2024 Presidential Race

If Trump gets removed from the ballot and the Dimwits steal 2 elections in a row I hope blood runs in the streets. Hope the conservatives will finally actually do something for a change instead of just getting walked all over. Trump is so far ahead of Biden and everyone else that there is no way in Hell he loses this election done legally. None. Even the super liberal polls that ALL had Hillary in a snoozer now have Trump either ALL the swing states or at worst 6/7 of them. Thats an electoral college landslide of almost Reagan/Goldwater proportions. I am a "states rights" guy...but not when it comes to illegally REMOVING candidates/choice from individual voters.

This BS is the greatest threat to democracy in my lifetime. Supreme Court better strike this BS down immediately

You blame the judges for making this ruling, you ought to blaming the Constitution.

Don't want the Constitution preventing you from running for President? Then maybe you should incite your fanatics to "march on the capitol and fight like hell" and then stand idly by they actually riot.
If Trump gets removed from the ballot and the Dimwits steal 2 elections in a row I hope blood runs in the streets. Hope the conservatives will finally actually do something for a change instead of just getting walked all over. Trump is so far ahead of Biden and everyone else that there is no way in Hell he loses this election done legally. None. Even the super liberal polls that ALL had Hillary in a snoozer now have Trump either ALL the swing states or at worst 6/7 of them. Thats an electoral college landslide of almost Reagan/Goldwater proportions. I am a "states rights" guy...but not when it comes to illegally REMOVING candidates/choice from individual voters.

This BS is the greatest threat to democracy in my lifetime. Supreme Court better strike this BS down immediately

How can you be a states rights guy and hope SCOTUS overrules the state if in fact they followed CO law?
How can you be a states rights guy and hope SCOTUS overrules the state if in fact they followed CO law?
That's the point. It's not a given that they followed Co law. It was a split decision. 3 out of the 7 Colorado justices disagreed with it. That means it definitely needs to be looked at by another set of eyes. Lower courts were also split
That's the point. It's not a given that they followed Co law. It was a split decision. 3 out of the 7 Colorado justices disagreed with it. That means it definitely needs to be looked at by another set of eyes. Lower courts were also split

And the part that's left out...

All seven of the CO justices are democrats.
That's the point. It's not a given that they followed Co law. It was a split decision. 3 out of the 7 Colorado justices disagreed with it. That means it definitely needs to be looked at by another set of eyes. Lower courts were also split

If the CO court screwed up then yes, SCOTUS should overturn their decision. If they dotted their Ts and crossed their I's following state law and state law isn't in violation of the BORs SCOTUS needs to let it be.
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If the CO court screwed up then yes, SCOTUS should overturn their decision. If they dotted their Ts and crossed their I's following state law and state law isn't in violation of the BORs SCOTUS needs to let it be.
They will look it over and see. But I disagree with your soundbite. If they dotted their T's (rather than crossed them), crossed their I's (when they should be dotted) then the SCOTUS should point out their error and overrule it
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That's the point. It's not a given that they followed Co law. It was a split decision. 3 out of the 7 Colorado justices disagreed with it. That means it definitely needs to be looked at by another set of eyes. Lower courts were also split

Sounds like Colorado's problem and something they should fix. Why should the SCOTUS step in?
I didn't mention him. But yeah, I have the proof. Anyone with common sense and capable of rational thought knows that Donny was grinning from ear to ear watching his sycophants storm the Capital.

Google "insurrection" and click on the images tab. Report back on what you see.
Soo. Like most pathetic low life liberals, you have no proof. I not googling 💩. You made the statement, back it up or STFU.

The takedown of Biden is happening.

Agree, the useful idiot has run his course and the poll numbers are getting worse. Maybe the Democrats and MSM will replace him sooner than later. Still think Michelle Obama is the dream choice for Dems and Newsom is the backup. Will be interesting if they skip over Kamala and how that would play with the minority vote if Michelle isn't the replacement.
Agree, the useful idiot has run his course and the poll numbers are getting worse. Maybe the Democrats and MSM will replace him sooner than later. Still think Michelle Obama is the dream choice for Dems and Newsom is the backup. Will be interesting if they skip over Kamala and how that would play with the minority vote if Michelle isn't the replacement.

Kamala is a net neutral with the minority vote. She doesn't move the needle. Exhibit A is the goofy husband she walks around with.
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I'm willing to wager he's wrong.

These guys are right about part of it but I would be surprised if they weren't already conservatives.

We know Chicago minority (mostly black) are furious, but I agree that the democrat plantation is still too big and too attractive to escape and that is before you try to leave and discover the invisible electric fence.

The elitist bigots know it so they ignore their voters like a fat emperor eating chicken wings and cherry tomatoes in front of hungry farm workers.

Electing a bigger leftist clown than Lori Lightfoot as mayor in Brandon Johnson makes me think they still haven't learned. The guy has a Spinosaurus haircut like a 13 year old.
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Agree, the useful idiot has run his course and the poll numbers are getting worse. Maybe the Democrats and MSM will replace him sooner than later. Still think Michelle Obama is the dream choice for Dems and Newsom is the backup. Will be interesting if they skip over Kamala and how that would play with the minority vote if Michelle isn't the replacement.

Don’t think Newsom could win Middle America. I believe Andy Beshear from Kentucky would do better than Newsom.

Biden be like:

The world needs more of this.....​

satirical image of Donald Trump as Superman

.....and less of this


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