2024 Presidential Race

You have layers of school control. You have your local or city school boards, then you have country school boards, then you have state school boards. How many do you need? If any of those three won't fix a constitutionally protected issue, send it to the DOJ. No need for a national "school board".

The issue is the long history of such institutions which, if left to their own self policing, would violate people's rights whenever given the chance.
The issue is the long history of such institutions which, if left to their own self policing, would violate people's rights whenever given the chance.
Then you sue them. Let the courts decide if they violated the law.

We do NOT need a national department of education.

Would you like to discuss other federal departments we could eliminate?

Putin says past U.S. elections were rigged

"In the United States, previous elections were falsified through postal voting ... they bought ballots for $10, filled them out, and threw them into mailboxes without any supervision from observers, and that's it," Putin said, without providing evidence.

Wait... so electronic voting is risky?

They say the use of electronic voting creates scope for authorities to manipulate the vote in Putin's favour without detection.

So which is it: Is electronic voting safe and secure or is it able to be easily manipulated?

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