2024 Presidential Race

Republicans against Trump


Judge Lewis Kaplan: “The fact that Mr. Trump sexually abused — indeed, raped — Ms. Carroll has been conclusively established.”

This quote should be on billboards and TV ads in every battleground state.

This is the guy that the family-values crowd and evangelicals wants to support? Oh, my! Disgraceful.
Republicans against Trump


Judge Lewis Kaplan: “The fact that Mr. Trump sexually abused — indeed, raped — Ms. Carroll has been conclusively established.”

This quote should be on billboards and TV ads in every battleground state.

This is the guy that the family-values crowd and evangelicals wants to support? Oh, my! Disgraceful.

Yes since the mug shot was so successful
Republicans against Trump


Judge Lewis Kaplan: “The fact that Mr. Trump sexually abused — indeed, raped — Ms. Carroll has been conclusively established.”

This quote should be on billboards and TV ads in every battleground state.

This is the guy that the family-values crowd and evangelicals wants to support? Oh, my! Disgraceful.
I'm so glad you brought this up. The legal system is so trusted these days, in particular, the words of a single judge. I really appreciate this.
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Occupy Democrats


BREAKING: Illinois' superstar Democratic Governor JB Pritzker enrages MAGA by revealing exactly how Donald Trump's "big" victory in the Iowa primary is actually terrible news for his 2024 campaign.If you ask us, Pritzker absolutely nailed it...

Speaking to MSNBC, the governor pointed out that the poll numbers out of Iowa indicate that many Republicans are not onboard with the idea of another Trump term."Almost half of the base of the Republican Party showing up for this caucus tonight voted against Donald Trump. Think about that," said Pritzker."I think that is telling," he went on. "It tells you the weakness of Donald Trump and also the opportunity for Democrats because in the end, look, if the base doesn’t turn out for Donald Trump in the general election enthusiastically and Democrats turn out its base, this is all about, you know, independents, and independents don’t like Donald Trump."He explained that primaries tend to bring out the most hardcore, politically engaged voters. The fact that roughly half of them do not support Trump is ultimately a great sign for President Biden.
Ha, ha: Who do you trust--the gangster? I know you're not that thick. He's a lowlife--stop pretending otherwise.
I trust him more then the federal government. Then again, I would trust tap water from Flint Michigan, an email from a Nigerian Prince, A daycare run by Casey Anthony, Gas station sushi, and cocktails with Bill Cosby more than I would trust the Federal Government...so there's that.

Occupy Democrats


BREAKING: Illinois' superstar Democratic Governor JB Pritzker enrages MAGA by revealing exactly how Donald Trump's "big" victory in the Iowa primary is actually terrible news for his 2024 campaign.If you ask us, Pritzker absolutely nailed it...

Speaking to MSNBC, the governor pointed out that the poll numbers out of Iowa indicate that many Republicans are not onboard with the idea of another Trump term."Almost half of the base of the Republican Party showing up for this caucus tonight voted against Donald Trump. Think about that," said Pritzker."I think that is telling," he went on. "It tells you the weakness of Donald Trump and also the opportunity for Democrats because in the end, look, if the base doesn’t turn out for Donald Trump in the general election enthusiastically and Democrats turn out its base, this is all about, you know, independents, and independents don’t like Donald Trump."He explained that primaries tend to bring out the most hardcore, politically engaged voters. The fact that roughly half of them do not support Trump is ultimately a great sign for President Biden.
lol "superstar" governor. The majority of his constituents don't think so. lol. Good lord.

LMFAO. She/He/They/Them will really have big problems when Trump is POTUS in 2025. This idiot/moron accuses conservatives of doing the exact same thing that they themselves are guilty of doing. The smirks on their faces say everything you need to know about these elite lunatics on the left & the anti-america America First agenda movement they are pushing.

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Occupy Democrats


BREAKING: Illinois' superstar Democratic Governor JB Pritzker enrages MAGA by revealing exactly how Donald Trump's "big" victory in the Iowa primary is actually terrible news for his 2024 campaign.If you ask us, Pritzker absolutely nailed it...

Speaking to MSNBC, the governor pointed out that the poll numbers out of Iowa indicate that many Republicans are not onboard with the idea of another Trump term."Almost half of the base of the Republican Party showing up for this caucus tonight voted against Donald Trump. Think about that," said Pritzker."I think that is telling," he went on. "It tells you the weakness of Donald Trump and also the opportunity for Democrats because in the end, look, if the base doesn’t turn out for Donald Trump in the general election enthusiastically and Democrats turn out its base, this is all about, you know, independents, and independents don’t like Donald Trump."He explained that primaries tend to bring out the most hardcore, politically engaged voters. The fact that roughly half of them do not support Trump is ultimately a great sign for President Biden.

Step away from the table my friend

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