2024 Presidential Race

BREAKING: MAGA world melts down as Trump's handpicked "data expert" publicly announces that the 2020 election was definitely NOT stolen — utterly destroying the Big Lie.This is not what Trump was hoping for...

Ken Block, the expert in question, was hired by the Trump campaign to unearth proof that the election was stolen by Joe Biden. Instead, he found the exact opposite.In a newly penned op-ed, Block states without caveat that there was no evidence of voter fraud sufficient to have changed the outcome of the election."Can a steady diet of lies and innuendo overcome the truth?" Block writes in USA Today.

"In November 2020, former President Donald Trump asserted that voter fraud had altered the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. The day after the election, his campaign hired an expert in voter data to attempt to prove Trump’s allegations and put him back in the White House.""I am the expert who was hired by the Trump campaign," Block states.

He goes on to explain that his company's unequivocal findings were communicated directly to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. Block also points out that the false claims of election fraud are not fading in popularity despite all of the evidence debunking Trump's lies."And yet, the cries that the election was lost or stolen due to voter fraud continue with no sign of stopping," he writes. "Whether a stump speech, outrageous lawsuits like the so-called Kraken cases filed by Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani’s lies or the ongoing misguided efforts of people determined to prove the election was stolen, the constant drumbeat hardens people’s hearts and minds to the truth about the 2020 election.""What these claims don’t take into account is that voter fraud is detectable, quantifiable and verifiable," he adds. "I have yet to see anyone offer up ‘evidence’ of voter fraud from the 2020 election that provides these three things."

There you have it. At this point, anyone still claiming that the 2020 election was stolen is either a hardcore Trump cultist divorced from reality entirely or they're simply a shameless liar.
Explain the thousands of unfolded mail in ballots that were seen on video during the Georgia vote count fiasco.
This is the former head of the Republican National Committee, telling it like it is. The GOP trying to demonize Biden with BS as they did with Clinton. The GOP has NOTHING to run on--nothing, zero, nada. What has the GOP-led House accomplished? Nothing. It never does because they have no plans and they don't ever want to pursue things that are good for America. Their big policy goal, always, is to cut taxes on the wealthy. Other than that, they believe in nothing. So they run around waving their arms and yodeling about how terrible everything is when in facts the country is in fine shape--which will be affirmed when Biden is reelected.


Sen. Tom Cotton Endorses Donald Trump: ‘Everything Has Gone to Hell’ Under Biden​

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) endorsed Donald Trump for president Wednesday, the latest high-profile endorsement for Trump leading up to the January 15 Iowa caucus.

“When Donald Trump was president, America was safe, strong, and prosperous,” Cotton told Fox News Digital. “With Joe Biden as president, everything has gone to hell: families can’t afford groceries, our border is wide open to a full-blown invasion, and our enemies are starting wars everywhere.”

If I’m the Biden team, I dump Harris off the ticket and get Andy Beshear or someone like Raphael Warnock. A vote for Biden in 2024 is a vote for a Harris presidency. I think that could possibly get Biden some more votes from Independents.

This won’t happen though.
Beshear? I don’t think two white men will ever be on the same Democratic ticket again.
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If I’m the Biden team, I dump Harris off the ticket and get Andy Beshear or someone like Raphael Warnock. A vote for Biden in 2024 is a vote for a Harris presidency. I think that could possibly get Biden some more votes from Independents.

This won’t happen though.
Well Warnock is a rabid leftist, so he would fit the bill!
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DeSantis shrugs off Haley end-of-year coffers as lined by 'liberal Wall Street executives'​

WAUKEE, Iowa — Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) dismissed former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley raising $24 million in the last three months before the 2024 Republican presidential primary's Iowa caucuses.

"She has been able to get massive funding from, you know, liberal Democrats, even in places like California," DeSantis told reporters Wednesday in Waukee, Iowa, after a campaign event. "Liberal Wall Street executives, they've been raising huge money for her there."

"They're doing that because they know that she's somebody that they would be able to control," DeSantis said. "And so, my view is to do what's right. Don't try to chase what donors are wanting to do and that's what I've done my entire time in office."

"She's got an agenda that's really very similar, almost like the Republican version of Hillary," he added. "They both obviously have given a lot of speeches to Wall Street behind closed doors and made millions of dollars without disclosing the contents of that, and they've obviously got a lot of support from those types of folks, but that ultimately is not going to fly in Iowa. That's not what people want to see. They want to see people that are going to stand and fight."

Once she was in the Legislature, her conservative colleagues’ skepticism could be cruel. According to a 2021 Politico Magazine profile, “Some of her Republican colleagues would try to provoke her with jokes about alien gods; others would force uncomfortable discussions about religion.” Jake Knotts, a veteran GOP lawmaker, said: “Everybody knew she wasn’t a real Christian. Everyone knew she converted for political purposes. Her whole career has been stair-climbing, and becoming a Methodist was just one of those stairs.”

Haley has also faced questions and criticism about her conversion to Christianity from South Asian Americans and other racial minority groups. She is seen by some as a racial and religious “sell-out.”


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