2024 Presidential Race

This article is six weeks old and still provides a chuckle to those who read it.

‘Jumbled mess’: The Bidenomics brand leaves nearly everyone — including Biden — baffled​

At the beginning, the president was reluctant to embrace the term, but he continues to make his economic policies central to his re-election pitch.

WASHINGTON — No one seems to like “Bidenomics,” the eponymous shorthand for Joe Biden’s economic policies — not voters, not Democratic officials, not even, at times, the president himself.

It’s a term that mystifies Americans and confounds even its namesake. “I don’t know what the hell that is,” Biden said in a speech in Philadelphia earlier this year.

In a September focus group with Pennsylvania swing voters, one participant told the research firm Engagious that the concept was a “jumbled mess,” adding that “it’s really hard to explain.”

Appearing in Minnesota last week, Biden described Bidenomics as “the American Dream” — twice in the same speech.

The trouble is, people aren’t buying it.

“Whoever came up with the slogan Bidenomics should be fired,” said one Democratic strategist, who requested anonymity to speak more freely. “It’s probably the worst messaging you could ever imagine.”

Maybe the only ones lapping up the term are Biden’s opponents. Republican candidates seem unified in the conviction that “Bidenomics” is a winning argument — for them. Rep. Dean Phillips, the Minnesota Democrat who launched a primary challenge to Biden last month, has placed Bidenomics in his crosshairs.

Speaking to reporters recently on his campaign bus in New Hampshire, Phillips said that “people are suffering and they don't give a hoot about monikers and names and taglines. ... I would just ask the American people, how are they doing? And the truth is, they’re really struggling.”

As often as Biden trots out the term, he has yet to give it a succinct definition.

Heather Boushey, a member of Biden’s Council of Economic Advisers, posted a 16-message thread on X, formerly known as Twitter, last month, explaining Bidenomics with the help of charts, graphs and color-coded maps.

Election season is just a few weeks away from really getting going so when will our liberal members be back in here trumpeting the reasons Biden should be reelected? All but a small few have abandoned the PF, I guess everything is going so well they feel no need to rub it into everyone else’s face.
I preface this by saying, JMO. I think that trump wins the presidency, the dems win the house and the repubs win the senate. Within 1 month of the inauguration the house will once again impeach trump. This time however, there will be enough repub senators that are finally fed up with the antics and drama of trump and vote to convict him on what ever charge the dems send them. Not saying I agree or think it's right, just how I see it playing out.
I preface this by saying, JMO. I think that trump wins the presidency, the dems win the house and the repubs win the senate. Within 1 month of the inauguration the house will once again impeach trump. This time however, there will be enough repub senators that are finally fed up with the antics and drama of trump and vote to convict him on what ever charge the dems send them. Not saying I agree or think it's right, just how I see it playing out.
Oh, God, no. I just want America to get its head out of its butt and get back to work. Enough with this crap that’s been happening since 2017. It’s horrid on both sides.
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Election season is just a few weeks away from really getting going so when will our liberal members be back in here trumpeting the reasons Biden should be reelected? All but a small few have abandoned the PF, I guess everything is going so well they feel no need to rub it into everyone else’s face.

The Biden Administration such garbage they have been handed their brown pants and abandoned ship.

This hasn't taken anyone by surprise including the Biden voters in 2020 but they should be embarrassed. Why do you think they have cut and ran and don't even defend the guy? They know he was a prop for the failed administrative state and they won't nothing to do with it. The hope is we can't identify which ones voted for him.
The Biden Administration such garbage they have been handed their brown pants and abandoned ship.

This hasn't taken anyone by surprise including the Biden voters in 2020 but they should be embarrassed. Why do you think they have cut and ran and don't even defend the guy? They know he was a prop for the failed administrative state and they won't nothing to do with it. The hope is we can't identify which ones voted for him.
they govern like elections dont matter
Sounds like Colorado's problem and something they should fix. Why should the SCOTUS step in?

Because the state is doing something that has national implications. Look no further than interstate commerce and rulings/statutes that prevent one state from interfering with national commerce. A state in the middle cannot affect transportation in a way that would block the movement of commerce through the state.
These guys are right about part of it but I would be surprised if they weren't already conservatives.

We know Chicago minority (mostly black) are furious, but I agree that the democrat plantation is still too big and too attractive to escape and that is before you try to leave and discover the invisible electric fence.

The elitist bigots know it so they ignore their voters like a fat emperor eating chicken wings and cherry tomatoes in front of hungry farm workers.

Electing a bigger leftist clown than Lori Lightfoot as mayor in Brandon Johnson makes me think they still haven't learned. The guy has a Spinosaurus haircut like a 13 year old.

Can't have a Dumb Dems Anonymous until dems recognize they have a problem and accept the need to do something about it, and considering why dems are the mess they are, none of that is likely.
Because the state is doing something that has national implications. Look no further than interstate commerce and rulings/statutes that prevent one state from interfering with national commerce. A state in the middle cannot affect transportation in a way that would block the movement of commerce through the state.

And yet CA gets away with interfering in interstate commerce and has for decades.
Because the state is doing something that has national implications. Look no further than interstate commerce and rulings/statutes that prevent one state from interfering with national commerce. A state in the middle cannot affect transportation in a way that would block the movement of commerce through the state.

One can construe almost any action taken by a State to have some sort of national implication. That argument has done more to weaken the rights of States, more than almost any other.

States largely control how their elections are run. We saw this in 2020 as some States made sweeping changes due to Covid (some lawful, some not) and it had national implications as well but it is what it is. I would rather States retain those rights than have the Feds meddling in State election law.
Election season is just a few weeks away from really getting going so when will our liberal members be back in here trumpeting the reasons Biden should be reelected? All but a small few have abandoned the PF, I guess everything is going so well they feel no need to rub it into everyone else’s face.
Yeah, speaking of, I haven't seen that crazy DD in here in a while to tell us how Kamala Harris was going to "Mom" us.
"Donald Trump made a phone call in November 2020 in which he put pressure on two Republican election officers in Michigan not to sign the official document from the state confirming that Joe Biden had won the presidential election there, according to an exclusive report by The Detroit News late on Thursday.

The Detroit News outlet has obtained recordings of the call, made on 17 November 2020, where Trump, who was refusing to accept that he had just lost the White House to Joe Biden, and Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel talked to Wayne county election officials Monica Palmer and William Hartmann and told them they would look “terrible” if they signed to endorse Trump’s defeat in the crucial swing state, according to the report."

So when people support a guy who does this--and of course the gangster did this and a LOT more to try and steal the election, plus use the presidency to enrich himself, plus egregious nepotism, plus abuse of power, plus incompetence, plus a vile human of low character who spends most of this time trying to insult people who've called out his un-American, un-democratic and uncivilized behavior---the rubes are basically saying they're a-ok with fascism. Well done, you must be proud.
The fact that 1 in 4 Americans still approve of this incompetent crack pipe is still puzzling. These are your harden progressives. The bureaucracy is a huge part of this because it's bigger than ever.

what's a "harden progressive"? You ain't had much schoolin,' have ya? Ax handle accident? Fall out of a tree?
"Donald Trump made a phone call in November 2020 in which he put pressure on two Republican election officers in Michigan not to sign the official document from the state confirming that Joe Biden had won the presidential election there, according to an exclusive report by The Detroit News late on Thursday.

The Detroit News outlet has obtained recordings of the call, made on 17 November 2020, where Trump, who was refusing to accept that he had just lost the White House to Joe Biden, and Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel talked to Wayne county election officials Monica Palmer and William Hartmann and told them they would look “terrible” if they signed to endorse Trump’s defeat in the crucial swing state, according to the report."

So when people support a guy who does this--and of course the gangster did this and a LOT more to try and steal the election, plus use the presidency to enrich himself, plus egregious nepotism, plus abuse of power, plus incompetence, plus a vile human of low character who spends most of this time trying to insult people who've called out his un-American, un-democratic and uncivilized behavior---the rubes are basically saying they're a-ok with fascism. Well done, you must be proud.
Your TDS is amazing to witness.🤣

You should understand that many people actually like Trump in large part simply due to the fact that he completely unhinged and to this day still unhinges y’all.

In the dreariness of Biden’s economic destruction, you and those like you continue to provide such great entertainment value, so thanks for the chuckles. 👍

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