2024 Presidential Race

Trump makes early announcement on cabinet choice:

Manchin is a fraud. The only reason he is "no labels" is because he knows he can't win the Senate race. The absolute only reason he won last time was his last minute vote for Justice Kavanaugh
He's still better than the competition, R and D.

Occupy Democrats


BREAKING: Illinois' superstar Democratic Governor JB Pritzker enrages MAGA by revealing exactly how Donald Trump's "big" victory in the Iowa primary is actually terrible news for his 2024 campaign.If you ask us, Pritzker absolutely nailed it...

Speaking to MSNBC, the governor pointed out that the poll numbers out of Iowa indicate that many Republicans are not onboard with the idea of another Trump term."Almost half of the base of the Republican Party showing up for this caucus tonight voted against Donald Trump. Think about that," said Pritzker."I think that is telling," he went on. "It tells you the weakness of Donald Trump and also the opportunity for Democrats because in the end, look, if the base doesn’t turn out for Donald Trump in the general election enthusiastically and Democrats turn out its base, this is all about, you know, independents, and independents don’t like Donald Trump."He explained that primaries tend to bring out the most hardcore, politically engaged voters. The fact that roughly half of them do not support Trump is ultimately a great sign for President Biden.
This is a shockingly similar POV as those taken by Democrats before Trump won in 2016. He won then in very large part because of who he was running against. Recent polls show Biden pretty upside down.

So both these guys have a pretty large pool of people that flat out don't like them full stop. If it really ends up with these two in the general (which actually isn't a certainty) Why would the "base" not turn out for Trump? Some like Trump. Some will vote R pretty much regardless. (that one goes to both parties) And there's a large swath that hate Biden every bit as much as a swath that hates Trump and both of those sides will vote accordingly.

Upshot is that take is myopic as hell and doesn't take into account that "not supporting Trump" in a primary in no way, shape or form necessarily correlates with voting for him in the general.
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Can I just say, in 2028, I desperately hope we have 2 candidates under the age of 60 running and they stand up and debate each other like civilized humans. Is that so much to ask? Probably.

Yes, it is too much to ask. Besides why do you care? You'll vote for who the DNC tells you to vote for, not that it will matter.
Can I just say, in 2028, I desperately hope we have 2 candidates under the age of 60 running and they stand up and debate each other like civilized humans. Is that so much to ask? Probably.

Unless the parties are not allowed to agree on debate formats and moderators, debates will still end up with lib hacks interrupting Republicans and not asking Democrats any questions about substance. Screw the debates until such time
Republicans against Trump


Judge Lewis Kaplan: “The fact that Mr. Trump sexually abused — indeed, raped — Ms. Carroll has been conclusively established.”

This quote should be on billboards and TV ads in every battleground state.

This is the guy that the family-values crowd and evangelicals wants to support? Oh, my! Disgraceful.
"Hyper-sexualized @ a young age. Was I molested? I think so. showers w/ my dad(probably not appropriate)."
Quote from Ashley Biden's diary

Occupy Democrats


BREAKING: Illinois' superstar Democratic Governor JB Pritzker enrages MAGA by revealing exactly how Donald Trump's "big" victory in the Iowa primary is actually terrible news for his 2024 campaign.If you ask us, Pritzker absolutely nailed it...

Speaking to MSNBC, the governor pointed out that the poll numbers out of Iowa indicate that many Republicans are not onboard with the idea of another Trump term."Almost half of the base of the Republican Party showing up for this caucus tonight voted against Donald Trump. Think about that," said Pritzker."I think that is telling," he went on. "It tells you the weakness of Donald Trump and also the opportunity for Democrats because in the end, look, if the base doesn’t turn out for Donald Trump in the general election enthusiastically and Democrats turn out its base, this is all about, you know, independents, and independents don’t like Donald Trump."He explained that primaries tend to bring out the most hardcore, politically engaged voters. The fact that roughly half of them do not support Trump is ultimately a great sign for President Biden.
Democrats before Iowa Caucus - If Trump doesn't get 50% of the vote then he is in trouble
Democrats after Iowa Caucus - Trump only got 52% of the vote so he is in trouble
Classic Political Spin when an opponent outperforms...........
Republicans against Trump


Judge Lewis Kaplan: “The fact that Mr. Trump sexually abused — indeed, raped — Ms. Carroll has been conclusively established.”

This quote should be on billboards and TV ads in every battleground state.

This is the guy that the family-values crowd and evangelicals wants to support? Oh, my! Disgraceful.

What presidential candidate do you think is clean?

And no, I'm not trying to make excuses or even show support for Trump.
That doesn't follow from what I wrote.

The only thing President Trump did was piss off snowflakes by calling out bs. What specific policies/decisions of his brought us into another war? Was it the tax cuts you despised? The closing of the border? Orange man bad has no substance.
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The only thing President Trump did was piss off snowflakes by calling out bs. What specific policies/decisions of his brought us into another war? Was it the tax cuts you despised? The closing of the border? Orange man bad has no substance.
The tax cuts for just the rich weren't good for the country. He didn't close the border. Him being a clown didn't help us at home or abroad.

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