2024 Presidential Race

Lincoln wanted to save the Union, as he thought secession to be illegal. Why did the Confederates want to secede?
Volumes of endless books have been written about such. To expect someone to answer such a complex event into a word or few words is nothing but a gotcha loaded question.
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great point and the quote

"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery.
So if a wife files for divorce from her husband because he cheated on her and halfway through the divorce the man says he just wants to save the marriage (regardless of whether he can sleep with other women going forward), does it follow that his cheating wasn't the cause of the divorce filing?
Punitive taxation
The Morill Tariff Act

The big 3 out of many more.
Hey brainiac, get a timeline. The Morill Tariff Act passed the senate only after secession by 7 states. It was only because those states seceded and abandoned their representation that the act passed.
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Hey brainiac, get a timeline. The Morill Tariff Act passed the senate only after secession by 7 states. It was only because those states seceded and abandoned their representation that the act passed.

On February 14, 1861, President-elect Lincoln told an audience in Pittsburgh that he would make a new tariff his priority in the next session if the bill did not pass by his inauguration, on March 4.
The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery.

In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world.

Volumes of endless books have been written about such. To expect someone to answer such a complex event into a word or few words is nothing but a gotcha loaded question.

All she had to do was include slavery as one factor among a number of them. The fact that she has avoided saying it in the past is a good indicator that it's not by accident that she leaves it out.

Now, that's a comment on her, for sure.

It's even more of a comment on her electoral audience. Which is astounding to me because it's history and it has to be acknowledged. Ignoring it won't change the facts.
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All she had to do was include slavery as one factor among a number of them. The fact that she has avoided saying it in the past is a good indicator that it's not by accident that she leaves it out.

Now, that's a comment on her, for sure.

It's even more of a comment on her electoral audience. Which is astounding to me because it's history and it has to be acknowledged. Ignoring it won't change the facts.

I agree that she completely bungled that question. She is definitely not fit to be POTUS.
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All she had to do was include slavery as one factor among a number of them. The fact that she has avoided saying it in the past is a good indicator that it's not by accident that she leaves it out.

Now, that's a comment on her, for sure.

It's even more of a comment on her electoral audience. Which is astounding to me because it's history and it has to be acknowledged. Ignoring it won't change the facts.
I believe that she said Government's role was to protect freedom for the people. To me that means no slavery. If you listen to her entire response instead of cut out portions, she gave a much broader response designed to bring out the roles of government today. Hopefully people will see thru the click bait antics of the press and crappy politics and get someone in office that is not a narcissist @##@$%^ or can remember what day of the week it is and not give the country away.
It's all relative. I'd vote for her over Trump any day. Heck, I might even vote for her over Biden.

Come on man. You know you're all in on the Biden-Harris ticket. If Biden has health issues, you want Harris as commander in chief.

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