2024 Presidential Race

Seems far more nefarious.

Why? Getting bags is getting bags.

I'm sure if Joe had properties he could rent to Chin-a banks, and other diplomats around the world he wouldn't need to have his son hawk access.

When you're a politician trying to get paid, you dance with who brung ya. End result is the same.
Why? Getting bags is getting bags.

I'm sure if Joe had properties he could rent to Chin-a banks, and other diplomats around the world he wouldn't need to have his son hawk access.

When you're a politician trying to get paid, you dance with who brung ya. End result is the same.

One person sells a product. The other sells influence. Those are not the same. You’re stuck trying to pretend they are the same because it would hurt your troll game to admit Trump is superior in this one domain
One person sells a product. The other sells influence. Those are not the same. You’re stuck trying to pretend they are the same because it would hurt your troll game to admit Trump is superior in this one domain

Oh, influence was bought and sold. Don't be so naive.

The government of China was the largest spender at Trump properties, according to the report, spending a total of $5,572,548 at Trump Tower and the Trump International Hotels in Washington, D.C. and Las Vegas.

Notably, Trump chose not to impose sanctions on ICBC, a Chinese bank that the Justice Department alleged was helping North Korea avoid sanctions (ICBC’s U.S. headquarters is located at Trump Tower, and paid Trump approximately $7 million in rent at Trump Tower, according to Forbes reporting).

Saudi Arabia also spent an estimated $615,422, the majority of which was sent through a monthly $11,189.21 rent for a property on the 45th floor in Trump Tower.

Meanwhile, Trump signed off on a $100 billion arms deal, and became the first U.S. president to make Saudi Arabia his first foreign visit in office.

The United Arab Emirates spent $65,225 at the Trump International Hotel in Washington over seven months while the Gulf nation was pushing the U.S. to support a blockade of its neighbor Qatar.

The government of India, where Trump owns his largest portfolio of foreign businesses, spent $282,764—mostly on monthly rent for two apartments at Trump Tower.

Just cant get over the Bidens having 20 shell companies, dozens of pseudonyms, saying he didnt meet any clients..
Oh, influence was bought and sold. Don't be so naive.

The government of China was the largest spender at Trump properties, according to the report, spending a total of $5,572,548 at Trump Tower and the Trump International Hotels in Washington, D.C. and Las Vegas.

Notably, Trump chose not to impose sanctions on ICBC, a Chinese bank that the Justice Department alleged was helping North Korea avoid sanctions (ICBC’s U.S. headquarters is located at Trump Tower, and paid Trump approximately $7 million in rent at Trump Tower, according to Forbes reporting).

Saudi Arabia also spent an estimated $615,422, the majority of which was sent through a monthly $11,189.21 rent for a property on the 45th floor in Trump Tower.

Meanwhile, Trump signed off on a $100 billion arms deal, and became the first U.S. president to make Saudi Arabia his first foreign visit in office.

The United Arab Emirates spent $65,225 at the Trump International Hotel in Washington over seven months while the Gulf nation was pushing the U.S. to support a blockade of its neighbor Qatar.

The government of India, where Trump owns his largest portfolio of foreign businesses, spent $282,764—mostly on monthly rent for two apartments at Trump Tower.


And for the rest of the story.

Trump appears to grant China banks sanctions reprieve after U.N. deal
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Not that any additional proof was needed but just more confirmation that Trump and his crooked acolytes were the only people who tried to rig and steal the 2020 election.
I'm sure the thousands of unfolded mail in ballots that were seen in Georgia were from Trump people.
Is he talking about the purchasing power of a $100 bill the day he took office vs today?

Maybe, but at least he's talking about the purchasing power of the USD and not Yen which is clearly the preferred currency of the Trump Family.

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