2024 Presidential Race

Is there a candidate who is in favor of deconstructing most of the Federal Govt and returning that power to States? Not that Trump, whose favorite President is Lincoln, would go along with that.
What? I asked who you would choose as Trump's VP. Someone who meets the standard you propose in your post? Who?

You have to love karma. All these places were good with illegal immigration when it was not their problem. Hopefully the issues will continue building through the elections. That's the only way dem rat holes might learn something useful and turn against their masters.

And, bless his heart, this guy finally figured out that Chicago is corrupt ... now can he figure out who made it that way and connect it to the ballots they cast.
Bless your heart, as suspected reading comprehension appears to not be your strong suit. The original post called >you< unhinged by him.
Let’s see if this helps since seeing the correct usage of a gender pronoun could have thrown you off.

he (refers to Trump, a male human)
completely (to the fullest degree possible) unhinged ( past tense meaning something that already happened)
and (used as a connector)
to this day still (brings the statement into the current timeframe as something continuing to occur)
unhinges (makes unstable)
y’all ( a southern word meaning you, singular, or you all, plural).”

You may have to explain "bless your heart" in southern context to him. I sincerely doubt he's ever heard of much less read "Southern By the Grace of God" by Michael Grissom.
At least cite your source. Those two different fonts give you away. What are you doing, saving this pontificating to a document or something?

It's all over the news, Ace. Try reading a reputable newspaper for once in your life. Or a book. Even a comic book would be a step up from the gun manuals.....
Is there a candidate who is in favor of deconstructing most of the Federal Govt and returning that power to States? Not that Trump, whose favorite President is Lincoln, would go along with that.

Southern red states run by Republicans who are no friends of Uncle Sam are the poorest in America. You want more of that?

The world needs more of this.....​

satirical image of Donald Trump as Superman

.....and less of this

er, that's not what Donnie looks like, not even close. Try a bag of lard painted orange with a long red tie around it.
No argument on the stooges.
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I wish them luck but the Daley machine has been firmly entrenched and running Chicago politics, judges and cops for well on 70 years.
They're not what they used to be, if they even still have control, which is big part of why Chicago's got ridiculous crime.
It's all over the news, Ace. Try reading a reputable newspaper for once in your life. Or a book. Even a comic book would be a step up from the gun manuals.....

Again you didn't cite your source yet your citation was verbatim but not sourced. My guess like a person that could scrub two nickels together you googled something on your vintage Compaq and scanned the regime state media websites then copy/pasted.

What do you think the Biden Crime Family Syndicate is up to Christmas Eve? Do you think they've gotten their grand daughter in Arkansas a gift?
Again you didn't cite your source yet your citation was verbatim but not sourced. My guess like a person that could scrub two nickels together you googled something on your vintage Compaq and scanned the regime state media websites then copy/pasted.

What do you think the Biden Crime Family Syndicate is up to Christmas Eve? Do you think they've gotten their grand daughter in Arkansas a gift?
I heard the Biden's bought their grand daughter in Arkansas a brand new crack pipe.
Again you didn't cite your source yet your citation was verbatim but not sourced. My guess like a person that could scrub two nickels together you googled something on your vintage Compaq and scanned the regime state media websites then copy/pasted.

What do you think the Biden Crime Family Syndicate is up to Christmas Eve? Do you think they've gotten their grand daughter in Arkansas a gift?

Biden Crime Family? Remind me of the crimes they've committed. Any indictments? Convictions? Anything? Have you got anything?

No, you don't.

The imagined nonsense in your addled brain--and that of the rest of MAGA--doesn't amount to squat.

Gavin Newsom Blasts His Own Lt. Gov's push to have Trump removed from California ballot saying state 'defeats candidates in the polls'​

California Governor Gavin Newsom has criticized his own Lt. Governor for calling on the state ‘to explore every legal option' to prevent Donald Trump from being on the 2024 ballot.

Eleni Kounalakis sent a public letter to the California Secretary of State on Tuesday, asking for an investigation into potentially following Colorado's lead and blocking the former president.

But Democratic Newsom hit out at the idea and insisted ‘we defeat candidates at the polls’ in his state.

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Gavin Newsom Blasts His Own Lt. Gov's push to have Trump removed from California ballot saying state 'defeats candidates in the polls'​

California Governor Gavin Newsom has criticized his own Lt. Governor for calling on the state ‘to explore every legal option' to prevent Donald Trump from being on the 2024 ballot.

Eleni Kounalakis sent a public letter to the California Secretary of State on Tuesday, asking for an investigation into potentially following Colorado's lead and blocking the former president.

But Democratic Newsom hit out at the idea and insisted ‘we defeat candidates at the polls’ in his state.

talk sbout a real pos..the worst.
the gangster playing conservatives for the pathetic dupes they are. What a transparent con man. A dog could listen
to this and know this clown doesn't know the first thing about the bible or any book, period.


"Any Americans in their right mind would presumably want a president who protected democracy, thwarted corruption, avoided war by a show of strength, and controlled the country’s orders. In other words, they would back a presidential ticket that put America first.

Not O9A.

“We want to rush into the abyss so that the ‘end of history‘ can come to its natural terminus and a new Dark Age will be visited upon the Earth.”

“In this new era,” the endorsement continued “might will make right, the claw and tooth will always be red, and blood will cross the land like an ever-flowing stream. The strong will oppress the weak, the weak will die, and natural selection will resume.”

“This can only happen through weak humanist leadership that will stumble its way into war, famine, recession, terrorism, corruption, and human misery. The suicides will leave before the battles commence …

“Only Biden-Harris can bring about this advancement of history, and therefore, we endorse the Biden-Harris campaign in 2024.”

I'm Joe Biden and I approve ....you know the thing. - Joe Biden

I remember being on the Amtrak train sacrificing a goat with Cornpop. We used my leg hair for kindling and Hunter's crack pipe to light up.

‘If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t satantic’​

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I am not put off by anything he did, really. I am not sure I would have done student loan forgiveness so aggressively. And I'd like to have seen more focus on long term border security issues and entitlements (SS, Medicare). But other than the Afghanistan withdrawal I don't recall anything that was seriously mismanaged.

And that has to be put in context of the alternative. Trump broke promises on border security and had mediocre success on it, if at all. He did nothing on entitlements. Didn't even try. And I genuinely think he would have badly mucked up Ukraine and the Hamas attacks on Israel.

I think this administration did a good job in getting loan relief to those that qualified under previously enacted legislation.

Yeah, his plan to wipe off the debt via an executive order was clearly illegal but loan relief was never the endgame there....

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