suppose you have the proof that Trump did.
I didn't mention him. But yeah, I have the proof. Anyone with common sense and capable of rational thought knows that Donny was grinning from ear to ear watching his sycophants storm the Capital.

Google "insurrection" and click on the images tab. Report back on what you see.

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