2024 Presidential Race

Nikki Haley Revives George W. Bush’s ‘Any Willing Worker’ Policy to Import More Foreigners for American Jobs​


Republican presidential primary candidate Nikki Haley is reviving former President George W. Bush’s so-called “Any Willing Worker” policy that sought to import foreign workers for American jobs at the direction of special interest groups.

During a CNN town hall in Iowa, Haley endorsed allowing special interest groups such as Big Agriculture, the tourism industry, and Big Tech to set legal immigration levels whenever they claim to have a labor shortage.

Already, the U.S. annually admits more than a million legal immigrants on green cards and another million on temporary work visas to take mostly blue-collar American jobs. This historically high level of legal immigration has driven the nation’s foreign-born population to a record 49.5 million.


DeSantis Calls For Killing IRS And Imposing 'flat tax' In Lead-Up To Iowa Caucuses​

With the Iowa caucuses fast approaching, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) said that he wants to see the IRS abolished and a so-called flat tax system introduced.

DeSantis, who has supported such a system in the past but has notably not raised the issue much on the campaign trail, mentioned the policy idea during a CNN town hall less than two weeks before voters in the Hawkeye State become the first in the nation to make their choice for the GOP ticket.

“I want to eliminate the IRS, and I would like a flat one, single rate flat tax. Obviously, I would only do it if it was lower taxes for everybody. But that is the ideal tax system,” DeSantis said, although he didn’t face any follow-up questions about the policy proposal.

DeSantis was asked whether he supports the elimination of the federal income tax. While DeSantis didn’t delve into the details of his theoretical tax plan, a flat tax system is generally one where there is one single tax rate.

The perennial “FairTax” legislation, which has never come close to becoming law, envisions simplifying the tax code by scrapping the income tax, payroll tax, corporate taxes, gift taxes, and the death tax altogether and replacing them with a nationwide consumption tax on goods and services. The IRS as an entity would in turn be killed off as part of the plan.

Former President Donald Trump, the front-runner in Iowa and every other primary state, used DeSantis’s support of such a proposal as a cudgel to attack him last year. A pro-Trump political action committee cut an ad attacking DeSantis’s support for the idea in May 2023.

“In Congress, Ron DeSantis pushed a 23% national sales tax where the middle class pays more,” the TV ad proclaimed.


Kristi Noem Joins Chorus Opposing Nikki Haley as Trump’s Vice President Pick​


Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) ripped former Gov. Nikki Haley on Tuesday as a potential vice president pick for former President Donald Trump.

The South Dakota governor is the latest conservative to publicly oppose Haley as vice president:

  • Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA): “MAGA would revolt if Nikki Haley were to even be given an internship in Trump’s next administration.”

Haley, a Republican presidential candidate whom Trump is crushing in the polls by more than 50 points, is one of the establishment’s top choices to serve as Trump’s vice president. Because of her views on foreign policy, free speech, government spending, and social policy, many conservatives believe Haley opposes the America First agenda:

  • Urged the government not to intervene if parents decide to put their children through irreversible, life-altering “transgender” surgery.
f he picked her, I would tell him I disagreed with him, but then I would support the ticket because he’s still the president, and the president still makes the decisions,” Noem told Newsmax. “You know, I’ve had a lot of disagreements with Nikki Haley over the years, and I just don’t know which Nikki Haley is going to show up every day. She’s a different person depending on whatever works for her political agenda.”

In addition to Noem, conservatives expected to be under consideration include:

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Apparently Chris Christie made a comment about Haley on The View that someone told him she'd eat glass to be Vice President.
Trump has the potential to radically alter this divergence into some radical ugly unAmerican transformation, or at minimum preserve things some of you desire, yet you want to throw that away cause you dont like the packaging.
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Trump has the potential to radically alter this divergence into some radical ugly unAmerican transformation, or at minimum preserve things some of you desire, yet you want to throw that away cause you dont like the packaging.

The gangster is a deeply corrupt lowlife who tried to steal a national presidential election. It's not his packaging, it's him, pal.
Even Opie knows that the the gangster is "hustling" the thick-necked, badly dressed country folk. Nothing is more pathetic than the supposed "family values"crowd supporting the gangster. That's a toilet bowl teeming with foul-smelling hypocrisy.

Even Opie knows that the the gangster is "hustling" the thick-necked, badly dressed country folk. Nothing is more pathetic than the supposed "family values"crowd supporting the gangster. That's a toilet bowl teeming with foul-smelling hypocrisy.

I haven’t agreed with Opie since he moved out of Mayberry.
The gangster is a deeply corrupt lowlife who tried to steal a national presidential election. It's not his packaging, it's him, pal.
Corrupt? Almost every member of the government in D.C. is corrupt, including your President. Hey Jessie, you should probably go feed the chickens. Your 3 hens that identify as roosters are getting hungry.
Radio host Charlamagne Tha God said he regretted backing the Biden ticket in 2020, Politico reported on Tuesday, and said he felt like Vice President Kamala Harris "disappeared" when they got to the White House.

Charlamagne, the host of "The Breakfast Club," also told the outlet that he had no plans to endorse President Biden and Harris in 2024, as he felt "burned" over his 2020 endorsement.

"I’ve learned my lesson from doing that," he told Politico. "Once they got in the White House, she … kind of disappeared."

Well, Biden told him he wouldn't be black if he didn't vote for him. Maybe he will be come white in November??
Even Opie knows that the the gangster is "hustling" the thick-necked, badly dressed country folk. Nothing is more pathetic than the supposed "family values"crowd supporting the gangster. That's a toilet bowl teeming with foul-smelling hypocrisy.

First of all Ron Howard is no more Opie than Carrol OConner was Archie Bunker
Second, why are you permitted to denigrate a certain demographic? Did a redneck steal your first boyfriend/girlfriend?

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