2024 Presidential Race

More like by the thousands or hundreds of thousands.

Read an article recently that the Border patrol has apprehended 13,000 military aged males from islamic countries known to harbor terrorists in 2023 alone. Thats JUST the muslim countries in the ME and northern Africa....and JUST the ones that they caught. This year. They have no idea how many they did not catch. There are sleeper cells all over this country now. Biden made it very easy for them. When we get attacked he better get the blame for them....its criminal how he has allowed and encouraged our country being invaded from the south. Border Patrol says that the % of folks they catch coming from the ME, China and the rest of Asia is rapidly increasing. These folks know that they only have 1 year left to walk right into our country illegally.
Stuff like this will be on the ballot soon...

$15 was obviously not enough.

Read an article recently that the Border patrol has apprehended 13,000 military aged males from islamic countries known to harbor terrorists in 2023 alone. Thats JUST the muslim countries in the ME and northern Africa....and JUST the ones that they caught. This year. They have no idea how many they did not catch. There are sleeper cells all over this country now. Biden made it very easy for them. When we get attacked he better get the blame for them....its criminal how he has allowed and encouraged our country being invaded from the south. Border Patrol says that the % of folks they catch coming from the ME, China and the rest of Asia is rapidly increasing. These folks know that they only have 1 year left to walk right into our country illegally.

My bet is that this is total BS. Please link this article you claim to have read. Your 4th grade education is showing.
Read an article recently that the Border patrol has apprehended 13,000 military aged males from islamic countries known to harbor terrorists in 2023 alone. Thats JUST the muslim countries in the ME and northern Africa....and JUST the ones that they caught. This year. They have no idea how many they did not catch. There are sleeper cells all over this country now. Biden made it very easy for them. When we get attacked he better get the blame for them....its criminal how he has allowed and encouraged our country being invaded from the south. Border Patrol says that the % of folks they catch coming from the ME, China and the rest of Asia is rapidly increasing. These folks know that they only have 1 year left to walk right into our country illegally.
I'm of the opinion at this point that The Biden Administration brought these guys here (think about the logistics of getting someone from MENA to Mexico), but they would be the ones responsible for organizing and funding the sleeper cells. So it wouldn't be Iran or Hamas or whoever, it will be your own govt.

And that is if we are lucky. These guys could end up in our military and LEOs...

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•Mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent drug offenders
•Civil asset forfeiture
•1994 crime bill
•His support for busing in the south
•Partnering with Jesse Helms in the 70s to propose a measure that would kneecap federal efforts to integrate schools.

His comments:
Latinos in the US resist vaccinations because they’re afraid they’ll be “vaccinated and deported.”

Referring to Obama in 2007 as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.”

“You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

On why Black Americans are hesitant to get vaccinated,“They are used to being experimented on—the tuskegee airmen and others,”(obviously he meant the Tuskegee Experiment, but he’s a dumbass so he confused it with the airmen)

“Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point."

This is a bunch of complete nonsense. The 7-11 comment is especially humorous.
Stuff like this will be on the ballot soon...

$15 was obviously not enough.

Serious question why would Pizza Hut continue to pay delivery drivers when door dash and uber eats exist?
I'm of the opinion at this point that The Biden Administration brought these guys here (think about the logistics of getting someone from MENA to Mexico), but they would be the ones responsible for organizing and funding the sleeper cells. So it wouldn't be Iran or Hamas or whoever, it will be your own govt.

And that is if we are lucky. These guys could end up in our military and LEOs...

Sounds very Roman Empire...
Read an article recently that the Border patrol has apprehended 13,000 military aged males from islamic countries known to harbor terrorists in 2023 alone. Thats JUST the muslim countries in the ME and northern Africa....and JUST the ones that they caught. This year. They have no idea how many they did not catch. There are sleeper cells all over this country now. Biden made it very easy for them. When we get attacked he better get the blame for them....its criminal how he has allowed and encouraged our country being invaded from the south. Border Patrol says that the % of folks they catch coming from the ME, China and the rest of Asia is rapidly increasing. These folks know that they only have 1 year left to walk right into our country illegally.
Wow 13k apprehended great job BP keep it up.
Serious question why would Pizza Hut continue to pay delivery drivers when door dash and uber eats exist?

Quality control and controlling costs for customers. I'm pretty sure one of the biggest restaurant group in the country won't work with DD or any of the other 3rd party delivery companies.
My bet is that this is total BS. Please link this article you claim to have read. Your 4th grade education is showing.

I dont argue with women, children, nor idiots and i think you have the trifecta lady. Its hilarious that you keep trying to correct other folks grammar and disparage their education while having crap grammar and being wrong about pretty much everything discussed in this forum. In short, piss off you mental midget. The adults are trying to communicate here.
I dont argue with women, children, nor idiots and i think you have the trifecta lady. Its hilarious that you keep trying to correct other folks grammar and disparage their education while having crap grammar and being wrong about pretty much everything discussed in this forum. In short, piss off you mental midget. The adults are trying to communicate here.

He/she is a troll that’s not worth yours nor anyone else’s time. It’s best to just ignore his/her ignorant drivel, lest some of his/hers eat up with the dumbass rubs off on you.
This is a bunch of complete nonsense. The 7-11 comment is especially humorous.
No Mick it’s not, you’re just so blinded politically that you can’t admit that Biden has a long, documented history of racism. And if Trump had made those comments, you’d be bleeding all over yourself.
Read an article recently that the Border patrol has apprehended 13,000 military aged males from islamic countries known to harbor terrorists in 2023 alone. Thats JUST the muslim countries in the ME and northern Africa....and JUST the ones that they caught. This year. They have no idea how many they did not catch. There are sleeper cells all over this country now. Biden made it very easy for them. When we get attacked he better get the blame for them....its criminal how he has allowed and encouraged our country being invaded from the south. Border Patrol says that the % of folks they catch coming from the ME, China and the rest of Asia is rapidly increasing. These folks know that they only have 1 year left to walk right into our country illegally.
Alot of these other countries are clearing out their prisons.
If Trump is dumb enough to put Nuclear Nikki on the ticket, I'll just sit this out.
Whew... let's hope Don Jr. can put an end to this madness...

Trump Jr. Says He'd Go To "Great Lengths" To Stop Haley As VP Pick

In a recent interview, Mr. Trump Jr. declared that he “wouldn’t have her” as the vice presidential candidate alongside his father, former President Donald Trump, should he secure the GOP nomination next year.

"I would go to great lengths to make sure that doesn't happen," the former president's son told Newsmax on Dec. 25.

Trump mocks Democrat Debbie Dingell for crying at her husband's funeral​

Former President Donald Trump launched a bitter attack on Rep. Debbie Dingell on Tuesday night after she raised the alarm about his threats against judges and dismissed his Christmas message as 'pathetic.'

It was all apparently sparked by a CNN appearance hours earlier in which the Democrat criticized the former president and slammed his not-very-festive message that his enemies could 'rot in hell.'

'And I quite frankly, I'm going to tell you that I think it was one of the most pathetic Christmas greetings I've heard when a former president of the United States who wants to return tells people on Christmas Day that they can rot in hell,' she said.


Trump quickly punched back on Truth Social, calling Dingell a 'loser,' who was helping 'Crooked Joe Biden and his merry band of thugs,'

'When I gave, as President, her long serving husband, the absolute highest U.S. honors for his funeral, a really big deal, she called me, crying almost uncontrollably, to say that she couldn’t believe I was willing to do that for a Democrat,' he added.

'She thanked me profusely. Two months later, she was back on the trail ranting and raving about “TRUMP.”

She ought to focus on how badly the Auto Workers of Michigan, and the USA as a whole, are being treated by CHINA, to which Crooked Joe Biden has given this once great industry away!'

It's a valid question.
It is a valid question for Pizza Hut. But it is not a valid question for consumers. Door Dash and Uber Eats are far more expensive than ordering directly from Pizza Hut or Papa Johns. But I already know what the reply to this will be... "Well, the voters asked for this".

The masses are stupid.
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It is a valid question for Pizza Hut. But it is not a valid question for consumers. Door Dash and Uber Eats are far more expensive than ordering directly from Pizza Hut or Papa Johns. But I already know what the reply to this will be... "Well, the voters asked for this".

The masses are stupid.

I think it's more of a practical question especially in light of the $20/hr minimum wage thing. With Uber Eats and Doordash, there is a valid question on whether consumers will save money on internal drivers or potentially lose money by "contracting" it out to other services.

Regardless, California is screwing itself by making the minimum wage that much.

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