2024 Presidential Race

Your TDS is amazing to witness.🤣

You should understand that many people actually like Trump in large part simply due to the fact that he completely unhinged and to this day still unhinges y’all.

In the dreariness of Biden’s economic destruction, you and those like you continue to provide such great entertainment value, so thanks for the chuckles. 👍

Your reasoning here--if one can use the word "reasoning"---is that of somebody who dropped out of second grade and has been living deep in the woods ever since.
"Donald Trump made a phone call in November 2020 in which he put pressure on two Republican election officers in Michigan not to sign the official document from the state confirming that Joe Biden had won the presidential election there, according to an exclusive report by The Detroit News late on Thursday.

The Detroit News outlet has obtained recordings of the call, made on 17 November 2020, where Trump, who was refusing to accept that he had just lost the White House to Joe Biden, and Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel talked to Wayne county election officials Monica Palmer and William Hartmann and told them they would look “terrible” if they signed to endorse Trump’s defeat in the crucial swing state, according to the report."

So when people support a guy who does this--and of course the gangster did this and a LOT more to try and steal the election, plus use the presidency to enrich himself, plus egregious nepotism, plus abuse of power, plus incompetence, plus a vile human of low character who spends most of this time trying to insult people who've called out his un-American, un-democratic and uncivilized behavior---the rubes are basically saying they're a-ok with fascism. Well done, you must be proud.

At least cite your source. Those two different fonts give you away. What are you doing, saving this pontificating to a document or something?
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The Fuhrer and his grandmother share Bidenomics. @turbovol . I got tired of waiting on you to scrape together hours of research to find some material. It's slim pickings though. Scraps. I know what you're facing.

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Trump considering Haley as VP. That will do more to hurt his chances than any of the kangaroo court cases.

Trump learned northing from his largely ineffective first 4 years. Once again surrounding himself with the worst people.
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Your reasoning here--if one can use the word "reasoning"---is that of somebody who dropped out of second grade and has been living deep in the woods ever since.
My “reasoning” was pretty clear in letting you know why some people like Trump, that I and others on here thoroughly enjoy laughing at you and to say thanks for provided us with that entertainment during dark times.
It seems your apparent lack of comprehension is an inability to understand those second grade English concepts and that is an issue completely upon you.
You may need to put in a wee bit more effort to progress up to that grade level.👍
My “reasoning” was pretty clear in letting you know why some people like Trump, that I and others on here thoroughly enjoy laughing at you and to say thanks for provided us with that entertainment during dark times.
It seems your apparent lack of comprehension is an inability to understand those second grade English concepts and that is an issue completely upon you.
You may need to put in a wee bit more effort to progress up to that grade level.👍
All that some piss-ants know how to do is insult the conservatives. They have no substance except to call others names
My “reasoning” was pretty clear in letting you know why some people like Trump, that I and others on here thoroughly enjoy laughing at you and to say thanks for provided us with that entertainment during dark times.
It seems your apparent lack of comprehension is an inability to understand those second grade English concepts and that is an issue completely upon you.
You may need to put in a wee bit more effort to progress up to that grade level.👍

Unfortunately, I and many others understand the infantile thinking of rubes who like an corrupt, infantile ex-president all too well. Anybody who professes to like some clown because he's "unhinged" is unhinged himself.

Meanwhile....a classic:

Unfortunately, I and many others understand the infantile thinking of rubes who like an corrupt, infantile ex-president all too well. Anybody who professes to like some clown because he's "unhinged" is unhinged himself.

Meanwhile....a classic:

"an corrupt" should be "a corrupt"...an is used in sentences before another vowel, i.e. an apple

Wait... was it a spy balloon or just a weather balloon? I think it matters considering that they went through the time, effort and resources to scramble a jet and use (likely) a million dollar rocket to shoot down a weather balloon.

At some point, we are going to have to really start to think about the cost/benefit of using all of these high dollar weaponry. How much did it cost to scramble the jet? The fuel? The weapons cost?
Unfortunately, I and many others understand the infantile thinking of rubes who like an corrupt, infantile ex-president all too well. Anybody who professes to like some clown because he's "unhinged" is unhinged himself.

Meanwhile....a classic:

Bless your heart, as suspected reading comprehension appears to not be your strong suit. The original post called >you< unhinged by him.
Let’s see if this helps since seeing the correct usage of a gender pronoun could have thrown you off.

he (refers to Trump, a male human)
completely (to the fullest degree possible) unhinged ( past tense meaning something that already happened)
and (used as a connector)
to this day still (brings the statement into the current timeframe as something continuing to occur)
unhinges (makes unstable)
y’all ( a southern word meaning you, singular, or you all, plural).”

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